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Not Super Robot Wars at All – Chapter 118

2021-12-28 10:05:00Publish Time: 1,468 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
A+ A- Light Off

Translated by: WuWang

Edited by: Wryvent

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Chapter 118: The Sky That Mourns

"People are not equal, origin, talent, growth… everyone is different … so humans struggle with each other and metabolize, inequality is not evil, equality is evil … the false slogan of freedom and equality has created the corrupt Earth Federation, but Britannia is different, we struggle, evolve and keep moving forward … the truth is: the strong beings eat the weak beings, and only Britannia can shatter the lies and unveil the truth… I hereby declare that the Holy Britannia withdraws from the Earth Federation and officially declares war on the Earth Federation."

In the base of the Black Knights, a group of people was gathered around to watch Emperor Charles' impassioned speech. Some of these people are persecuted revenge seekers, some are young people incited by the hot-blooded slogans, and generally speaking, most of them have little independent thinking ability. Now that ZERO and Kallen are out, the crowd has vaguely split into two groups, arguing about whether Emperor Charles' speech makes sense.

"I didn't say I'd support Charles, I just said the speech had merit for discussion!" A man with an airplane-like hair was blamed for his disloyalty and eagerly excused himself, and in his haste, he noticed a flash of green hiding at the back of the crowd, "C.C., you're the only ACE we have in the Black Knights besides Kallen. Don't just watch the fun, say something!"

C.C. looked at them indifferently, said indifferently, "That's stupid," and then turned her head away.

The crowd behind her was full of complaints such as "what are you talking about," "just because you're an ACE," and "it's great that you saved the leader, hum?" C.C. pretended that she didn't hear and went back to her room. As one of the only two ACEs in the Black Knights, she naturally has a separate residence and does not have to share a dormitory with others.

"I can't believe I used to think that theory made sense, but now all I can feel is stupidity." C.C. hugged the Haro pillow tightly and rolled on the bed. It was the only thing she brought out from home, "Can an existence like me grow?"

Her original plan was to go to TOKYO-3 and hide out at Final Dogma to stay with Lilith. On the way, she ran into Marianne Vi Britannia's son, who had been banished to Japan, in danger, and saved him. Then she remembered the plan that Ade and Char had devised and joined the Black Knights on a whim.

"Two ACEs can make the Black Knights and Londo Bell's combat power look a little more balanced, so that their deadlocked battle won't look so fake." C.C. buried her head into the pillow and muttered to herself, "He said it was for my world a hundred years later, so I'm doing it all for myself now. Well, no problem, that's it."

While she was in a daze, suddenly the alarm went off and C.C. jumped off the bed at once and walked out of the room to look around.

"Ah, Miss C.C., I was looking for you!" A passing female member called out to her, "Latest news, Britannia and Londo Bell are at war. We're now on level one alert, and the Vice Commander said for you to take the MS to meet ZERO."

C.C. agreed with an expressionless look on her face and went to the retarded Vice Commander to confirm the instructions without any haste. Lelouch chose that retarded guy as the vice commander, the only reason she could guess was that this man was easy to control, but C.C., who was already used to getting along with smart people, found that she couldn't even stand talking to that dumbass.

"His IQ's not even as good as Ange …" she whispered in a volume only she could hear.

"Where have you been at such an important juncture! Do you have the self-awareness of being an ACE or not?!" The Vice Commander shouted at her, "What did you just say?"

C.C. shook her head and turned towards the hangar, where her special MS was parked — a brand new Delta+.

The Delta+ is the result of several improvements made by the great leader Scirocco after obtaining the data of the Zeta Gundam, inheriting the variable structure of the Zeta Gundam and achieving a certain degree of lightness, and also equipped with the Neutron Jammer Canceller and the nuclear reactor, making its firepower higher than most of the Mobile Suits. The only drawback is that due to the cost control, many detailed functions have been omitted to save money.

ZERO privately claimed to have gotten through TITANS' channel and gotten a total of two Delta+s, one for C.C. and one for Kallen. These two machines were delivered only a few days ago, and even Frontal was unaware of them. Except for Frontal, the Black Knights have a lot of big and small sponsors behind them, because there are many people in the world who dislike Britannia, and they don't mind giving Charles a hard time.

C.C. entered the cockpit slowly and methodically in her civilian clothes and performed a pre-departure airframe self-check. The pilot's uniform was meaningless to her, but it was seen by the rest of the Black Knights as a part of playing cool. To other people, she was too indifferent, and everyone preferred to stay with Kallen Stadtfeld, who was more easy-going.

When the MS did self-test, she fished out a cell phone from her pocket, and then a bitter smile appeared on her face in the next moment, "I need to change this habit."

She took the phone and played with it for a while, pressed an icon on the desktop, and an abrupt voice rang out in the cockpit, "C.C. is my waifu she is so cute and lovely I will smash his dog head if anyone dares to object to it!"

C.C. sighed silently, resolutely pressed off the phone, and casually put it back into her pocket.

"We are all driving MS, why is the gap so big?" She indifferently complained and opened the friendly communication channel, "C.C., Delta+, moving out."

Delta+ in its aircraft form has unparalleled maneuverability in the atmosphere, and after a while, she arrived at the battle zone without any problems. The concentration of Minovsky particles was already very high, and the troops of Londo Bell and Britannia were battling, and she was moving at high speed through the chaos of the battle.

It took a while before she found Kallen's Delta+, who was fighting with another MS on the ground in its MS form, and that MS turned out to be…

"The second generation of Zaku, so big?" Even with C.C.'s extensive knowledge, she couldn't help but freeze for a moment, and she quickly connected to Kallen's communication, "Who's the other party?"

Kallen also found the approaching Delta+ at this time. Her voice rang out on the friendly channel, "I don't know. Anyway, it's not a friendly force, I'll go ahead and take it out!"

"C.C., you're just in time. You're in charge of bringing up the rear, while Kallen and I will retreat first." Lelouch also seemed to be in Kallen's cockpit, "Remember, come back alive."

"These kinds of words are too cheap, at least think of something new out of it." C.C. whispered softly while taking over the battle with the ZakuⅡ, "Someone didn't do much in real life, but has a way of sweet-talking when lying to me."

She controlled the MS in the air and raised her beam rifle to fire a few random shots. The ZakuⅡ moved at high speed to dodge and returned fire in the process. Kallen's MS took advantage of this gap to fly away from the scene, and C.C. then took over the battlefield.

"At this speed, it's not a ZakuⅡ by any stretch of the imagination." Before the words were said, the ZakuⅡ flew up in her surprised eyes, "Even if the Minovsky floating system is no longer a high-end technology, this ZakuⅡ can fly… it is too much …"

Whether it pretends or is real, at least the opposite side does look like a ZakuⅡ. C.C. saw that ZakuⅡ hang the beam rifle behind it, and fished out a thermal battle axe and charged up. The other side's sprint was so fast that she didn't react in time even with Delta+'s speed. C.C. hurriedly raised the shield to fight.

"Not bad, no wonder that you can fight Kallen for so long." C.C. hesitated whether to use Delta+'s mobility to run away or to take down the other side, but after a moment's thinking, she came to the conclusion: it's already too late.

Delta+ retrieved the rifle and drew out the beam saber. According to Kallen, the ZakuⅡ was attacking, but C.C. could tell that the other party did not have any intention to kill. She herself had no intention to kill the other side, however, after they had fought, she had been unable to stop. No one dared to show their backs to the enemy on the battlefield and run away.

After the fierce battle, the original brand new Delta+ has become scarred. The shield was destroyed, the left hand also had a small section cut off. The other side is not much better, the ZakuⅡ's thermal axe has long been cut off, now holding a beam saber out of nowhere. The one-eyed main camera was blown out, and the body armor also has a considerable degree of damage. But both sides are very restrained, striking all insignificant places.

Generally speaking, the one who suddenly stops first will be caught off guard by the other side, and what C.C. is doing now is to wind down little by little and reduce the intensity of the fight. She was surprised to find that the other side quickly understood her meaning and began to cooperate with her to do so. She guessed that after a little more time, they can separate from the battle.

As for turning on the public channel to chat, she never thought about it. On the one hand, Char's Sinanju is fighting with a Gundam she has not seen in the distance, she does not dare to risk exposing herself; on the other hand, she has always kept in mind someone's words, "The most taboo thing in the battle is an unstable mind, without the strength of the ACE, don't turn on the public channel." C.C. always kept it in mind.

"What an unwarranted disaster," C.C. muttered to herself while taking time to observe the changes in the distant battlefield.

The Sinanju and Zeta, which had been changed to red by Quattro, were now gradually suppressing the unseen Gundam, which had a strange shape. With a drill-like device on one shoulder and nothing on the other shoulder, even C.C. can't figure out what that device is for.

The strange device suddenly spewed out green flashing particles, and the MS moved swiftly as if it had been charged up, while Sinanju's movements became very strange. C.C. felt that the scene in front of her had an unknown familiar feeling. After thinking for a while, she was surprised to find —

"Except for the different color, isn't this glowing particle effect exactly the same as when Ade was pushing the satellite?

Finally, the name came out and she subconsciously touched the place where her phone should be placed, but the pocket where the phone should have been was empty. Her heart skipped a beat and she looked down in the cockpit in panic, forgetting that she was in the middle of a battle.

Finally, she saw it at the right rear of the seat. The phone had flown out of her pocket and crashed into the cockpit wall, which she hadn't noticed in the midst of the battle.


C.C. opened her mouth in bewilderment and reached back a bit but found she couldn't move. She subconsciously struggled a few times before realizing that she had turned out to be strapped in by the seat belt.

"It's my only memory … It's my only memory …," she said, helplessly, losing focus of her eyes, "My fault, it's all my fault. "

C.C. finally remembered that she was still in the middle of a battle and turned her eyes to the front. The ZakuⅡ in front of her was faintly glowing blood red under its shattered armor, seemingly echoing with the Gundam in the sky. The armor on the ZakuⅡ's arm peeled off part of it, revealing a more slender arm inside.

"So it's you!" She recognized it as the Unicorn Gundam's arm at a glance, and then it dawned on her, "So is this fate, we destroyed the memories you gave me with our own hands …"

The Unicorn Gundam, which disguised into the ZakuⅡ shape, raised its beam saber and charged at her. This time, it's aiming for the cockpit.

"Fine, you stab me too." C.C. stopped moving as if resigned to her fate, "From now on, we don't owe each other anything."

From the time the device on that Gundam's shoulder glowed in the distance, Ade started in a daze. Momoka called out to him worriedly several times, but he didn't respond. Luckily, the MS on the opposite side somehow also didn't move.

"It's still done!" Ade snapped back and hammered the panel, letting out a teeth-gnashing growl, "This forbidden stuff …!"

Depressed, frustrated, disheveled, lonely, irritable, anxious, depressed, painful, sad, frightened, resentful, hateful, cursed, desperate emotions filled Ade's entire consciousness with the spread of green glowing particles, polluting his spirit and making his brain go into a frenzy.

The distant Sinanju fought GundamOO, which suddenly became raging, so fierce that Aker can not intervene, staring at them from the side.

"Yang Wen-li!" He pronounced that name in despair, "The human race is really hopeless, really hopeless!"

His eyes were bloodshot, and every now and then a meaningless hiss came out of his mouth. Not knowing how to vent this emotion, he helplessly turned his eyes to the front, and in front of him was an MS.

"What's this again?" He tried to recall the model of the MS, but another much more powerful emotion instantly overwhelmed his reason, "Screw it, go to hell."

He grabbed the beam saber, aimed it at the cockpit, and charged at the MS. the other side didn't dodge, and in the blink of an eye, the two MSs were close together. The tip of the beam saber was pressed against the outside of the cockpit, just a little more pushing forward, he could vent his anger out and get relief.

"What am I doing, what if it's C.C. on the other side…!" He used the last of his sanity to control his hands and struggled, shouting, "Momoka, knock me out and drive for me!"


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