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I Draw R18 Manga In Japan – Chapter 10

2021-11-24 00:25:00Publish Time: 1,545 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
A+ A- Light Off

Translated by: WuWang

Edited by: RGM96X Jesta

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Chapter 10: This Filthy World!

Calm down, calm down!

It's just an illustration, it means nothing. Maybe the editor mismatched the illustrations? Yes, such negligence is common.

With this idea in his mind, Ida calmly skipped the illustration and read the content of the novel.

Then he saw this conversation:

Batman: How do you like that hum, Superman? You son of bitch. You always flew around in front of me in red underwear, did you want to seduce me? Do you like it? Ha?! I will satisfy you!

Superman: No, no! Batman, you can't do that!

Batman: Is there anything I can't do? Can’t I take off your pants and reveal your sexy little buttocks? Uh huh? Ha ha ha ha! I tell you, Clark, I can do anything to you! And Lois, she will know nothing. Wahahaha!

Ida's mind suffered a heavy blow, he felt as if his eyes had been stabbed.

What's this? Batman will never make "wahahaha" laughter, okay?!

Is this the secret of heroes? His heart, which was already full of cracks, finally fragmented with a thump.

Touching his chest, Ida felt vacant. His heroes of childhood finally disappeared, leaving only a hole in his chest.

But Ida was an adult now, he knew very well that this wasn't the time to mourn for the heroes in his heart.

The most important thing now was to determine Shimizu Hakuseki's psychological condition!

"Are these books the spiritual foods of Shimizu sensei?" He asked carefully.


"He must have taken good care of these books."

"He loves these books as much as he cares for his own eyes. If any accident happens to these books, he will surely die in pain and regret."

What Kasannoin Ayase meant was that they were her books. If he dared to break them, he will be killed by her.

However, Editor Ida didn't know that…

Really? Aren't they just common BL novels? Are they really worth it to him to protect them with his life?

I thought he was a genius, but he is actually a perverted genius!

He is a talented mangaka, but he is a pervert too. Maybe this is the so-called fair, there aren't any perfect people in the world.

God gave him a talent, but took away his normality, making him a pervert.

Wait a minute. What should I do if Shimizu Hakuseki makes excessive demands on me?

Although I'm a middle-aged man in my forties, generally speaking, common people won't like me, but he is a pervert. What should I do if he really likes my gender and likes me? Should I sacrifice my body for the magazine?

What a cruel society!

While Editor Ida made blind and disorderly conjectures, he heard Kasannoin Ayase's voice.

"Mr Ida, Mr Ida?" Kasannoin Ayase asked with concern: "Are you alright? Your face is pale and is sweating a lot."

Ah, what a gentle beauty, how can such an excellent girl become a friend of perverted Shimizu sensei?

No, stop thinking about these things. Anyway, I'd better to leave now!

"Haha, it's too hot today. By the way, I'm here for two things one is to confirm his pen name and the second thing is that this is his contribution fee, he can come to the magazine and tell me his pen name this week, oh I suddenly remembered I have something else to do and I must leave now!" After speaking these words at a very fast pace without a pause, Editor Ida left an envelope on the table and ran away.

"Well, why do you…?" Kasannoin Ayase was stunned when she saw that Editor Ida rush out of the door, "Has he gone?"

After a while, Shimizu Hakuseki came back to the room with tea and cake. "Sorry, it took me some time to look for the tea …Gee? Where is Editor Ida??"

"He's a little strange," said Kasannoin Ayase. "His face suddenly turned pale with sweat. Then he said that he must leave and left in a hurry."

"Ah, well, maybe his body is still sick."


"When I went to the magazine, I heard that his body was in bad health and he asked for a day off at home. After all, people in their forties always have all kinds of problems."

Kasannoin Ayase held up her cup and said, "I wish him good health."

Shimizu Hakuseki smiled, and also held up his cup, "I hope him the best of health."

They took a sip of tea, then Kasannoin Ayase put her hands together and said excitedly, "Wow, Western-style cakes! I’ve only tasted them on birthdays! Hum, they are fruit flavoured cakes!"

"Ha ha, let's eat."

After a while, they had wiped out the cake on the plate. Kasannoin Ayase pushed the envelope on the table to Shimizu Hakuseki and said, "Before Editor Ida left, he asked me to tell you two things. One is the contribution fee, which should have been packed in the envelope."

"Oh hoo, contribution fee! From the thickness of the envelope, it's apparently a lot of money!"

Shimizu Hakuseki tore open the envelope and counted the money in it. Although the contribution fee was not enough for him to make a fortune, it could help him get through the current difficulties.

"At last, I can take care of myself in Tokyo. So…" Shimizu Hakuseki first counted out the rent he owed, held the money in both hands and handed them over to Kasannoin Ayase. "Senpai, thank you very much for your help! If it wasn't because of your kindness, I would probably be sleeping in the streets and would not have had the opportunity to be a mangaka."

"Then I'll take it." Kasannoin Ayase took the money and counted it. Suddenly, she frowned and said in a cold voice, "It seems that the amount is not right, you gave me too much!"

"That also includes the rent for this month."

Hearing this, Kasannoin Ayase smiled and said, "Oh, that's the reason why. But then you won't have much left since you’ve also paid the rent for this month."

"It's enough for me. There aren’t too many things I'm going to buy."

If you want to live a lavish life, even a million dollars isn’t enough, but if you live simply, you don't really need to spend too much money every month.

"Let's jump to the second thing. Editor Ida wants you to confirm your pen name quickly."

"Oh, that's my oversight. Indeed, I need a pen name."

A pen name is a tradition amongst artistic creators. For many writers, a pen name is not just a tradition, but also has a certain practical significance. It can protect the writers very well.

In some sense, it was kind of like the anonymous system in the chat forums in the Internet Age.

They began to think hard.

Suddenly, Shimizu Hakusekis got an idea, "I have a good name, senpai, do you want to know what it is?"

"Well? Say it."

"Teenager Abin! What do you think?" (PS: Abin, the protagonist of a famous Chinese erotic novel)

"Isn't it just a very common name?"

"So, how about Beauty Baijie?" (PS: Baijie, the female protagonist of another famous Chinese erotic novel)

"Well," Kasannoin Ayase touched her chin, "The name is a little strange."

"How about it?"


"Didn't you feel the power of impurity coming from another time and space? Close your eyes and feel with your heart."

She was a little reluctant, but still closed her eyes and felt the so-called "power of impurity" for a while.

She opened her eyes and complained, "I didn't feel anything. However, if I can only choose one of the two, I think 'Beauty Baijie' is better."


"It's more attractive, 'beauty' itself has a certain temptation, plus the meaning of 'Baijie' is pure white, it will tempt the readers to make her body become dirty."

"Well, then I'll use the pen name 'Beauty Baijie'."

"Alas? But you are clearly a teenager!"

"The so-called pen name is my other identity, which should contain a kind of disguise. Naturally, it should be misleading."

"That's true, but clearly they are just two common names. Why did you choose them? It's strange, "said Kasannoin Ayase. She touched her chin and stared at Shimizu Hakuseki for a long time, then breathed in a cool breath. She snapped her finger and suddenly said,"I see, Shimizu Hakuseki, you are indeed a person who can not be underestimated. Although you are only a 16-year-old boy, your ambition is terrible."

Well, it seems that she understood something amazing. But… what did she understand?

"Oh? Senpai, you are too smart! I knew it was impossible to hide it from you…"

"Well, they are just two common names, but you want to adapt the characteristic of the two words through your own efforts. You want to change everyone's ideas, using your own efforts to 'dirty' the two names!"

Senpai, there must be a big hole in your brains… the two names themselves are already dirty enough, okay?

Although he thought so, he still gazed at her with a look of admiration, encouraging her to continue.

"Maybe in the near future, when everyone hears the name 'Beauty Baijie', the first thing they will think about is porn. That's your purpose! You want to dirty the name, you want to dirty Japan and even the whole world!"

Kasannoin Ayase sighed, "You are really a terrible person. All teenagers have their own fantasies, either to conquer the world or become a hero that saves the world, but these are just their fantasies. But you, you want to dirty the whole world, are you a devil from hell? What's more terrible is that unlike other fantasies, you don't stand on the stage of imagination but actually have a plan, and you even have the chance to succeed!"

Well, although what she thinks is strange, but… it sounds interesting!

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that you would’ve seen through my plan. Ha ha ha…"

What should I say after the laugh? Never mind, just keep laughing.

"… Ha ha ha ha!"

"Let me join in!"

"… What?!"

"Yes, I will join in and become your opponent." Kasannoin Ayase said enthusiastically, "Shimizu Hakuseki! I admit that I underestimated you at first. Under your pure appearance, it's a filthy heart. Until now, you have finally shown your madness and ambition. Maybe you have gained an advantage for the time being, but I will be the final winner!"

What on earth are you talking about?

However, Shimizu Hakuseki was influenced by her temperament and chimed in with her subconsciously, "Ha ha ha, you want to surpass me? What a daydream!"

"Then let's break a lance using our creations! I am Teenager Abin, and you are Beauty Baijie. The game will last for ten years, let's see whose pen name will be more famous after ten years!"

Shimizu Hakuseki looked at her coldly and said, "Teenager Abin, you don't know what kind of existence you have provoked."

Kasannoin Ayase sneered and answered, "Beauty Baijie, you will regret what you just said!"

In the hot summer, in the narrow room, the two people who had determined to 'dirty' the world laughed wildly at the same time.

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