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Not Super Robot Wars at All – Chapter 180

2022-03-03 23:45:00Publish Time: 883 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
A+ A- Light Off

Translated by: WuWang

Edited by: anonymous

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Chapter 180: Transcendent Moment

The fleet participating in the military exercise had departed hours ago, and Lacus had held the pose of resting her middle finger on the Enter key for a full five minutes.

"What am I hesitating for?" She sighed softly, "He just slightly become more gentle to me, and I can't help but think that it's good to go on like this… Lacus, your Stockholm syndrome has entered the late stage. "

The data disk containing the Laplace program was connected to the computer, and the computer was connected to the network of the Gibraltar base, and with a slight movement of her fingertip, she could take another big step towards the final goal. It couldn't be simpler, but for some reason, it just wouldn't work.

The plan had gone well so far, and Kamille's refusal to join the army had been a surprise, so even if Char was not being killed, she would have countless follow-up plans. Ade will not be targeted by angels since he had lost his NT ability, the AT field plus the fruit of life makes him fine as long as he is not directly hit by a nuclear bomb, and Alice can ensure that he will be easily searched and rescued afterward.

"But why?" Lacus's wrist trembled gently, "The thought that he would be injured is so heartbreaking that I can't breathe. "

"You're so silly and cute." Another voice whispered devilishly in her mind, "Does his heart ache when you get hurt? Does he care about your heartache when he was making love with Ange? As long as everyone remains an individual, they will never be able to avoid being selfish and can't understand each other, and you can't even prove whether he loves you."

She knew that these were all hallucinations, illusions, excuses to make herself feel better, but humans can only plug their ears, not their hearts.

"Ade, please." She closed her eyes and pressed down her middle finger, "Come on and stop me …"

A large "La+" symbol appeared on the screen in an instant, immediately after it was a string of coordinates, and with Lacus's vast knowledge, she could see at a glance the location represented by the coordinates.

"This answer … is really too logical." Lacus smoothly shut down the program, pull out the data disk, "Ade should be able to guess it, right? Please, you can guess it."

After closing the computer, Lacus got up, washed her face, and fixed her makeup. After sitting in place for a while, she felt the air inside was too oppressive and stuffy and decided to go for a walk. She was a guest in Gibraltar and had been assigned an area of activity, but she was also Lingus' legal wife, so she still had a certain degree of freedom.

Walking for a while, Lacus saw Kamille leaning on the railing. Seeing her, Kamille stood up and greeted, "Mrs. Lingus."

Lacus stopped and nodded to Kamille. As a married woman, it was inappropriate for her to initiate a conversation with a single man, so she looked at Kamille quietly and waited for him to speak.

Kamille was young after all. Under Lacus's rather vigorous gaze, he scratched his cheeks and looked away in embarrassment, "Well, Mrs. Lingus, I was thinking about Mr. Quattro."

Lacus raised her arm on the railing and cast her eyes into the distance. The sea breeze blew and lifted her long, pretty pink hair slightly.

"I've been wondering for the past few days why Quattro-san is talking more and more like Scirocco." Kamille also seemed to have found someone to confide in and spoke on naturally, "Is it that power must corrupt people, is it that Scirocco might have been a good person before, or something like that, and then I went and asked Brother Shinn and grandpa."

"What did they say?" Lacus asked without looking at him, seemingly distracted.

"Grandpa said he was scared of the Doctor back then." Kamille said and laughed, "He said that the Doctor was clearly a human, but inside, it was as if he was some kind of different species. However, the Doctor now is becoming more and more human-like, which makes him feel happy. Brother Shinn also said something similar, that although the Doctor always looks the same to outsiders, in fact, his inner stance has been shifting."

"Ade has said that he and Char are very much alike." Lacus said languidly, "But that's wrong, he doesn't really know himself at all. The truth is the opposite, he and Char are two completely opposing types."

"Well, that's what I thought." Kamille said with a somewhat complicated expression, "Actually, Mr. Quattro is the complete opposite of the Doctor, his position has never changed."

"Yes, it has never changed." Lacus said calmly, "Char's only position is his own, only do what he thinks is right, no matter how stupid that thing seems to be, he will not notice. Friend or enemy, relative or lover, it's the same to him."

"He can be our enemy, but also can immediately become a friendly partner if an enemy appears." Kamille said perceptively, "I … don't want to become such an adult."

"But what people will become …" Lacus fiddled with her hairpin unconsciously, "… can't be decided by themselves. "

"You're not right, ma'am." Kamille couldn't help but raise his volume, "I'm going to become as good as Brother Shinn and impress grandpa and the Doctor, and definitely not turn into a jerk like Char. It's not up to anyone but myself to decide that!"

"It's good to have ideals, I know, but some things really …" Lacus whispered, "Think about yourself, joined TITANS unbidden and defected after that. Joined Celestial Being and somehow ended up in it. You have thought about changing, right? You have wanted to struggle, right? But in the end, you fell into the mire of character and fate, unable to escape and unable to resist."

"Why do you say such things?" Kamille asked back with intense emotion, "These are all excuses for the cunning adults, right!"

"Is that so?" Lacus showed an expression of dawning realization, "So I've become a cunning adult too."

Kamille was about to continue his retort when he suddenly heard someone seemingly calling his name. After a while, Emma ran up to him, panting, and yelled angrily, "Kamille! Why don't you turn on your phone? What are you thinking about?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, Captain Emma." Kamille scowled awkwardly, "What can I do for you?"

"Mrs. Lingus, you are just in time too." Emma nodded to Lacus in greeting, "The angel has suddenly appeared and is moving towards this base. Just in case, please take refuge in advance."

"That monster?" Kamille hurriedly asked, "Where's the Doctor?"

"Angel is following closely, Dr. Lingus has not yet reached a safe distance, we will use the nuke as soon as we have pulled away enough." Emma said impatiently, "Kamille, this is not your concern, hurry up and take refuge!"

"Isn't the Doctor just being haunted by the angel and can't get rid of it?!" Kamille shouted, "Captain Emma, let me pilot Banshee out to pick up the Doctor!"

"You're not a soldier now, you're a civilian." Emma glared at him, "Figure out what you're talking about."

"I'm very clear." Kamille clenched both hands into fists, "I'm an NT, Banshee is an NT-only machine, the angel showed up, and the Doctor is in danger, isn't that enough? Besides, using NT against the angel was originally Mr. Quattro's original plan, right?"

"Kamille…" Emma's expression became serious.

"At first, I didn't want to join TITANS at all, and Scirocco forced me to join. Now I want to help by my own will, is it not okay instead? That's too funny!" Kamille stared at Emma, "I repeat, I'm going to fight!"

"Banshee is an army asset that you are not authorized to use, unless …" Emma sighed, "I approve."

Kamille froze before responding and called out in surprise, "Captain Emma!"

"Don't get attached, don't be a hero, we'll use the nukes, pick up Dr. Lingus and hurry back." Emma said helplessly, "You are already an adult, you have to do what you say, you are responsible for your own life."

"Yes!" Kamille bowed towards Emma with a smile on his face, turned to Lacus and said squarely, "I don't know what's going on, please have a good talk with the Doctor after I pick him up. I just want to tell you that it is up to me to decide what I will become."

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