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The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off – Chapter 18

2022-04-01 02:04:13Publish Time: 8,511 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
A+ A- Light Off

Translated by: Ben-Jackson

Edited by: anonymous, Top-Kek, trek-backs, wild-shots, Bai-Bai, Junaavicii, Wayne-Gurit, Fall, sinking-ship

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Chapter 18: How Dare You Write This?

It was reasonable for his edition to be so much longer. After all, the previous five historians had only barely begun writing when they smelled the danger and ran away.

They tried to write while covering things up…

But the attempt failed and they ended up running away again.

The official historians' office was not relaxed even when work came to an end, on the contrary, the atmosphere only became more solemn.

"Lord Brando, we can help to embellish it, and some parts can be made vaguer..." Chief Historian Freeman said tentatively.

The other historians also looked at Roger expectantly.

They had fallen in love with the new historian.

Although his historical foundation was not so good.

But he always had a lot of whims and brought new forms to the historical record.

Give them the greatest degree of freedom and let them restore the truth to the greatest extent possible.

It's just the restored truth that motivates these dull and fearless scholars who only focus on history to the point of it being a little creepy.

They were intimidated by the results of their work.

These kinds of things happen, and they may be killed for doing what they are ordered to do, but Lord Brando must not die.

So everyone suggested to Roger, they should try to make the seventh version and everyone thought of ways to beautify it.

After all, as historians, they had many ways of writing in such a way as to beautify things and not let the Queen of Eternal Night directly see the true meaning behind the words.

This should help Lord Brando continue to keep his seat.

Because no one can guarantee what kind of person the seventh historian will be.

If it were to be a flatterer who just wants to suck up to the queen, their work would become boring again.

"That would be pointless." Roger rejected the requests of the historians.

Weren't these people too dense?

Did they still think that he had been seriously compiling history here?

Since yesterday, he has been unable to obtain a new treasure chest.

The most controversial part of history, from the Manuel City Incident to the defeat of the Vanbruja Kingdom, was over.

The following work became dull, boring, and repetitive, and Roger could feel his interest fading rapidly.

After all, he wasn't really passionate about history.

It was just the act of digging up the queen's dark history that managed to trigger his instincts as a video essayist.

After the dark history digging is over, the end is just queen kills those people indiscriminately, and afterwards it becomes boring praise, and this all is also shown in the game.

He suddenly couldn't get into the Flow State anymore, and it became like any other boring job. 

He is now waiting for the queen to hurry up and review the results, then dismiss him as a historian in anger.

After confirming the power of the system, he has many new acedia postures, ready to try his length!



At the same time.

The Queen of Eternal Night was invited into the Great Library again to review the newly compiled textbooks:

"That's right, it's catchy, lively, and interesting, and you've packed the most words into a limited amount of space. You've worked hard."

She was full of praise.

The whole nation's efforts to compile enlightenment textbooks are indeed fruitful.

"Fortunately, we didn't humiliate ourselves."

Curator Rodney personally caught the matter and returned the ceremony with a gentlemanly restraint.

The Queen of Eternal Night put down the new textbook, remembered one more thing, and asked, "How is our newly appointed historian's work status recently?"

If that bastard Roger was still thinking about loafing around, she would be able to beat him logically.

Unexpectedly, this question caused a strange expression to appear on Rodney's face.

"Lord Brando had worked very hard."

"Oh? If Curator Rodney has something to say, you don't need to cover up for him."

"He worked hard, winning unanimous praise from the historical advisory committee, but the current results are a little, um, bold..."

"What do you mean?"

"I dare not say."

"You are forgiven, speak!"

"Lord Brando's attitude towards the Manuel City Incident is very straightforward and too in-depth..."


The Empress of Eternal Night huffed angrily.

Inside her slender body, an irresistible magical storm raged.

The gorgeous conference room became instantly desolate as though robbed by bandits.

Curator Rodney immediately opened a shield to protect the less powerful advisors.

A moment later, the veteran magus's face turned gray, he coughed blood, and he staggered.

Her Majesty's strength improved again, but the vortex of magic bursting from her emotion almost killed them...

"I lost my composure. For the maintenance funds and pensions, you shall visit to the palace accounts."

The Queen of Eternal Night left a light sentence, and then her slim figure teleported away.

"Alas, Dio is so pitiful..."

Rodney let out a long sigh.

He was such a smart boy, why couldn't he think things through?

Although our Majesty's mind is like the sea, those words were her reverse scale.

The previous historians tried to avoid it softly, but they were unsuccessful.

Now, this idiot is using a big awl to stab the queen's reverse scale repeatedly, trying to see what big treasure is hidden underneath...

He was so daring, who could keep him?

"I'm afraid my poor library will suffer..."

Thinking of the Queen of Eternal Night's reaction just now, Rodney couldn't help feeling chills in his chest.



It was the Recorder's Office.

The sudden appearance of turbulent energy fluctuations made everyone vigilant!

It seems that an epic monster is about to raid the Material Plane!

Then, everyone saw the splendid figure of the Eternal Night Queen.

It's just that her face was frosty at the moment, instead of looking at the historical consultants who were kneeling on the ground, she went straight to Roger:

"Dio, I heard that your editing work has achieved results?"

Roger's eyes suddenly lit up!

He took out a thick stack of manuscript paper and handed it over respectfully: "Reporting to Your Majesty, I have presided over the editing and restoration of the Manuel City Incident, as well as the achievements accomplished within the defeated Vanbruja Kingdom!"

"Hmph, wait for me to see!"

The Queen of Eternal Night took it and opened it.

The historical consultants present were so nervous that they almost forgot to breathe.


Lord Brando dares to say that we have written down everything that Her Majesty has done.

But that word, "achievements", I'm afraid it requires several layers of quotation marks, right?

The higher you raise Her Majesty's expectations, the more miserable you will be at the end!

Different from the nervousness and worry of his subordinates, Roger was respectful on the surface but more joyful in his heart.

[She is in a hurry, she is in a hurry! In the past, she didn't have any energy spilling out of her teleportation, but now she has amazing momentum. I am afraid she has gotten wind from the curator. 】

[It seems that this time is very stable. I will soon be released from this office! Thank you, Manuel City! Thank you, Kingdom of Vanbruga! 】

The Queen of Eternal Night was too lazy to listen to Roger's thoughts and focused on the first draft of the tenth volume of the "History of the Green Vines Empire" in front of her.

The more she looked, the more ugly her face became.

Her breathing got faster and faster.

Those bloody nights that she had almost forgotten were brought back to memory by the gorgeous, smooth, and well-organized lines of text.

The fourth brother who taught her to use bows and arrows led her to shoot her first rabbit. That same brother kidnapped her and tried to marry her to the crown prince of the Vanbruja Kingdom to please him...

The empire is in turmoil, the bones of my parents are not yet cold, the dinner party at my uncle's manor is still extravagant, the dancer is so beautiful, and I talk to my staff about the spices and tea that have come from the East...

The yellow-faced and thin-skinned refugees looked at her, begging the little princess who had the name of kindness to give them even a little bit of food to survive this long summer...

Before those civilians of the Vanbruga Kingdom died, their eyes that were eager to live were no different from the eyes of her own people in the Empire...

Scene after scene, there are countless blemishes that civil servants and military generals have worked hard to cover up for the queen, and now they have been dug up and written in a fair and ruthless tone!

She raised her head sharply and glared at Roger.

You don't understand, you don't understand what I've been through, you don't even know I didn't have a choice!

Those foolish people don't understand either. The enemy will use these things to attack me. I have done so much for the empire, but I still have to bear the infamy...




A terrifying magical storm filled the entire room, then exploded, affecting a wide area.

One-third of the big library collapsed!

Countless people have swept away, dazedly facing the apocalypse-like scene of natural disasters.

Immediately, they saw the Eternal Night Queen floating in the air, her long golden hair flying without wind, and complex three-dimensional magic patterns appearing on her snow-white skin.

The rank above legend, the Queen of Eternal Night, her full combat power was on display!

She looked down at Roger like a god:

"Dio Brando, how dare you write that? Aren't you afraid I'll kill you?"

Roger was only injured by the aftermath of her imposing manner, and the corner of his mouth was bleeding.

But he just wiped it lightly, raised his head slightly, and met the queen's deep eyes, which were engulfed by the violent tsunami, and said calmly:

"Your Majesty won't dare to kill me. In fact, you can't kill me. At most, you can only dismiss me because of my incompetence."

His image was a bit pathetic. Compared to the queen, who was like a bright moon in the sky, he was like a firefly that would be extinguished by the angry storm at any time.

But he also naturally revealed a confidence that no one understood.

The Queen's reaction, to the situation at the moment, was as expected.

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