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The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off – Chapter 25

2022-04-07 04:23:16Publish Time: 8,176 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
A+ A- Light Off

Translated by: Ben-Jackson

Edited by: Snow-Cat, Miguel-Almeida-Gomes, Yozakura-_, YACATECT, IV_4014_ARUMUGA-DEVA-S, anonymous, trek-backs, Top-Kek, Wayne-Gurit, Junaavicii, sinking-ship

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Chapter 25: I Wouldn't Fall In Love With That Kind of Bastard

Angelina leaned over slightly, maintaining the perfect noble etiquette, but her voice was much softer than usual:

"Your Majesty, if you have any dissatisfaction with Lord Brando, please tell me."

"Huh? Why?"

The queen changed from curiosity to doubt, she wanted to tell Angeline, her grievance.

He scolds me, all he wants to do is loaf around, his loyalties seem mixed, and his stamina is poor.

I am so dissatisfied with him!

But these things seem inappropriate to tell you.

Angelina didn't explain impatiently: "Your Majesty can tell me any complaints, so that if you lose your temper, you won't get angry with him again. This is conducive to the healthy development of your relationship."

The queen was thinking, and then turned her face away: "I'm not angry with him."

"Your Majesty don't pretend, we grew up together. I know Your Majesty chased him out of the palace yesterday right?"

The Queen remembered that the guy was looking for a concubine and a maid, her face flushed, and she said softly, "It's not that... he just made some outrageous requests last night!"

"It's normal for a man and a woman to have those thoughts. Your Majesty, you have to tolerate men of this age."


"With your appearance and temperament, as long as you give a little sweetness, you can control the progress, and ensure that he cannot escape from your palm."

"Wait, Angelina, I don't understand what you're talking about."

"Your Majesty, why don't you understand?"

"Please tell me first. What do you think the outrageous requests is?"

Don't be fooled by Angelina's attitude of understanding the king. She has never experienced it too, and her voice suddenly became smaller:

"It's just holding hands, hugging, kissing... these things!"

"Why do I have to do those kinds of things with that bastard... Oh!"

The queen suddenly spread her hands, "Angelina, you have misunderstood, I and Ro ... and Dio are not in the kind of relationship you imagined."

That's what she said.

But thinking that Angelina is that bastard's sister, the Queen of Eternal Night inexplicably feel a little guilty.

Because of that, she almost said the wrong name.

Fortunately, Angelina didn't notice this detail. She was even more surprised by the Queen of Eternal Night.

Is my guess wrong?

Angelina said earnestly: "Your Majesty, you were clearly distracted during the meeting busy watching him, and you stayed with him in the palace until so late. According to the book, these are all signs of love."

"That's because he has something special for me."

"For example?"

"Well, you won't understand it!"


"Anyway, even if all the men in the empire are dead, it's impossible for me to like that kind of bastard."

The Queen of Eternal Night couldn't explain it, nor could she lose her temper.

That guy was kind of a bad person, and I got angry after staying with him for a long time. I was so angry that I blew up the big library.

You see that I did such an outrageous thing, it shows that I hate him very much.

There is no love.

None at all!

My judgment cannot be wrong! Please take me as a role model!

Angelina watched the Queen of Eternal Night's expression change several times. Although the change was minimal, she was sure that the Queen was hiding something from her.

Angelina said suspiciously: "Your Majesty, you can tell me what you have in mind. Lord Brando's talent and character are mediocre and his identity is merely a commoner, but as long as you insist, the imperial people will support him. The prince's..."

"Him? A Prince? Does he deserve it?" The Queen of Evernight sneered and said helplessly, "Angelina, you can only see things from your own perspective. If you could discern my difficulties, you would understand why I'm like this."

"What do you mean!" No matter how good-tempered Angelina was, she was still a little angry.

Your Majesty, why have you become so indecisive, only telling half the story and then stopping? Very annoying!

The Queen of Eternal Night couldn't say that she had been eavesdropping on the other girl's brother's thoughts, and that he even often scolded both of them.

She changed the topic: "Angelina, as far as I know, you don't have anyone you like, do you?"

"This minister is dedicated to the country, and will not consider those things until the Green Vines Empire has been completely stabilized."

The Queen of Eternal Night suddenly no longer felt guilty. She looked at Angelina and said quietly:

"So, you don't understand feelings like love, right? So why are you advising me in this matter?"

Angelina let out a scream, feeling that she had been stabbed deeply in her heart.

Her Majesty was basically asking: Why are you, an ignorant person, embarrassing yourself here?

Everyone is at the same level, so don't hurt each other here, okay?

At the same time, deep in the desert west of the Green Vines Empire.

In a remote valley, a grand sacrifice was being held.

A small orc tribe had been defeated and were now being prepared for sacrifice.

50,000 men, women, and children were all tied tightly to wooden stakes. They formed an altar of flesh and blood that kept crying.

"Sir, the sacrifices are ready."

"Just in time."

The speaker was a middle-aged orc with short black hair. His body was covered by a tight-fitting purple sacrificial costume, and his face showed a satisfied smile.

He was the war priest Joestar sent by the orc King.

He then threw a torch, cut his wrist with a silver knife, and poured red blood into the magic circle.

"Goddess, your follower Joestar have sent you a sacrifice!"

The flames burned, and the blood shone into the sky.

It was clearly an evil sacrificial ritual, but a holy light was born.

An illusory phantom of the beautiful and majestic Goddess of War, Tibera, wearing golden armor while holding a spear in one hand and a shield in the other, appeared in the air.

"Joestar, I have felt your loyalty, it is worth commending!"

A ray of light fell on Joestar.

In this world, priests were also considered a type of magician, a type who could cast powerful magic.

But priests were using a shortcut. As long as they could secure the approval and help of their God, their strength would quickly increase.

On the other hand, if they one day abandon their belief, their end will be very miserable.

The war priest Joestar was originally equivalent in strength to a high-level mage, but after receiving the blessing of his Goddess, he quickly reached the legendary level.

"Goddess, your lamb has important news to report about the evil empire in the east!"


Hearing about the empire brought a look of anger on the Goddess of War's face.

That evil queen was getting more and more arrogant. She even rejected the missionary request of the Seven Gods.

However, they were all foreign gods not from this world, and they also had their own enemies to fight against.

Every time they make a move in this world, they paid a huge price.

Currently they can only rely on the believers, but none of them are qualified to be the evil queen's opponents.

Therefore, they needed to cultivate a child of luck specifically to be that queen's opponent and solve this trouble forever.

The good news was that there was no unity within the human race, and even though a peerless queen had appeared, the humans did not know how to cherish the opportunity.

The remnants of the seventeen nations were all trying to shake the foundation of the Empress of Eternal Night's rule.

The gods were very satisfied with the scale of chaos recently.

"The Empress of the Empire slandered the Gods, accusing you of creating an explosion within the capital in order to smear the reputation of the church."

"It's okay."

"While investigating this matter, my children accidentally discovered that there were imperial spies in the Empire's growing Restoration Army, and they were in high positions."


"It seems they want to take advantage of the situation and ask the church for more supplies before..."

Joestar made a throat-slitting gesture.

"That's strange." The Goddess of War said slowly, "Purposefully growing the Restoration Army in order to harvest them like leeks, that's not something that woman would do."

"This lost lamb needs your guidance!"

"I want you to use those spies to sneak into the capital, find the person who offered advice to the Evil God's Queen, and kill him... By the way, make a few more explosions, the kind that at least gives her some pain."

"By your orders!"

"I will give you more power."

Another light shone down on Joestar.

His strength had not improved significantly, but he was granted a few extra abilities that were very useful.

"Thank you, Goddess! Your lamb will sacrifice his life to complete your mission."

Joestar felt the power of the new abilities entering his body, but he remained kneeling.

How powerful! How wonderful!

"Your loyalty is commendable but I hope that you, Joestar, will also cherish your own life. The church still needs talents like you..."

The illusory image of the Goddess of War gradually faded away.

Joestar was moved to tears.

The Goddess of War was the best!

So beautiful, so strong, and she still cares about the safety of a mere lamb like him...

I, Joestar, want to sacrifice myself to the goddess...

Ah no, donate your heart! !!

Stepping on the pile of sacrifices that had already been sucked into white bones by the Goddess of War, Joestar headed east.

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