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Not Super Robot Wars at All – Chapter 182

2022-03-06 11:40:00Publish Time: 861 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
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Translated by: WuWang

Edited by: senpaikazi

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Chapter 182: Mizu no Akashi

It is well known that angels are the children of Adam, while human beings (Lilin) are the children of Lillith. Humans, unlike angels, didn't maintain the posture as one powerful being, but split into countless individuals. The AT field also split into countless parts that could barely maintain each individual's own existence.

Even so, the weaker humans still instinctively desire to break away from Lilith's bondage and instinctively desire to ascend to a higher form of life. In the long history of human evolution, there have been countless mutations. The wrong evolutionary directions have been eliminated by time, only one has remained, and that is NewType.

NewType can communicate across the barrier of human hearts, NewType can bring together weak souls to fight against the powerful, and the essence of such behavior is to usurp the Creator, the god of mankind, Lilith's authority. In other words, the NewTypes are a group of people who steal the god's divine power at the expense of their absolute independence.

So what exactly is the AT field?

The AT field is a quantum wall that maintains the basic form of life. Inside the wall is a lonely and pathetic soul, and outside the wall is a cold and cruel world, and the wall itself has no boundary, no thickness, and extends all the way to quantum space. The soul inside the wall can never touch other souls, or even the world itself, and when life dies, the soul would go along the wall to quantum space.

The AT field actually doesn't have any defensive power, it just transfers the energy poured into the wall to quantum space.

So what exactly is NT sense?

From the NT that can communicate with each other, and can even ignore the angel's AT field, it seems that the so-called NT sense is actually quantum waves that is opposite to AT field. In layman's terms, the brain quantum wave emitted by NewType is the anti-AT field, something that is the opposite of the AT field in form but exactly the same in essence.

As a matter of course, NT's sense is also connected to the quantum space, also known as the Dirac Sea, and the brain quantum waves generated by the NewTypes could draw energy from the quantum space, and the energy would come to the material world as GN particles, and when the concentration of the particles is high enough, it will produce a qualitative change and form crystals, commonly called as Chulip crystal.

Therefore, Ramiel's terrible particle beams are not generated by itself, but borrowed from the quantum space. The crystallized Banshee also didn't block the particle beams, but just sent the energy back to the quantum space. At that time, with the Chulip crystal connected to the material world on one end and quantum space on the other, Banshee was undoubtedly an angel with the form of a MS.

However, although the NewType's NT sense is powerful, it's still very weak compared to its own AT field. The reason why Amuro can defeat the angel before was relying on his special NT properties rather than his soul strength. But there are always exceptions, for example, if a NewType's NT sense's strength exceeds the strength of his own AT field, he will be comically neutralized by his own anti-AT field.

The above is the truth about AT field and NT sense, and the reason why Ade is about to meltdown.

"So my NT ability being disabled was actually some kind of self-rescue act done by the body's self-protection mechanism. However, after Kamille turned on NT-D and resonated with me, my NT sense was strengthed again, and my body's self-protection mechanism couldn't protect myself anymore." Ade smiled at C.C., "Looks like you saved me once again."

"I don't want to be thanked by you at all!" C.C. held his soft, boneless hand and couldn't stop the tears from falling down, "There's no way, you say? You're so smart and have seen through all of the truth, so there must be a way, right?"

"Knowing the question is not the same as knowing the answer, nothing feasible solution comes to mind for now." Ade looked up, "Anyway, I have left Gibraltar to Bright, and I also explained it to Loran; Char's disappearance has not been characterized; but I have had a speculation about the next place angels are going to attack, it should be —"

"I don't mind the angels at all! What's the point of saving the world if you're not there?" Ange cried and interrupted him in a loud voice, "What? Are you giving your last words? Do you want me to call everyone over for you to instruct one by one?"

"I don't want to die yet at all." Ade smiled bitterly and lowered his head, "I just thought that since I couldn't think of a way to survive, I can at least do what I can do now. The absolute right choice doesn't exist, we can only be ourselves."

"Because your NT ability is too strong, you will be neutralized by yourself… how can there be such a thing …" Ange hammered down the table angrily, "It's too much! This kind of world is too much!"

"But I have finally figured out the entire world setting! I'm very satisfied now." Ade laughed soothingly, "Once thinking of this, even if I die now—"

"Shut up!" C.C. covered his mouth, "You are not allowed to say such things!"

"Ade, Ade." Alice shouted in his head, "Can I understand it this way, NT sense is data, AT field is the server. Your NT data is too large that it almost burst the server? If the server crashes, Ade will turn into a pile of scattered data chaos, or LCL as you call it."

"You already know how to make metaphors?" Ade looked surprised, "It's a bit subtly different, but it's almost understandable that way."

"Got it, leave it to me." Miss Music Player said firmly, "Alice will definitely save Ade, Alice will definitely let Ade continue to maintain himself. Ade, wait here, Alice will come back as soon as possible."

After saying that, Alice's voice disappeared, no matter how Ade called her, she didn't answer, as if she was no longer here.

"There's no time to waste." C.C. reluctantly let go of his hand and stood up, "I will go to find Lilith. There must be a way, have faith in yourself. I will find a way."

"Hmm." Ade smiled at her and nodded, "Even if I have no confidence in myself, I have confidence in you."

C.C. leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his lips as tears slid down her cheeks, "I love you, wait for me."

"Come on, don't be silly, you will have enough time to kiss him after Ade is recovered?" Ange impatiently pulled C.C. up and rightfully replied against her stunned gaze, "What are you looking at? I'm definitely going with you, is there any faster way of transportation than Villkiss?"

C.C. shook her head dumbly.

"That's fine. So we'll leave right now, or do you want to change into something nice and put on some makeup and organize your bag?" Ange quickly kissed Ade's face, dragging the bewildered C.C. towards the door, "We have to fight for time, fight for time, do you understand?"

Two people came to the entrance, changed shoes, and then quickly left the house.

At this time, Mineva was playing in Ple's home, Momoka went out to pick her up, only Ade and Lacus left in the living room. Ade planned to talk to Mineva alone in the evening, so he didn't let her come back in advance.

Lacus silently watched all of this, only to feel as if her heart was being cut by a knife.

"Isn't this what you want? Aren't you happy that he's about to become LCL?" A voice rang out in her heart, "How fun is the game of self-destruction, now you know how heartbroken you are?!"

"No, it's not!" She unconsciously argued, "I just want to, just want to … I also don't want to become like this, I had no way…"

"But it is possible to decide for oneself what one will become." Kamille looked at her with a sad face, "Why say such things? It's all an excuse for a cunning adult, right?"

"Look at you, what a shame, Lacus." Another voice kept sneering, "Even Kamille is qualified to teach you a lesson, is that even considered Siegel Klein's daughter?"

"I …" She looked at his smiling, gentle, fearless side face. Courage that came from nowhere slowly rose in the bottom of her heart. If it's now, if I reach out my hands to him now, maybe… "Ade, I—"

"君の姿は~仆に似ている~同じ世界を見てる、君がいる事って~"—Ade's cell phone suddenly rang.

Ade looked at the caller ID, gave her an apologetic smile, picked up the phone, and pressed the call button, "Hello?"

"I'm at your door, hurry up and come out, it's about your body." Loran said quickly, "There's no time to explain, give me your DNA."

Ade answered yes, hung up the phone, and got up. He said to Lacus, "Loran has something urgent for me, it's about my current situation, we'll talk more about it when I come back, will we?"

"That's okay." Lacus made an expression as if nothing had happened, "Just go ahead."

It wasn't until she confirmed that he had left that Lacus leaned back helplessly on the couch, staring blankly at the empty ceiling. She knew that Loran knew a lot of secrets and probably found some countermeasures, she knew that her importance in his heart was not lower than Loran, only that… the courage she had just managed to muster had disappeared without a trace again, that's all.

"It's almost like a TV drama. …" she murmured, "I remember C.C. likes to watch this kind of drama, right? But acting it myself is… not interesting at all…"

The dry laughter hovered in the empty living room, not knowing whether it was a sarcastic reference to the malicious world or a mockery of her courageless self.

Loran sat on his knees in front of Aeolia. His forehead hit the floor with a muffled thud.

"Stand up." Aeolia turned his face sideways, "We have known each other for so long after all, and I don't want to see you like this."

"I won't get up until you promise me." Loran lifted his head to look at him with a firm gaze and lowered his head once again, "Doctor, I don't know what it will take to make you willing to help me, it's the only way to do it."

"When you betrayed me for him, you smiled so happily. Now you're doing this when you have something to ask me? Is he that important?" Aeolia looked at the somewhat unfamiliar Loran in front of him and sighed sorrowfully, "Get up, give me the body cell sample."

"I won't get up until you are willing to help…" Loran suddenly came to his senses and raised his neck up with an ecstatic expression, "You agreed to help me??"

"Although he and I have chosen different paths, the destination is the same." Aeolia lamented, "At our level, it's normal to have academic disagreements and argue. But this is all out of a thirst for truth, definitely not some hatred. Stop gawking and go get me a sample of his cell."

"I have it!" Loran stood up and carefully took a sealed test tube from his inside jacket pocket, "Doctor, is this okay?"

Aeolia took the sealed test tube and nodded casually, turned around and walked to the test bench, "The somatic cells were just taken, right?"

Loran blushed and said "hmm" in an inaudible voice. Aeolia sighed, shook his head, opened the small cooler, and took out another sealed test tube to start working on it.

As the father of Coordinator, Aeolia in the genetic attainment is the best master. It's easy as a pie to him to clone somatic cells.

At least that's what Loran thought, until he saw a frown appear between Dr. Aeolia's eyebrows.

"The reconstituted embryonic cells are disintegrating, that's not the point, the point is that I can't find the reason." Aeolia's brow shut tightly, and his five fingers lightly tapped the ground table, "Could it be that his genetic genes have some special nature, so it has a conflict with the receptor?"

"Dr. …" Loran gritted his teeth and said, "If the somatic cells don't work, can embryonic cells?"

Aeolia turned his head dumbfounded, "…do you have it?"

Loran took a sealed test tube from the inside pocket of his other jacket and handed it to Aeolia with a shudder. Aeolia took it and was silent for a moment, then slowly spoke, "I don't think it's deactivated, so it looks like you remembered everything I taught you."

Loran lowered his head and his expression was completely invisible.

Aeolia didn't say anything more and turned around to start operating. After a long time, he put down the equipment and let out a long breath, saying breathlessly, "Lingus' cells would disintegrate without warning in the experimental environment, and cloning could not be carried out. I don't understand the reason. If there must be an explanation, probably his creator has done some kind of restriction."

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