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The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off – Chapter 19

2022-04-02 01:49:53Publish Time: 8,391 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
A+ A- Light Off

Translated by: Ben-Jackson

Edited by: anonymous, Kastle, Snow-Cat, Yozakura-_, IV_4014_ARUMUGA-DEVA-S, paelpael987, wild-shots, Junaavicii, sinking-ship

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Chapter 19: Who Is The Greatest Queen?

A cloud of fog enveloped the collapsed area of ​​the Great Library.

In the core area of ​​the dense fog, the former historian's office, one could not hear the slightest sound or see any light.

Everyone was curiously looking in the direction of the source of the magic storm, wanting to know what happened between the Queen of Eternal Night and the new historian Dio. But now everyone suddenly felt a sudden pain in their eyes.

The eye circles were red and swollen like being sprayed with chili water, and the tears were rolling.

These magicians actually also had defensive powers.

But the Queen of Eternal Night was too strong. Her continuous release of aura suppressed their spells.

Even Curator Rodney was not spared, his eyes turning red. Internally, he was feeling very annoyed. 

"Curiosity killed the cat. I knew the queen didn't want people to know, but I couldn't help but talk..."

Naturally, the more things that are hidden, the more people can't help but be curious...

The historian wrote something to make Her Majesty so angry.

So, what exactly did he write?

I want to know!


He estimated that there would be no chance to see it in the future!

In the middle of the thick fog.

The historical consultants had all fainted. The Queen of Eternal Night took a deep breath and looked at Roger mockingly:

"You said I don't dare to kill you? You really think I can't kill you?"

She thinks that Roger wants to reveal his past achievements, to show off that he is Angelina's younger brother, or to reveal that there is a hidden organization behind him...

But the Queen has already decided that no matter who is behind Roger, she will kill this bastard who wrote history books to relieve her hatred!

But Roger's answer was not what the Queen of Eternal Night expected.

He calmly responded with a bit of a smile:

"I'm a nobody. Just a commoner. A little commoner who earned a bit of Her Majesty's money. However, Her Majesty used me to set a precedent that a commoner could become an official. But then I was killed ten days later? What would the commoners who were extremely grateful and looking forward to Her Majesty's new precedent think? Won't they think that Her Majesty is afraid of the nobles in Congress?"

"I. Am. Not. Afraid!"

The Queen of Eternal Night hated Roger's calmness at the moment.

She just felt that this sudden logical Roger was much more abhorrent than the previous Roger who was merely full of disrespectful complaints in his heart.

She was so angry that her eyes were on fire, her hands lit up with terrifying magic energy, and she could turn into a human-shaped artillery platform in the next second, blasting Roger into dust.

But in the end, she didn't use any magic, instead, her anger subsided a little bit.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your mercy."

Seeing her expression, Roger took a small step forward.

After all, the queen was afraid.

She was afraid of the mouths of all the people in the world, afraid that her hard work would be ruined, and afraid that she would betray the trust of her followers...

The Queen of Eternal Night was the monarch. Within the empire, her words were the law, and she could force anything she wanted. 

The matter of letting the commoners serve as officials touched the interests of the nobles, and she received a lot of opposition.

The congressmen who were loyal to her were arguing with those traditional aristocrats within congress, and it seemed that important results had been achieved.

At this time, if she kills the civilian, who she has picked...

Then her words from before, "No matter where you are from, I will take in those who are able", all of her efforts to create a new era of the empire, it would all shatter like glass.

The commoners would only grow more distant from her.

Are you kidding us, Your Majesty?

So this Dio Brando really can't be killed.

Not only can she not kill him, but she also needs to protect him from being killed by others.

She can't give people the illusion that the traditional aristocracy was very powerful, and that even queen was powerless to protect her people from them.

Otherwise, how could there be civilians who would dare to serve in the empire?

Wanting to kill a person, yet unable to kill. This was the first time since ascending to the throne that the queen fell into such a stalemate.

The Queen of the Eternal Night stared at Roger. She spoke every word that squeezed out of her teeth, which were carrying the bone-piercing icy wind from the Frozen North:

"Dio Brando, do you hate me?"

"No. I don't hate you and I'm proud of Your Majesty's achievements."

"Then why did you write about my dark history, were you planning to smear my image?"

"I didn't mean to smear you, but..."

Roger held out his chest and said proudly, "I love Your Majesty, but I love the truth even more!"

"You...you actually..."

The Queen of Evernight looked at the historian standing proudly in front of her with clear eyes and suddenly became confused.

This time, his words aligned with his inner thoughts as never before.

What he said was also what he was thinking.

He cares about those truths, and even risks his life to make them public?

Was this still the lazy and inconsistent bastard she knew?

When did you change your identity? You are now rigid like an upright official who would rather die than be dishonored? 

Knowing that it can't be done yet doing it anyway? Everything you do and say will follow your heart?

The queen suddenly seemed to see a light of righteousness on Roger!

This shocked the queen!

She suddenly stopped being angry.

She even felt a little gratified.

Although such a person was not suitable to serve as her historian, he may be entrusted with greater responsibilities!

The Queen of Eternal Night decided to suspend Roger as a historian, and then restart it when she thinks of a job that suits him.

But just at this moment, a familiar voice echoed in the heart of the Queen of Eternal Night.

[I was almost scared to death. I thought that the queen wouldn't be able to control her emotions and directly kill me for a moment there. Fortunately, she managed to control herself, and was even fooled by me!]

[It is important to spread the truth, but it is more important to say goodbye to this boring post of historian and unlock my new position of loafing around!]

[It's really hard not to laugh. The queen cares so much about a history book, about her reputation, this is a bit naive and cute!]

The Queen of Eternal Night had just calmed down, but her mood was immediately thrust back into stormy seas.


She had been bestowed with countless negative labels, such as cruel, murderous, evil, depraved, insane, and debauched.

But this was the first time that someone called her cute.

However, this simple word, the effect was outstanding!

In an instant, the queen's sense of turmoil disappeared.

How dare this bastard call me cute?

She couldn't help but sneer.

"Dio, do you know how many people in this world regard me as an idol? You want to announce the truth, but have you considered the impact of this on them? Won't this cause their faith to collapse? Won't it bring shame to the empire?"

Reading between the lines: You are the naive one! You are the cute one! 

Roger replied in a deep voice: "Of course, I know, but I still believe that everyone in the world has the right to know the truth. Your Majesty's attempt to cover up the truth isn't what the monarch do, but... a thief with a guilty conscience!"

[What's going on? Is this queen not angry enough? Get rid of me now!]

[Then I can only continue to fire! Scold her face to face! Anyway, those who have won and established a country are most afraid of being called thieves of the country, right?]

[Women like to think too much. If the empire is to last forever, the queen can't hesitate to bear some infamy for her people. After all, if the empire is destroyed by the gods, no matter how perfect you are, they will definitely treat you like a dog and throw countless mud on your image...]

[Because, in this world, victory is justice. The loser is not qualified to make history!]

[ The queen I admire the most, dares to set up a wordless monument in the world, and let the world comment on her achievements, that is called a truly stalwart mind! 】

[You little girl don't dare, so just let me go back quickly. Don't delay this young master's great cause here!]

The Queen of Eternal Night was indeed provoked by Roger again, but after listening to his voice, she miraculously calmed down.

Victory is justice?

The queen who erected the wordless monument?

Let the world comment on achievements?

The Queen of Eternal Night suddenly felt heroic.

She may dare, but I dare not.

Let's compare, who is the greatest queen!

She said in a longing voice: "What Dio said is very true. This history of the empire will continue to be edited as you wish, and all the truths that you think the people of the empire should know. You can write, I will not change a word!"

Roger looked at the Queen's extremely confident and radiant face, and he was dumbfounded.

(Today's victory or defeat: The queen accepted the history of the empire that she didn't like, and Roger continued to serve as the historian due to his talkativeness. They both lost.)

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