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Not Super Robot Wars at All – Chapter 10

2021-09-14 01:39:42Publish Time: 3,175 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
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Translated by: WuWang

Edited by: anonymous, Azeroth-GT, Mavis

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Chapter 10: Lunar Orthopedics

Lunar First General Hospital, waiting room.

This is the best general hospital on the moon, among which the Department of Neurology and orthopedics are second to none in the whole world. It was here that Ade's genetic testing was carried out. Originally, he made an appointment with the attending doctor to pick up the physical examination report this afternoon, but his meeting with Clyne resulting in missing the meeting time here. The doctor is receiving other patients, and now he can only wait a little longer.

Ade and C.C. are sitting in the corner of the waiting room chatting in a low voice.

"Is there anything else to explain?" C. C. waved the picture in her hand, "I said that you didn't behave like a normal adolescent in front of me. Although you may not be psychologically, at least physically? Now I see. It's the interest here. "

This is one of the gifts Clyne gave Ade. There are two things in that beautifully packaged small box. One is the limited collection physical edition of Lacus' latest single "In the Field of Hope", and the other is the signature photo of Lacus that C.C. now holds.

This picture is different from the rest of Lacus's. Her dress in public has always been conservative, and so have all the videos and pictures she appeared in. In this photo, Lacus is wearing an obviously sexy swimsuit with a sweet smile on her face. Her hands are in the shape of "love" in front of her chest. The background looks like a private swimming pool somewhere. As Ade can imagine, this photo should be specially taken for this gift. Behind the photo is Lacus's autograph, "To Adrien Lingus, looking forward to meeting you. Lacus Clyne"。

"I didn't know Clyne would put this in it. Maybe he always thought I was a big fan of his daughter?" Ade pulled the photo out of C.C.'s hand. "You've been holding it. I haven't seen it carefully yet."

"Who knows if you pretend?" C. C. acts like she doesn't care, "According to my observation, you lock the door occasionally at night. Isn't this your main 'material'? Well, this picture is so suitable for you. You'll agree to Clyne's invitation anyway?"

"Do I look like a man who would be cheated by this trick?" Ade looked at the photos on his hands and said, "If I refuse Clyne again, I will only make him dislike me, and it doesn't hurt to promise him, let alone --"

"Well, you don't have to explain." C. C. looks at Ade teasingly, "Do you realize the way you look at the picture now?"

"What's wrong with my eyes?" Ade silently put the photos in his pocket, "But Clyne really paid a lot for this… I didn't expect his daughter will cooperate…"

"Paid a lot?" C. C. snorted, "For him, it's almost like paying nothing, isn't it? Only you think it's a price. As for his daughter, don't you know who she is?"

Ade didn't go on. C. C. is right. He never regarded Lacus as an innocent little girl. Whether it's her subtle influence for her father when she is engaged in idol activities, or her insistence in dealing with several public relations crises, he can't connect her with the image of an innocent girl. On the contrary, it's more appropriate to say that Lacus deserves to be the daughter of speaker Clyne.

"It would be nice to see his daughter." C. C. put away the sneer, "The experience of failure is good for people's growth. In some ways, you are too young."

"Nothing has started, but a failed emotional experience has been expected?"

"… If you… you won't… "

The voice of others came from around. After all, they are in a hospital. Will it be too noisy for others? I'd better pay attention.

"… Without you, mom and dad… would not… Your fault… You are the culprit…"

"…Big brother, stop!"

Is someone talking to me? Ade turns his head to look at the sound source. He sees a young man with black hair and red pupils gnashing his teeth, looking at him with hatred. The young man's right hand clenched and he looks like he wants to rush up and beat Ade. Sitting in the wheelchair beside him was a lovely young girl, with an expression that she was about to cry. She was holding the corner of the young man's clothes.

The inexplicable picture caused Ade's brain to go down for about three seconds, and then suddenly he realized something. "It's him?"

Today is the day to bring my sister to the hospital for reexamination.

More than four years have passed since the most tragic day in my life. After the initial pain had passed, the only thing in my mind was how to make my sister stand up again. I had no spare power to recall the sadness of losing my parents. My sister has lost so much more than myself. I'm afraid I don't want to live if I am her? So at least in front of my sister, I must be optimistic and give her hope to live.

Living after losing parents is difficult, and people can't just live. He can't stand his beloved sister lying in bed all her life, living a life where she has to be taken care of all the time. The quack doctor of Orb Union said, "I'm afraid there's nothing we can do at the moment. We've tried our best. Even the help of the best doctor and the front-end technology from a country like Orb Union didn't prove anything. But if you bring her to the Lunar First General Hospital on Moon, there's might be a way. Perhaps they could make your sister walks again."

With all his family's savings and Orb Union's pension, he took his sister to Copernicus, the capital of the moon. It could be said the moon's orthopedics department is the most outstanding in their treatment. After more than four years of treatment, his sister's legs have gradually regained their senses. The doctor said that if they continue to insist on treatment, his sister will have the hope to stand up in the next two years. He will never forget that night when he helped his sister with leg rehabilitation as usual, her sister suddenly said it was itchy, they hugged each other and wept.

But the moon is not a warm place. The cost of treatment for the younger sister is astronomical. And since they are not Lunarian, they cannot enjoy medical insurance. The price to stay there was not cheap. Even the price of renting a small one-room house per month almost made him staggering. He tried to be strict with money, but he still had to consider that his sister have enough nutrition. The thought of that had made his head hurt. Money. He needs money.

As a migrant and a teenager without his parents' guarantees, it is difficult for him to find a stable job. After struggling for a long time, he chose to enter the military academy. Only military academies do not pay tuition fees but pay wages. Only when he graduates from the military academy and joins the lunar army can he obtain Lunarian citizenship. The top few students in each semester can also get high scholarships. After graduation, he can register for permanent residence on the moon and enjoy medical insurance, and his sister can live a happy life at that time.

"Brother, you don't have to worry about me. I'm satisfied with my current life. You don't have to force yourself to enroll in the military academy." His sister said to him, "On the contrary, I think this is very good since I can stay with you all the time~" she might be said that, but these words are just for comforting herself.

Fortunately, not only did he successfully pass the entrance test of the military academy he also got first place every semester. Relying on the salary and scholarship of military students, he succeeded to have his sister continue with her treatment course. Now that he has graduated, and by next month he will enter the army. He only has to endure it for another month, and he will be able to obtain medical insurance for his sister. The salary that he gets from the military might not that high, but it could support both of them and move to another house to let her sister have her own room.

She is 14 this year, and he is already an adult. They begin to feel embarrassed about some things. After all, they are no longer children.

In general, everything is developing in the direction of happiness. He almost forgot what hatred was. Until today, this man appeared in front of him.

He remembered that terrible afternoon again. The stumps of his parents, the screams of his sister, and his own tears. The terror robot named Gundam runs, destroys and ravages his life. Is this man the father of Gundam? I will never forget the face I saw on the news.

"If only you do not exist, that tragedy wouldn't have happened... Mom and dad wouldn't have died… Mayu won't lose her legs either… " He could not help holding his right hand tightly and walking towards the man, "It's all your fault… because of you they…"

"…Big brother, stop!"

His sister pulled him behind. Blinded by his anger, he didn't see the crying expression on his sister's face.

Ade soon realized who this person was. But why is Shinn Asuka on the moon? Why is his sister Mayu in a wheelchair? Why does he have a bitter look on his face? By the way, the orthopedics department of this hospital is very famous. Sister Asuka is in a wheelchair. Is brother Asuka here to accompany her to see a doctor?

The body in his memory, who lost everything, was driven by hatred, but could not even find the object of revenge was subtly overlapped with the young man in front of him. Looking at the girl in the wheelchair, Ade couldn't help whispering, "Your sister is crying."

As if awakened by some magic words, Asuka suddenly turned around and saw Mayu's sobbing face. He suddenly realized that he had done the most unforgivable thing in the world. He was as nervous as an adolescent boy who dated a girl for the first time. He didn't know what to do, "Sorry, Mayu, I… I'm sorry! But He… I…"

"It's OK, brother. Don't apologize." Mayu couldn't help but smile when she saw her brother's appearance. Although the smile was still a little bit reluctant, "It's just that your appearance was too terrible. Please don't be like that…"

"But Mayu, you don't know, this man is --"

"I know, brother. But he is a big man on the moon. Let's us go, shall we?" Mayu looked at Ade and said, "Mr. Lingus, I'm sorry, my brother didn't mean to offend you. Please forgive him. Please."

"I don't know what's going on," C.C. whispered in Ade's ear, "but you seem to be taken as a villain."

Ade suddenly saw the deep memory of "should have". Looking at the brother and sister, he understands they must have suffered a lot, struggled hard, and finally touched the outline of happiness. Uncontrollably, unknowingly, arrogantly, and hypocritically, he feels cured.

"Little sister, your name is Mayu, right?" Ade ignored C.C. and went straight to them, looking at Shinn Asuka who reflexively blocked in front of his sister, "Don't be afraid. I don't hate you. I don't even know what happened. Can you tell me your name, young man?"

"… Shinn Asuka. This is my sister, Mayu Asuka. "

"Shinn and Mayu, right?" Ade tried his best to smile out of his kindness. "Shinn, I don't know what hatred you have for me, but I hope to have a good chat with you. After all, this is a hospital, not a place to talk. Let's change to a quiet place. Is your examination over?"

"… It's over. "

"Can you wait for me? Mine will be over soon. I'm just here to get the medical report. "

"That…" The other party's sudden kindness really made him feel at a loss. Shinn Asuka subconsciously looked at his sister, "Mayu?"

"Trust him, brother." Mayu is calmer than her brother. "I don't think Mr. Lingus looks like a bad guy."

"That's settled. Let's go to my house later." Ade left them and turned back to his seat.

"You look abnormal today." C.C. looking at him thoughtfully, "It's not like something you would do. Why did you invite them directly to your home? If I remember right, it's the first time you've brought guests home. Have you taken a fancy to the girl?"

"I…" Ade found that his poor vocabulary can not find the right language to describe the feeling at the moment, "just suddenly feels like wanting to do some good deeds…"

Shinn Asuka

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