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The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off – Chapter 150

2023-03-15 13:00:55Publish Time: 910 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
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Translated by: Ben-Jackson

Edited by: everton-alves

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Chapter 150 On Weird Humor, Roger Isn't Weaker Than Others.

"The mysterious capital, civilian district."

The figure of the Eternal Night Queen appeared where Roger and Shana were just standing.

As a responsible and compassionate queen who cares for the underprivileged, she has visited the commoners' district more than once and is very familiar with the environment there.

Therefore, the first thing to do when walking out of the portal is to cast an invisible protective spell on oneself, isolating oneself from those abnormal smells.

Her strength is capable of destroying this area hundreds of times, but even the strongest magic is useless if one wants to build it clean and tidy.

It means "It is just a mandatory cleaning of all the rubbish. As long as the residents' lives don't undergo any qualitative changes, this place will sooner or later revert to its original state."

Construction is different from destruction, and individual strength cannot change the overall environment.

Only when everyone puts in effort can the lower levels of the empire make a leap forward.

Therefore, the ideas proposed by Roger brought about changes to the empire that were so unique and remarkable, often making the Queen feel amazed.

The Eternal Night Queen shook her head, gathering her slightly confused thoughts, and began to search for Roger's true location.

The moment Roger used the command of the Demon Emperor to activate magic, it immediately caught the attention of the Eternal Night Queen who teleported over to provide support.

She was worried that Shana would cause trouble in the imperial city, not that some bluffing junior wizard would have an accident!

After receiving it, she discovered that the location of Roger that is determined by the magic beacon had a significant deviation from his actual position.

The magical means that can cause interferences to her are clearly not something that ordinary people can get access to.

At that time and place, only Shana was there...

"Actually daring to lay a hand on my little Roger?" The Eternal Night Empress's lips curled into a cold smile.

She thought Shana was smart enough, but she didn't expect her to be brave enough to provoke her like this!

"Do you really think you can't bear to kill her?"

She suddenly raised her eyebrows slightly, and the command of the demon king was launched again, starting to convey magic power.

This indicates that the situation of the war over there has intensified again.

The face of the Eternal night queen grew even more cold and stern, and worry unexpectedly showed in her eyes as her senses heightened.

In such a short time, Shana shouldn't be able to run very far.

She followed the residual magic fluctuations in this area, calculated and analyzed them, and deduced the temporary spatial coordinates generated by Shana.

The Eternal Night Queen immediately struck with her immense magical power, breaking through the seal of that space and entering it directly.

It sounds like a series of complicated operations, but from the perspective of ordinary people in this area, it's just a graceful figure appearing and then disappearing, causing a momentary dazzle.

"I tell you, I may have just seen His Majesty!" A young man rubbed his eyes and looked towards the direction, where the fragrance seemed to still remain.

"I believe that the merciful majesty will not forget us, the ants at the bottom, but do you have the fate and luck to meet the majesty?"

His companions burst into laughter and push him on the shoulder. "Stop dreaming and just marry Maria. She only gained a little weight, what's the big deal?"

"Did she gain weight? Her arms are thicker than my legs, I'm afraid she might break my waist if she sits on me!"

A group of young people laughed and walked away, nobody dared to believe that they really just passed by the most prestigious woman in the country.



The Eternal Night Empress entered a space filled with light pink mist. There was no gravity, making telling which way up or down impossible.

Indeed, it is a temporary semi-plane where all rules are very rudimentary, but there is quite a bit of ingenuity in hiding traces.

But, I can't hide it!

Is the little projector trying to buy time and prepare to execute some complicated tactics?

"I was foolish to think that she was as innocent as a newborn baby. But in the end, she played dirty and attempted to sneakily backstab me."

Fortunately, I left a mark on Xiao Roger's leg, which allowed me to detect any unusual situation and provide support immediately.

This pink mist creates a sense of isolation and even the Queen of Eternal night can only feel her way forward.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before Roger sternly reprimanded, "If you are curious about such matters, I can arrange it for you, but don't suggest it to me. I am not interested in acts that simply satisfy animal desires."

The Queen of Eternal Night's thoughts stirred slightly, is Sir Roger implying that they fight like wild animals?

She made a contemptuous "tsk" sound, this Shana looks pretty on the outside but has the temperament of a barbarian inside.

This is probably... the pot calling the kettle black.

The Queen of Eternal Night rushed over when she heard the sound, her eyes piercing through the thin mist, she saw Roger floating in mid-air, constantly releasing large-scale magic from his hands. He forcefully blasted Shana, who was close to him, away.

It's a fight!

The Eternal Night Empress saw that Roger was okay, with only slightly disheveled clothes, and her heart that had been hanging in the balance finally relaxed.

Fortunately, his combat prowess has always been good.

In the next moment, the Queen of Eternal Night stood directly in front of Roger.

By now, Shana was no longer the shy and timid fawn from before. Instead, she had become an angry little lioness, with a face flushed from embarrassment turning to fury.

She didn't know how many times she had been knocked over by explosions, but she still recklessly charged towards Roger.

Unfortunately, the Night Queen snapped her fingers and activated the magic circle left inside Shana's body.

Suddenly, the magic inside Shana's body went out of control and surged around wildly, leaving her weak and collapsed on the ground.

Shana couldn't believe it as she raised her head, "Little Ao, you actually left a back door inside me!"

"Oh!" The Eternal Night Queen snapped her fingers again.

The magic circle changed the way it operated, and the sealed magic became a direct and agonizing effect on the soul. Immediately, Shana broke out in a cold sweat.

However, Shana's willpower was indeed strong enough. Even when in extreme pain, she didn't utter a sound but simply glared angrily at the Eternal Night Queen.

All of the magical wonders designed by the Queen of Eternal Night have secret backdoors that only she knows about. It would be strange if she didn't leave a few backdoors while transforming Shana's body.

"I haven't used it before, because I was afraid it would affect both parties trust."

As a result, now Shana has caused trouble, endangering Roger. The enraged Queen of the Night also harbors murderous intent and naturally will not hesitate to expose her own manipulative tactics.

Of course, having murderous thoughts doesn't mean you immediately act on them.

To solidify the projection of such a six-winged angel, it’s essential to have the right timing, location, and harmony with people. Therefore, we need to first understand the situation.

The Eternal night queen admired Shana's stubborn little expression, but suddenly also discovered a suspicious point.

Why is her clothes also in a mess, with water stains of unknown origin on the hem of her skirt.

And along with the color tones of this space, why does it suddenly feel like the battle between these two people has become eerie ?

Empathizing a little to Roger's anger, looking back, the Night Queen also felt a little fake.

She asked, "Sir Roger, what caused the conflict between the two of you ?"

Roger was not surprised that the Queen of the Eternal Night came, nor was he surprised that she would ask him questions.

Starting from the mistake in the wiring of the Shana nerve, he has been trying to prevent the sudden inspection of the Eternal Night Queen.

Although being persecuted, women have an inherent advantage in false accusations.

He had no surveillance footage, so he couldn't prove how many bowls of noodles he ate.

Having experienced the inflation of public opinion in the internet era. Roger has always been cautious, leaving an open gap in the office door when speaking to female colleagues other than Joey.

This play is just like how a mother entrusts her child to you and hopes that you will help the child develop in all aspects, including morality, intelligence, physical fitness, beauty, and labor, so that the child can contribute to the empire from now on.

As a result, she turned her head and discovered that you had engaged in restricted activities with the child...

This child's mother still has a violent temper. Roger's scalp began to tingle as he imagined possible scenarios.

Luckily, his self-control is quite good. Not to mention Little Joey's increasingly proficient skills, even when Margaret becomes alluring, she can easily outshine Shana at that time.

Therefore, Roger finally took the initiative with "technical means" before the arrival of the Queen of Eternal night, and provoked Shana to enter the battle process.

So his explanation came naturally, "Because there was a dispute over project arrangements, I mishandled it and had a conflict with Miss Shana, which betrayed Your Majesty's trust, so I ask Your Majesty to punish me."

Shana immediately complained with a sense of grievance and indignation, "Yes, yes! He promised to do his best to entertain me well, but he couldn't even handle a small matter and even played a trick on me!"

She thought he was going to lead her into the world of adults, but instead he took advantage of the opportunity to launch an unfair surprise attack!

Summary of the Eternal Night Queen's statement, "So, it was Shana who made excessive demands and was rejected by Lord Roger, which led to a battle?"

"It might be a little bit excessive... but it's definitely within his capabilities!" Shana suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Although the wording is a bit strange, the general idea is correct.

She wanted to do something interesting.She looked around and found Roger to be quite pleasing, so she chose him.

As a result, he kept refusing, and Shana found that the more he resisted, the more excited she became, and then the situation spiraled out of control to what it is now...

Roger followed Shana's words and said, "Indeed, it's not that I cannot, however I was unwilling to do it. I have not handled this matter well, so I ask your majesty to invite another capable person to entertain Miss Shana."

The Eternal Night Empress waved her hand and said, "Lord Roger, you need not blame yourself. I know the mistake were not yours."

"He admitted that he was wrong, so why is the blame still on me?" Shana was infuriated.

She is pitifully unaware of the ways of the world and keeps getting entangled with Roger on who is right or wrong.

She didn't know what Roger was really afraid that the Night Queen would find out - how skilled he was in certain directions.

If Shana truthfully describes the process, it guarantees a two-level reversal of the current situation, as a meteor shower pounds down on Roger's head.

Unfortunately, she is still too young and doesn't understand what tea art is.

How can the brutal and unreasonable original partner possibly compete with a considerate lover?

The Eternal Night Empress coldly snorted and said, "This is my empire, not your divine kingdom. The loyalty and wisdom of my subjects are not the same as animals offered to gods by believers! I will never allow you to trample on the dignity of my empire's people."

Roger couldn't help felt a little pity for Shana after seeing her hopeless and shocked expression.

Using adult methods to deal with a child is unfair and inappropriate!

Unfortunately, this kind of relationship they had just started cannot be spoken of. If they were to speak about it, neither of them would benefit from it.

"Shana, when you grow up, you will thank me..."

Shana , Thank you to your ancestors 18 generations!

Angry to the extreme, Shana suddenly calmed down and regained her ability to think on her own, showing the inherent qualities of Nalineir.

She has confirmed that she has absolutely no advantage in terms of physical strength, but the value she possesses is comparable to Roger Charles, the man who deceived and played with her.

Sure enough, this kid is not simple. No wonder the original body was curious about him!

Shana is not stupid, and she realised that she won't benefit from acting recklessly. She immediately remembers the negotiations that were interrupted earlier.

Isn't the Night Queen just trying to discover the secrets of the Seven Gods?

Anyway, the seven gods are definitely going to kill oneself, and oneself doesn't have an obligation to keep secrets for them.

I didn't date before, I just didn't know what I wanted.

But now, she already has what she wants!

Taking a deep breath, Shana confidently spoke, "Little Ao, I apologize for my outburst just now. I am willing to provide all the information you need, with just one simple condition -"

She raised her voice and provocatively looked at Roger.

Roger's hair stood on end instantly, and his palms were covered in cold sweat.

This little girl wouldn't use the top-level secret of the Multiverse as a bargaining chip and risk her own life, would she?

Lord Shana, why are you so cruel?

"This is using anti-aircraft guns to shoot mosquitoes. It's such a waste, not worth it!"

Unfortunately, Shana gave him a look that said "you're dead for sure" and continued, "I only need you to hand over Roger Charles to me for disposal, then the agreement will be fulfilled."

What's wrong with using anti-aircraft guns to shoot mosquitoes? What's wrong with playing with fire and disturbing the warlords?

In this lifetime, Miss Xiao Gu is determined to live happily, freely, and with a clear mind!

Speaking of it, this is what Roger taught her - humans should have pursuits beyond their animalistic nature.

"Sorry, I cannot agree to your condition," the Eternal Night Queen refused directly.

However, Shana made an unexpected move and immediately changed her conditions, "Then I only need one month of his time, and I guarantee that I will not harm his life or cause permanent damage to his soul or body."

Upon hearing about the condition set by Shana, Roger only had one response:

MD, this girl is really cruel!

No wonder someone smart and cautious like Shati still fell into Nalinai's trap again and again.

The conditions that this woman is proposing are truly irresistible.

If the queen sacrificed the lives of important officials to obtain information, the price would be high as she would be extremely criticized.

"But only sending high-ranking officials to "accompany and entertain" for a month, they will not die or become disabled. After returning, they can continue to serve themselves."

What's the difference between this condition and giving it away for free? Signed!

Most normal people would feel that the exchange proposed by Shana is too little. It is obvious that it is a condition put forward by a mischievous child in a fit of pique. Therefore, it is appropriate to agree immediately.

"Sorry, I still refuse."

The answer of the Eternal Night Queen had no hesitation, "You can negotiate for different terms, but the exchange for Lord Roger is not within the scope of discussion."

Shana finally furrowed her brow as the conditions she thought would guarantee success were rejected, and the situation became a bit out of control.

She asked unwillingly, "Why? You should know that this way you have hardly given anything."

The Night Empress held her chin with her finger and said calmly, "It's simple. Because Lord Roger is a human, not an object. He has already rejected you, and I will respect his choice and hope he is happy."

Roger turned his head, unexpectedly looking towards the Queen of Eternal Night.

Because of respect and the desire to be happy, we refused almost free information.

The ripples of the Tao emerged in his heart.

What is the sudden feeling of being pampered about?

"I won't discuss any further and will not give you any information from now on!" Shana used her ultimate negotiation tactic and left the table.

"Hope you have fun here and wait peacefully for the arrival of the Seven Gods."

The Eternal Night Empress took Roger's hand and led him away from this temporarily created demi-plane.

Then flip it over and turn it into a permanent space.

So it became a cage.

"Wait, I was just threatening!"

Shana's mentality collapsed.

"Your Majesty, my dear Majesty, how come you say you'll leave and then leave just like that?"

The surroundings fell silent and she was still a bit unable to recover. In front of her were only the shadows of the Queen of Eternal Night and Roger leaving hand in hand.

Repeatedly played, unable to dispel.

"She felt an unbearable pain in her heart and exclaimed, 'Joining forces to bully me...I can't take it anymore...I don't want to live anymore...'"

Embarrassingly, tears flowed down.

Not only anger, but also pain that she herself doesn't understand, as if something important has been drawn out and then crushed heavily by someone.

Do those two people already have an unbreakable understanding that cannot be manipulated by others? Do they already have a strong relationship that even the secrets of the gods cannot affect?

A little envious.

But also a little bit unconvinced.

I will definitely find a way to come between these two people and prove that I am the most important one!

Brave angel, never give up!

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