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Not Super Robot Wars at All – Chapter 170 Part 2

2022-02-20 11:40:00Publish Time: 949 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
A+ A- Light Off

Translated by: WuWang

Edited by:

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At four o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, Dr. Lingus' office.

Ade was writing and drawing on the electronic screen with a pen in his hand. A piece of soft music was playing in his head, and the doll-sized Alice was lying quietly on his head.

The ELS's attack was like a frightening nightmare, everything was back on track after dawn, and life was full and hopeful again — except when he went out early in the morning, Ange was talking to the maid lady in tears, "Ade would rather jerk off than touch me last night, Momoka, I, I don't know what to do…"

"It's done, you can come down now, and pause the music." Ade put down his pen and stretched as Alice jumped over his head onto the table in front of him, "This morning is not an appropriate time, I'll introduce your presence to everyone when we get home tonight."

"Sure." Miss Music Player resumed her duck sitting, "It doesn't matter to Alice."

"By the way, there's a question I've been meaning to ask for a while." Ade said curiously, "Since the early morning until now, you are either sitting or lying on your back, why do not stand up?"

"Because maintaining balance is a difficult thing, and Alice just got the body, Alice still hasn't learned it yet." Miss Music Player said with a straight face, "It's most important to transport the rest of my body back to the moon first, so I'll practice slowly later if I have the chance."

As she was saying, the office door was suddenly pushed open. Ayanami Rei in a white coat expressionlessly walked in, and Alice immediately stopped moving, pretending to be a doll.

"Did I come at the wrong time, Ade?" Ayanami Rei looked at the beautiful doll on the table, "Do you need me to leave?"

"That's okay, I'm just about done." Ade pretended to be calm as he grabbed Alice and put her aside, "It would be better if you could knock next time."

"You said last time that I didn't have to knock if there was something important." Ayanami Rei showed a slightly confused expression, "The statement is in conflict. Does this prevail?"

"The last time prevails." Ayanami Rei was still recovering, Ade thought that out of the blue is not good for her personality development, so he said that, "By the way, this is just a doll, don't think too much."

"She is alive, it's just that her brain quantum waves are hard to detect." Ayanami Rei calmly locked eyes with him, "I won't think too much about it, Ade."

"… This thing is more complicated, I'll explain to you later." Ade rubbed his temples, "What's wrong?"

"Someone is looking for you, right at the door." Ayanami Rei asked, "Should I let him in?"

"No need to ask, Yui, he won't refuse me." Kaworu Nagisa appeared in the doorway with a smile on his face, "Am I right?"

"Thank you, Rei, I'll talk to him alone for a moment." Ade nodded to the young girl, who turned around and left the office, and casually closed the door.

"It's really … for you to be so retarded after losing your NT ability," Kaworu Nagisa pulled a chair and sat down opposite Ade, shaking his head with a smile, "By the way. 'Retarded' is a double entendre, and there's another thing it refers to that you can guess."

"I'm not gay. I don't guess"

"I object to your prejudice that love knows no race or gender." Kaworu Nagisa smirked and glanced at Alice, who was still posing as a doll, "Unfortunately, you guessed wrong, and I will not publish the correct answer. In the words you prefer, here is a foreshadow."

"I'll remember that." Ade said squarely, "So what did you want to see me about?"

"Is the problem of the ELS's invasion solved?" Kaworu Nagisa continued before Ade could follow up, "The planet located in L4 started moving again, and you look like you're in a good mood, it's not that hard to speculate on the positive solution, right?"

"There was…" Ade sighed, "something very dramatic."

"Makes you feel more like an actor on stage, only without knowing who the audience is, doesn't it?" Kaworu Nagisa's white, slender fingers tapped the table, "Striking out is also a freedom."

"But I've signed a permanent sell-out contract." Ade smiled relievedly, "The heroines and supporting characters are too cute, and the background of the era is so generative that I can't help but think that it's okay to act on."

"Seeing you is like seeing me in the past when I was given beautiful dreams by Yui, forgetting the fact that I was neither angel nor human, just like you are now. But a dream is a dream after all, and you always have to wake up." Kaworu Nagisa gave him a pitying look, "Not now. The you at present won't understand it."

"Get down to business." Kaworu Nagisa's condescending attitude made Ade a little unhappy, "The ELS's matter is resolved, and the peace agreement between humans and angels is suspended?"

"The agreement is aborted, that's what I'm here to convey." Kaworu Nagisa eyed him seriously. Such a gloomy expression could hardly appear on his face, "This is the last time I prompt you to think back on yourself, do you really want to go to war with angels for Lilin? The smile is false, the truth is painful, remorse awaits you not far ahead, and this moment is your last freedom."

"I understand clearly how I am something incestuous and specious." Ade said decisively, "Even so, I have a world I want to guard!"

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