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The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off – Chapter 83

2022-07-29 14:04:57Publish Time: 2,500 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
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Translated by: Ben-Jackson

Edited by: anonymous, crisiscore38, Raphael-Katsumi

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Chapter 83 To save Her Majesty is to save yourself

Shady understood Nalina's abacus.

She wants her to help grab her object of observation; if she can't catch it, she will use her body to observe directly in the world.

It was the kind of snoring of her, but it was not the kind of meaning.

Nalina's strength is too strong. It is so strong that the world can't even bear a little bit of her consciousness, and she needs to meet a series of harsh conditions.

Coincidentally, Shady Veronica, who has been working hard and is talented, perfectly meets all the conditions.

Now Nalina has a lot of curiosity about this World. She wants to come here to observe, but she is limited by her strength that cannot be fully accepted.

She just doesn’t know if it started when she decided to give Shady some extra time or if it was already there when they made their first contract. In the process of waiting, she found "New Arcane" and got a new hunting goal.

Fortunately, the love of the god of knowledge shows the potential of making more money to make more faith. Nalina could not directly calculate her body.

But if Shady uses her body as a chip and loses to Nalina, the God of Knowledge will not care.

There is a wide range of worlds in a variety of planes, and believers in the wisdom church never make money.

With that deal, at most, Nalina will make less, but she won't suffer. However, if Shady loses, she won't have a chance for a turnaround.

Very harsh, very biased towards one side.

But Shady eventually agreed.

Because the Yamen Empire already owes too much power of Faith, the Anti Empire makes her feel great pressure, and her goal can't be attained in a short time.

If it drags on for too long like this, then, even if she is naive enough to destroy the Anti Empire to rebuild the Veronica dynasty, she will only be able to turn the country into the country of the undead.

It can be said that when Shady chose to take a loan from the God of Knowledge to study, she had already turned into a fish on a cutting board, waiting to be slaughtered.

She can keep up appearances only on the surface but, deep down, she has already turned into a gambler who has bet on everything and has no way back. But she has been covering it up like crazy.

"I believe that poverty will make you happy."

Nalina smiled and bid her goodbye, and the virtual shadow dissipated.

Feeling that the coercion she brought had completely disappeared, Shady went into deep thoughts:

"Roger Charles, a terrible waste brother and young master but a magical talent, has gotten the attention of a six-wing angel?"

Shady knew that the undead army had just created trouble for the empire, but it could not shake the foundation of the Green Vines Empire.

The Veronica dynasty needed more time.

And if she wants more time, she has to catch that Roger first!

The countdown for this deal has started, and Shady's mind began to generate a series of plans such as action plans, spare action plans, and spare action plans for spare action plans…

Kansas Desert, outside the city of Selena.

The elite coalition forces of 200,000 orcs advanced in formation and surrounded the Rommel Legion.

The magic units of the two sides have used a tenth of their mutual firepower.

As a result, the orc side is doing great.

After all, the Rommel Legion has just finished the attack, the casualties are not high, and the establishment is still intact, but the stamina of the soldiers and the magic of the magicians are very seriously depleted.

They need time to recover, but it is clear that the orc coalition has been prepared for offense and will not give them this time.

"Fortunately, Her Majesty is still here ... Thank you, Roger!"

Rommel was glad, knowing that he owed his life to Roger.

Because of his relaxed victory before, he underestimated the orcs and didn't expect that the other party was still hiding such an elite coalition.

They tentatively attacked and he felt that the opponent's strength was very high. Those priests' direct magic attacks were not high, but they played well with one hand, which can restrain many attack methods of the Empire's magicians.

At this time, if the Queen had gone to support the City of Afford, at best his five troops would have been able to break through at great cost, and there would be no possibility of winning against each other with their level of fatigue.

The Queen was enlightened by Roger and he had done great battlefield preparations for the confrontation with the orc coalition forces.

And he used the advantage of Roger's intelligence to make the Queen be a line person who enters the inner part of the church.

The queen's state is not bad. In the end, the dead rotary wood just looks cool. It is the simplest combination of the master of the mage.

The consumption is not large, it is just extremely insulting.

The Queen was ready to be beheaded to put down the Silver Dragon on the other side, which included the general, and then washed the opponent's front line.

At that time, Little Elvin will surely seize the opportunity to impact the enemy lines to divide the battlefield.

Then she cooperated with the law division to kill the opponent who threatened the strong.

This battle was won.

When the fighting party has an AOE unit that cannot be destroyed and a strong attack power, the tactics don't need to be subtle. It is simple and rough but can reduce the possibility of making mistakes.

The Queen just needs to bet on her eyes and pay attention to the enemy's tactics.

This is why the old Joestar thinks the Queen is rogue.

The front is almost unsolved, and she can only avoid her edge and fight for a decisive battle when she is away.

Now the Queen has not been attracted to the City of Afford, and Old Joestar can only implement the spare plan presented by Shady.

He also knew that the Queen would aim at him, so the silver dragon flew very high in the sky.

After sneaking into Sauna after opening the formation method to wake up and strengthen the Eris magic insect, he gradually wakes up the monster in the star world in the silver dragon's body.

Poor Silver Dragon, after sensing that it had attracted the attention of the Queen, it had already fled out desperately.

But flying is not a way of escape.

The Queen was waiting for it on its way, and several rays of light appeared.

This is a kind of gamble where you roll the dice and may evaporate the target directly into foam.

Generally speaking, the magic resistance and grade of adult dragons are directly immune to dissection.

However, it is obvious that there's a lot of magic expertise and special effects behind the Queen's technique, coupled with her mental power, the difficulty of analyzing it is too terrible, and they don't know how to solve this.

The silver dragon offered no resistance at all and was turned into foam.

Just the moment this judgment was completed, the Eris magic insect in its body was also exposed to the Queen.

Originally, because he was just awakened and full of qi, the star creature, after the light suddenly became bright, suddenly saw a horrible existence of magic boiling and, subconsciously, used its strongest and only life-saving skill:

"Field of Hearts"!

The Queen was too late to dodge.

The spicy silver dragon was hiding a silver bug the size of a nail, that's bad!

There is no magic fluctuation in the field of magic.

Star creatures violate the characteristics of the law of material worlds and bias toward the unruly spiritual field.

The only skill of the Eris magic insect is to pull its target into the field of its life, an independent plane between illusions and truth.

When you enter the field, you will see the scariest things in your heart, and then lose them, and eventually become the nutrients of the Eris magic insect.

The fewer skills and the stronger the effect of this world, the more effective, and the monster also takes effect, which directly makes the Eris magic insects jump into one of the most difficult monsters in the star world.

Fortunately, this thing is not actively attacking. It is sleeping all day. In the face of danger, the first choice is to hide in its field.

If it is not anxious, it will not create chaos casually.

However, the array is designed to strengthen it while stimulating this small thing to the edge of an outbreak.

This is the advantage of the ones who believe in knowledge.

Rich knowledge reserves and clever combinations can always let them create a miracle.

The changes in the sky were too fast and sudden and both sides of the battle were stunned.

Originally, the orc tribe was full of despair. Looking at them, they thought that the powerful and invincible Dragon Knight Princess had been directly taken down by the Queen. It was hard to swallow.

Then the next second the situation was reversed and the Imperial Army found their invincible queen had disappeared.

The Magic division of the Rommel Legion also has a legendary magician who has explored different worlds.

From the silver light in the air, he distinguished the atmosphere of the star and said shocked, "It is the Eris magic insect, and Her Majesty has been pulled into its mind field!"

"It's that kind of unreasonable thing? It is impossible, that thing can't survive in the material plane at all!"

"It is a trap. The world of magic is extremely vast, there is always incredible creativity, breaking our inherent cognition, weaving into a trap to calculate against Her Majesty ... too despicable, too shameless!"

"Well, don't analyze how to do it, what we have to do is to find a way to rescue Her Majesty!"

The magicians analyzed the situation, but they were unprepared, and they didn't come up with any solution.

Eris magic insects hid in their fields and they didn't belong to this world at all. How can one find them?

The prediction spells are also invalid. Whether it is the Queen or the Tiangu mentor and Old Joestar, it is an existence outside their realm.

At this time, Princess Tasica had returned to the Central Army of the Orc Allied Forces.

"The Evil Queen's Evil Empire is arrogant and she looks down on everyone. She has already been trapped by this empress and our situation has greatly improved. Everyone take revenge for the chiefs."

"For the tribe!"

The orc side instantly surged in morale, and even though the formation was somewhat scattered, the impact was unparalleled.

At the same time, the shamans of the tribe began the ceremony of space blockade.

This would not only forbid the empire to dispatch reinforcements here but would also repel senior officers such as Rommel.

They have to take advantage of the chaos of the Imperial Army, and heat waves, and avenge the chiefs!

Tasica had lost control of the coalition forces.

Faced with the ruins of Selena, she can ignite the passion of the orcs, but she cannot control how they fight, and they're gradually returning to being separate tribes.

The only good news is that, with their rough power and state, far exceeding the unrefined Rommel Legion, they can win in disorder.

On the other hand, the orc elites, who fight in the frontline, don't care about losses at all. In the end, how much combat power will she be left with is unknown...

The cost is too big!

Old Joestar has decided to refuse to pay Shady after the war, at least for a few years, otherwise it will be difficult to make his hatred disappear!

The Green Vines Empire is even more in chaos.

The rational magicians were in a state of confusion and chaos. The empire soldiers have always been relying on the invincible Queen so, watching the Queen disappear into thin air, their morale fell into an unprecedented low.

At this moment, Rommel held in his sadness and came to a position where all soldiers could see him, and said loudly:

"Her Majesty is simply lost. She is still fighting hard for the empire. Brothers, let's kill these orcs together, let's rescue Her Majesty and let Her Majesty see our loyalty and heroism!"

He waved a staff, directed the first round of the age group of the First Army and the Second Army, and directly overturned the Orcs rushing to the forest Timber Wolf Cavalry Regiment, which was avenged to the Wolf tribe.

"For Her Majesty, kill the orcs! We can't die in this damn desert!" Rommel shouted again!

"For Her Majesty! Kill!"

The soldiers of the Anti Empire faced the surrounding elite coalition forces. Although they lost their invincible queen, they were also inspired by the temporary BUFF of the sore soldiers, followed by Rommel launching an anti-rush forward.

Even if the three new troops were in the latter, because they didn't want to die in the desert, they dared to fight against the most elite orcs.

This was the posture of the famous general. Rommel was not shocked. He first showed the magical strength of the empire, and then stimulated warfare according to the situation.

This is the most correct command in the category he can.

Although there is no Queen, as long as his five legions have fighting spirit, there is still hope of survival.

"But everyone’s physical strength and magic are a problem ... the empire must have no Majesty!"

Rommel stepped down the high platform and turned to face his confidant officer. On the handsome face of the latter, the rare clouds were bleak and his brows were frowned.

Roger also once again felt the importance of the Queen to the Empire.

She is the only link that connects these arrogant soldiers and she is the source of confidence in their might.

Even if there are world-famous generals such as Rommel, without the backing of the Queen of Eternal Night, their confidence and strength have shrunk.

Roger regretted at this moment, thinking that he had made a mistake.

Now that I already know that the orc tribe and the Tianming Army are colluding together, and that Tianming's mentor is behind them, I should have tought about her personality and know she would arrange a spare plan.

He discouraged the Queen from going to Afford City and stepping into her trap. At that time, he should have gave it more thought. Tianming's mentor must have thought about what to do if the Queen didn't come to support Afford.

But Roger is also helpless.

He was not the Laplace demon, but he came to visit the Queen temporarily. He didn't expect that he had entered the main storyline of the game now.

After all, at this time the protagonist of the game is only seven years old, or is it eight?

Unless they are also traversers, they cannot pose any threat to the empire.

Therefore, what Roger thinks is still a slowly growing farm, so the protagonist group comes to Odu and enjoys the monitoring of God!

As a result, the Tianming Army is two years in advance, and the orc tribe is also playing conspiracy.

In the face of successive changes, he must be careful to hide his player identity, and brain cells are not enough.

After all, he is not a counterattack of the sky, he is just an ordinary game UP master.

Compared with the old-night world, these old yin ratios are still a baby. They are simply like white paper, but they have to bear the pressure that doesn't belong to their age!

Alas, it's so difficult!

Roger rubbed his temples and understood that this was different from the game plot. It was already a chaotic and uncontrollable real world.

Much of the information he mastered can only be referred to and cannot be trusted.

Fortunately, he still knows the Eris magic insect.

In the game, the Tianming's mentor was taken out for everyone. The effect was to trap the Queen for five days, and then the Queen came out to kill.

So the invincible queen will still be invincible.

The problem was that five days later, Roger's and the Rommel Legion's bones will be cold.

The sinister orcs can't play the prohibition of transmission's card. I am just a neutral unit who comes to OB!

It feels bad.

Roger knew that saving the queen was to save himself. He tried to call her with the magic beacon left by the Queen but she didn't respond at all.

It seems that the field of the Eris devil interferes with this communication.

"An enhanced connection may break through its field. I remember you need to make a formation to control the Eris magic insect and you need enough blood to start..."

Roger suddenly turned his head and looked at the ruins in the center of Sauna City, where the palace was.

At this moment, that location is the most suitable for the formation.

The orcs and the empire are in the field, and there is no one there.

So the teenager went there silently.

Roger found the residual array. It was soothing, and he felt the hidden connection with the Eris magic insect, and then activated the power on his leg.

The familiar feelings come here, there is a play!

However, before he had time to shout out to Her Majesty to save him, he felt that the void came from a force stock.

I don't want to save you, I want you to save me, don't pull me in too!

Roger, completely unprepared, appears in a familiar yet unfamiliar scene.

He showed his thoughts, and the domain of the Eris magic insect is not just as simple as "a few things". This is simply a world!

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