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Not Super Robot Wars at All – Chapter 171

2022-02-21 23:35:00Publish Time: 921 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
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Translated by: WuWang

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Chapter 171: Forgive Me

"Ohhhhhhhhhh, so cute!" Ange said with excitement, "Ade, Ade, can we keep one?"

"No." Ade said with an expressionless face, "It's a protected animal, not allowed to be bought and sold nor adopted by individuals."

"Your name exists for this moment, what kind of great Dr. Lingus is it if you can't even handle this little thing?" Ange forcefully clenched her fist with a confident look, "Ade, you can do it!"

"No means no, don't give trouble." Ade touched Mineva's head. The young girl enjoyed it and narrowed her eyes, "Look at Mineva, you are already even worse than an elementary school student."

"But I really like it, there are such ~ so cute creatures in the world!" Ange held Ade's other arm with both hands and swayed it back and forth, "Please, think of a way, okay?"

"Dr. Lingus, if you really need it, Missy can try to get one for you." Hong Long, who had been following behind, stepped forward and whispered, "With Missy's skills and the Wang family's power, you don't have to worry about any extra trouble."

"She's joking, you mustn't take it seriously." Ade shook off Ange's hand and answered with an apologetic look, "I appreciate your kindness, but what kind of normal person has a panda in their home?"

Ange unhappily pouted, Momoka covered her mouth to laugh, C. C. glanced at Ange speechlessly and rolled her eyes to the sky, and Lacus put on a smile on her face from the beginning to the end.

Right now, the Lingus family was traveling in a panda nature reserve. The nature reserve was chartered by Wang Liu Mei. The price is very expensive, but it does not matter, the key is through this kind of intercourse, he can gain Wang Liu Mei's good feeling, and the other party must also cherish the friendship from the moon.

Mineva had been raised and brought around by Haman since childhood, and after being adopted by the Lingus family, she had been staying on the moon. To reward Mineva for being first in her class in her final exams, Ade decided to take the family on a trip during the summer vacation.

"Ahhhhhhhh, I want to raise pandas so badly." Ange was still screaming, "They're really so cute and adorable."

"Take a step back, even if we did take a panda home." Hearing Ade says that Ange's spirits lifted, "You'd only raise them for a month at most, no, half a month at most, and then you will throw it to Momoka to take care of it."

Ange thought it over and realized she probably couldn't refute it, so she turned her face away while Ade was out of sight and flew her tongue out.

"Uncle Ade." Mineva stretched out her soft little hand and took Ade's big strong hand, pointing to a one-meter-tall panda that was lazily sunbathing in front of her and asked, "Can I take a picture with that Mr. Panda?"

"That one is too big. Don't be cheated by their cute appearance, pandas are actually omnivorous animals with claws and sharp teeth. I remember that there is a place where we can take photos with the baby pandas, we can…" Ade hesitated and was defeated by Mineva's watery big eyes, "Forget it, wait here, I will go to ask for you. "

"Both of us are daughters, how come the difference in treatment is so big?" Ange muttered in a voice that only she could hear, "A real daughter is not as good as a goddaughter, there is no justice."

Hong Long was accompanied all the time by a man who claimed to be a breeder and looked to be in his sixties. Ade seriously suspected Wang Liu Mei of swapping out the breeder and getting the retired breeder here to accompany them, who surprisingly did not even know the former superstar, Lacus. He held up Mineva to the breeder and spoke Chinese directly, "Hello, can my girl take a picture with that panda over there?"

The old breeder took a look at Hong Long, and after receiving the signal, he said nonchalantly, "No problem, this panda is very docile, and now it is taking a nap. Just listen to my arrangement, it will not hurt your child."

"The old grandpa says it's okay, but you must listen to his orders." Ade squeezed Mineva's little hand, "Say 'XieXie'."

"XieXie!(Thank you!)" said Mineva in a delicate voice.

"You're welcome, your girl is really good-looking." The old breeder was also amused by Mineva's Chinese, "Young man, you are good at Chinese."

"You are too kind." Ade and Mineva followed the old breeder towards the panda and casually asked, "Grandpa, are you a native of Sichuan? Are you rehired?"

"It's true that I'm rehired, but you understand my accent?" The old breeder looked very surprised, "As a foreigner, your Chinese is very good. I thought it was some rich idiot who wanted to show off his money, I didn't expect you to be so lettered."

Ade laughed and did not say anything. His smile was a bit complicated.

Not long after, the old breeder greeted Mineva up. The little girl jumped and ran to the panda with a bright smile on her face. The usual Mineva will always subconsciously imitate the appearance of adults, only at this moment, she behaved like a real elementary school student. Ade suddenly felt that even if it was just to see the little girl's smile at this moment, it was worth the trouble to go out this time.

The panda was still lying motionless taking a nap, and Mineva was just standing in front of it. Ade stood together with her, letting Momoka take a few pictures for them, and then came up to Ange and whispered, "I'll take a few pictures for you, Go there. Look, I didn't treat you differently."

"You heard that?" Ange blushed with shame, "Nasty!"

Ange said and walked fast to the panda. When Ade was about to take a picture, the panda seemed to be awake. It suddenly stood up, was surprised by Ange who was standing in front of it, raised its paws with a gesture to pounce at her. Ange viciously glared back, full of murderous aura. The panda instantly shivered and meekly shrunk into a ball.

After taking the picture, Ade patted his cheat and said fearfully, "There was a moment that I thought we were going to be the first tourists to beat the panda to death, Friday."

"Ange, not Friday!" Friday protested disgruntledly, "And, you're too much! The panda is so cute, how could I beat it to death?"

Ade ignored her protest and turned to look at the other one, "C.C., one for you too?"

"I'm not a child." C.C. gave him a blank stare, "I'm more interested in shopping than animals, looking at pandas isn't as interesting as buying clothes."

"What kind of strange logic is that? It's a rare visit to a foreign country, you should admire the scenery, right?" Ange involuntarily raised her voice, "Shopping is just buying, buying, and buying, what's the point of that?"

Hong Long immediately noticed that the atmosphere suddenly became strange. He hurriedly pulled the staff members to hide far away, pretending to have fun with the pandas, without even looking at them.

"Although pandas are very cute, I also prefer shopping." Lacus gave a soft laugh, "It's rare to come abroad, Ade, can you trouble Miss Wang to arrange it? It's really a woman's nature to go to the mall and buy."

"Are you saying I'm not a woman?" Ange patted her cheat, "I want to see the sights anyway, shopping is no fun. Ade, what do you think of the arrangements behind? Should we continue to see the sights or buy things?"

"It's only been less than twenty-four hours of peace and quiet, and here they are again, definitely a bad decision to go out with the whole family." Ade sighed tiredly in his heart and steeled himself, "There's definitely time for shopping later, but this trip is mainly a reward for Mineva, Mineva, what do you want to do?"

"I want to see the sights!" The little girl answered immediately, "Uncle Ade, I want a hug!"

"Then let's see the sights." Ade picked up Mineva and gave her a kiss on her red cheeks, "We'll go to Jiuzhaigou the day after tomorrow."

"Mmmmmm!" The little girl smiled and glanced at the two aunts and also gave a kiss on Ade's face, "Uncle Ade is the best!"

"Alice, can you hear me?" Ade said in his head, "Play some music, the kind that relieves stress and soothes the spirit."

"Okay, Ade." Alice played a soft violin concerto in his head, "Are you doing this to yourself? Do we have to keep adding people to the family? Alice thought it would be fine to have only the fool Ange."

"I'm just making a fool of myself." He listened to the music and breathed a sigh of relief, "Give me a break, if there are more women, I will take the initiative to kill myself before C.C. does it. But the few here now, no matter what happens, I won't let any of them go. In case one day I will see old Yang Wen-li again, I can sneer at him. Isn't that good?"

In the evening back to the hotel, Lacus, Ange, and C.C. went to rest, and Ade took Alice out. These days, he slept with Mineva every night, perfectly solving the most complicated problems. The little girl was also very cooperative with him. As long as someone tried to break the balance, she would be crying and asking to sleep with Uncle Ade. Mineva was so sweet that Ade couldn't help but secretly give her more pocket money.

Coming to the conference room on the top floor of the hotel, Wang Liu Mei was already waiting inside alone. Seeing Ade come in, Wang Liu Mei took the initiative to stand up and extend her hand, "Good evening, Dr. Lingus, my brother didn't give you any trouble, did he?"

"Let's speak in Chinese. Mr. Wang is a very nice man." Ade touched hands with her slightly, made a gesture of invitation, and took the initiative to sit down himself, "Time waits for no one, let's start directly?"

"I thought scholars were all patient people, I never thought Dr. Lingus was so monkeyish?" Wang Liu Mei sat down, stretching her long legs, "But Dr. Lingus is naturally not an ordinary scholar."

Knowing her intention, Ade's eyes didn't move to her legs at all, "You don't need to beat around the bush, Miss Wang, I will certainly keep my promise. Just let me know, what do you want?"

"It's so comfortable to talk to smart people." Wang Liu Mei coughed, and her face imperceptibly flushed slightly, "I've been forced by the old people in my family to join in marriage, and I hope you can help me find a way to refuse it. I know it's hard, but I'm the same age as you, already twenty-two, and the pressure from the family is so great that I'm really desperate to—"

"No problem." Ade nodded readily, "Leave it to me."

"Hmm?" Wang Liu Mei froze, not expecting him to agree so readily, "You didn't even ask who the marriage partner was?"

"Does it make a difference to me?" Ade said indifferently, "Then I'll begrudgingly ask, who is it?"

"Alberto Vist, the eldest son of Cardeas Vist, president of Vist consortium, now twenty-five years old, and a Senator in the Federation like me." Wang Liu Mei showed an expression of disgust, "Fat, ugly and useless, being the eldest son, he is not as favored as the second son, Banagher, and has no merit except that he has a rich daddy. I think he will be disinherited sooner or later, the old people's vision is really bad."

Ade looked at the fair-skinned and well-groomed Wang Liu Mei in front of him, thought of the big-bellied Alberto Vist, and had a bad chill, "Don't worry, I will help you break up this marriage."

"Although I do not know how you will do, since it's you who said it, it's inexplicably convincing." Wang Liu Mei was relieved and her whole person relaxed a lot, stretched his long legs again, and put a smile on his face, "I believe in your character, Dr. Lingus."

"Look at me, as a married person, going out with a bunch of women. What good character do I have?" Ade shook his head mockingly, controlling his eyes from wandering down, "It's getting late, shall we begin?"

"Your call." Wang Liu Mei smiled as she turned on the device, "Do we need to keep the fact that we're together a secret?"

"There's no need, my schedule is semi-public." Ade also opened his own device to join the teleconference, directly interrupting Char who was saying something, "Sorry for being late, the meeting isn't over yet, is it?"

The crowd at the Federation council was in an uproar.

Since they first summoned Ade to the hearing, several "Criticism Sessions of Adrien Lingus" had been conducted, and Ade did not attend once. In the past, they also held many criticism sessions of Scirocco, and Scirocco never bothered to pay attention to them, ignoring all the decisions from them.

"I have an important announcement to make, please ask the staff to inform the people who don't come to join this hearing open remotely." Ade continued, "I'll start in three minutes, Mr. Quattro, or do you want to continue?"

"Lingus, what do you take the sacred Federation Council for?" A pudgy Senator shouted at the Ade on the screen, "It's too presumptuous!"

"Alberto Vist? Is that how Cardeas taught you to talk to me?" Ade didn't have the slightest good feeling to this group of loser Senators who only know to waste taxpayers' money, "My time is precious, I do not have the energy to waste on garbage."

"Lingus, you're too much!" Alberto slapped the table, "Who are you calling garbage?"

"No, don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about you. I mean everyone here…" Ade paused and looked around the room, "is garbage."

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