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Not Super Robot Wars at All – Chapter 114

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Translated by: WuWang

Edited by: Wryvent, RGM96X Jesta, anonymous, KingSpy25i

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Chapter 114: Celestial Being

Lunar Capital, inside the P.L.A.N.T. embassy abroad.

"How could I expect it to be you coming over! Haman is Haman, no matter what, I can't learn this kind of political wisdom." Ade took the initiative to extend his right hand to the middle-aged man in front of him, "Mr. Waltfeld, first time meeting, I have heard a lot about you."

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Lingus." Andrew Waltfeld and Ade shook hands vigorously. Waltfeld could not help but raise an eyebrow at Ade's intimate way of calling Speaker Haman. "I also find Speaker Karn's arrangement appropriate, Aisha and I have long wanted to retire, this kind of retirement work is just right for me ."

"Doctor is welcome to come by my place for a cup of coffee, I have confidence in my own handicraft." Waltfeld let out a bright laugh, "By the way, my child can also have a playmate, she and Audrey get along very happily."

Not far from the two, an energetic, less than ten years old girl is playing with Mineva, Ange and Waltfeld's wife, Aisha watched them playing.

Mineva looked excited and was chasing the young girl around the wide room in circles. The girl running in front raised her hands up in the air and her mouth shouted, "Ple Ple Ple Ple Ple Ple Ple Ple Ple~"

"Ple is an orphan, we adopted her." Noticing Ade's puzzled look, Waltfeld took the initiative to explain, "Elsa and I couldn't have a child because of genetic problems, and while we were distressed by this, we happened to meet Ple. With this child being so cute, was there any choice but to adopt her?"

"Of course not, I would choose the same if I were you." Ade replied with a smile, "Audrey really likes Ple a lot, and I'll be sure to often bring her here to play with Ple."

After that, the two discussed a bit more about their work, then Ade greeted Mineva and got ready to leave.

"Bye, auntie and uncle." Mineva gave a very ladylike salute and then waved at Ple, "Ple, bye."

"Audrey, goodbye! Goodbye, Brother Ade! Bye, Sister Ange!" Ple also said goodbye to them in good spirits, "Ple Ple Ple Ple Ple Ple Ple Ple Ple Ple~"

"Ade, is there something wrong with this kid's IQ?" After leaving the embassy, Ange asked in a muttered whisper, "Tell this uncle that it's better to hurry up and treat her while she's still young, otherwise, it will be too late when she grows up, and her IQ will—"

"—IQ will become like you." Ade popped her on the head and leaned down to pick up Mineva, "Your Sister Ange didn't take her medicine today."

Ange covered her forehead with an exaggerated "ouch" and puffed up her mouth, "The last bit of IQ is also taken away by you, Ade, you are responsible."

Mineva laughed happily at Ange's comical appearance, wrapping her arms around Ade's neck and rubbing his cheek affectionately.

When they walked to the parking lot, Ade handed Mineva to Ange, walked to the side and took out his cell phone to make some calls, then came back and said to Ange, "I have something to do tonight and won't be home for dinner, please tell them."

"What is it?" Ange was instantly alerted, "With who? How many people? Male or female? Where are you going? What time will you be back?"

"The heroines of this story have all made their debut, and absolutely no new characters will be added." Ade couldn't help but laugh out loud and darted a quick kiss to the young girl's lips, "It's with Shin, Uraki, and the others, a party between men."

"Oh, oh." Ange blushed, "Then, then you take care on the way."

"Don't kiss in front of the kids, I'm mad!" Mineva protested unhappily, "Uncle Ade, I want one too!"

"Then one for you, too." Ade kissed on the little girl's bare forehead as well, "Mineva, be good."

"Well, that's more like it." The little girl nodded her head in a pretend mature manner, then smiled cheekily.

Then Ange waited in the parking lot until Uraki showed up in his car before taking Mineva away with her at ease.

"Uraki, let's go to Kira's house first, they're closer." Ade got into the passenger side, casually said hello, and buckled himself up in a regular manner, "I haven't thought about what to eat tonight, do you have any ideas?"

"Even if it's your treat, we shouldn't let you spend too much." Uraki made a thoughtful face, "But it can't be too shabby too, or you'll be too humiliated, doctor."

"You think too much." Ade laughed, "Money is not a problem, just tell me what's a good place for a party."

"By the way, I remembered a barbecue that I read someone's recommendation online earlier." Uraki said while driving, "It says it's very hygienic and tastes good, it's just a little far away, in the next city."

"That's fine, it won't take long to drive there anyway." Ade thought about it and took out his phone, "What's the name?"

"Shangri-La BBQ."

"…it's said this restaurant was almost seized because of child labor. The boss claimed that it was a relative's child, and got rid of the penalty," Ade scrolled through the comments of this restaurant, "Many comments also said the owner is a beautiful woman, but they were not allowed to take pictures, so I don't know if it's true. Well, let's go with this one, I'll book a table."

Kira's home is not far away. By the time Ade finished the phone call, they have almost arrived at Kira's door. The two of them rang the doorbell and Kira came out to open the door and take them in.

"Doctor, Uraki, you're here." Cagalli was sitting in the living room watching a video on babywearing, when she saw them enter, she put down the tablet she was holding and greeted them, "I—"

"Just sit down, you don't have to get up." Ade quickly waved his hand to stop her. Cagalli's belly was already quite large and it wasn't that easy to move around in maternity clothes.

"Do you want to listen to it, Doctor? It's okay." Cagalli noticed the look Ade cast on her belly and gave Ade a smile full of maternal glory, "They are both very naughty, they kick me a lot, it can be fun."

Ade was actually quite curious. But Kira was staring at him with a nervous look, making him give up on the idea.

"No need, it's not like I'm Mineva," Ade said graciously, and Kira quietly sighed in relief.

"Doctor, you don't have to envy me, you can have your own child," Cagalli tenderly touched her stomach, "with, uh, with …"

"Doctor, Uraki, let's hurry up and get going, go early and come back early." Kira interrupted, "I'm still a little uneasy about leaving Cagalli home alone."

Ade also felt that he had not considered properly to left the pregnant Cagalli alone at home. While thinking of a way out, Uraki took the initiative and said, "Actually, the doctor has already told me to let Lucette come to accompany Cagalli. She is on her way and will be here in a while."

Kira threw a grateful look at Ade, while Ade sighed silently in his heart. He had made a trustworthy friend, and he couldn't help but feel a little guilty about having to make him do something like "that" later.

After Lucette's arrival, the three set off again. The next people to pick up were Shinn and Kamille, both of whom happened to be at Chang Wufei's house at this time. When the car drove to the neighborhood, Kira found the target at a glance.

By the sidewalk, Shinn was helping Chang Wufei to cross the street, while Kamille walking behind them with his head tilted.

"Is that good?" Kira looked at the scene and frowned, "Kamille's a bit much."

"He needs to be taught." Ade shrugged, "As long as you won't beat him to death, you can beat him until he realized his fault."

The trio parked across the road and Chang Wufei was reprimanding Kamille when they found Shinn.

"How can you learn my way of justice when you can't even do the basic etiquette of respecting the old?" Chang Wufei showed a look of dismay and pointed to Shinn who was standing aside, "Look at him and then look at you, have you ever thought about why the gap between being a human being is so big?"

"What does this have to do with justice? Old man, you're out of your mind." Kamille pouted and turned his head away, "Why didn't you mention justice or something when you beat me up? You cunning adults have a double standard."

Seeing Kamille's appearance, Chang Wufei couldn't help but feel a wave of anger rising in his heart. He rolled up his sleeves and gave Kamille a shoulder slam, while his mouth shouted, "Let the old man teach you what is justice."

This fall is a little hard, Kamille struggling to stand up when still a little unstable. Shinn rushed forward to support him, and patted the dust off his body, "Grandpa wants you to be good, so he is a little strict to you."

"Humph, he wants me to be good? He simply doesn't like me." Kamille complained in a small voice, but his tone had softened, "Brother Shinn, thanks."

"What are friends, that's nothing." Shinn smiled and patted Kamille on the shoulder, "Seeing you reminds me of myself back then. Adrien-san was much more ruthless than grandpa is now. That was a mental attack, almost psyched me out in front of Mayu."

"I get it." Kamille nodded with some backwardness, "That person is an advanced NT. He can forcefully drill into your brain and lecture to you. It is just too scary."

"It seems you are more afraid of the doctor and not so much of me." Chang Wufei sneered, "I should let the Doctor resonate with you, it should be more effective."

"Mr. Chang, I'm sorry!" Kamille shouted.

At this point, the three walked up. Kamille of course had long felt Ade coming and watched him shiver. Watching this, Shinn felt both funny and annoying.

Ade and Chang Wufei exchanged a look that only they understood, and then took Shinn and Kamille to the car. Uraki drove on to the next city, with Kamille sitting in the back between Kira and Shinn. Kira was indoctrinating him with his various ideas of love and peace, and Ade could sense that Kamille did not believe in this, but could not say anything in front of Ade and Shinn, so he had to listen in silence.

Sometime later, Uraki followed the navigation around and finally found the destination. They saw a small signboard written "Shangri-La BBQ" in a distance.

Kamille suddenly exclaimed, "There are a lot of NTs!"

When the five of them walked into the restaurant, a brown-haired teenager who looked like he was only 13 or 14 shouted, "Sister Sayla, we have customers!"

A few moments later, a charming young woman came out of the restaurant, She had short, beautiful blonde hair, looking at her appearance about between 20 and 30 years old. The young blonde woman obviously froze for a moment when she saw Ade, and then pretended as if nothing happened and asked, "Do you have an appointment?"

Kamille immediately sensed that the other party knew Ade and whispered to Shinn, "Oh, it's really good to be famous. Wherever you are, there are always beautiful women who know you. We might even get a discount at the checkout later."

They found a box to sit down and order food, Kamille heard that it was Ade who treats, then he immediately ordered the most expensive food.

"It's barbecue, Kamille, it won't cost the Doctor much money no matter how much food you order." Uraki felt speechless and reminded him, "By the way, order a few more pork loin for the Doctor. Shinn, do you want some?"

"Brother Uraki!" Shinn blushed with shame, "I, I'll just taste a little."

"I won't need it." Kira laughed and shook his head, "I can't eat it at all. It's poison to me."

"It's not time for Shinn to eat pork loin yet, is it? You're a Coordinator." Ade looked at Shinn weirdly, then dawned on him, "Sometimes, something may happen because of improper control, the main reason for this phenomenon is lack of experience and lack of appropriate skills. It's like swimming, a person who can't swim will be submerged in the deep water …"

"That's enough of you!" Kamille protested loudly with dissatisfaction, "Please consider the feelings of a child like me!"

After ordering, they chatted while waiting for the food to be served. The restaurant was quite efficient, and the food was almost ready in a while. The people responsible for serving the food were all 13 or 14 years old children.

"Please enjoy your meal." The brown-haired teenager put the last plate down. Kamille jumped at the chance to strike up a conversation, and was stopped by Ade with a stern look.

"Judau, come help, we're short-handed over here!" Someone outside shouted.

"Coming, Beecha!" The brown-haired teenager bowed to Ade and turned around sharply to run out.

"It's okay to ask, right? Don't you think it's strange, Doctor?" Kamille looked at Ade unconvincingly, "It's surprising that all these little kids are NTs. Don't you feel curious about it?"

"So what if they are NTs?" Ade calmly locked eyes with him, "They have their lives, we have no right to pull these people into our world. Even if that little kid named Judau just now is a super ACE, I'm not qualified to dominate his life."

"Humph, you only know to lecture me," Kamille complained and then moved his attention to the food, "Let's eat!"

Everyone started eating and drinking, joking and laughing. After the meal, Ade coughed. They realized that Ade was finally going to start talking about business and quickly quieted down.

"My friends, you already have a family and even children, you shouldn't take risks in this situation. Just like that teenager who served food just now and that beautiful restaurant owner, they will never be involved in dangers again." Ade looked complicated, "This statement may be hypocritical, but from a selfish point of view, I actually do not want to drag you guys down again."

They did not interrupt and listened to him carefully.

"I can't stop thinking about how I'm going to face Cagalli and the two kids if something happens to Kira. What would I tell Mayu and Stella if Shinn didn't come back? I don't even know how to tell Lucette that I want Uraki to go with me, you've only just been married." Ade bowed his head in shame, "But you are all I can count on, please forgive me for shamelessly learning from Char to use those around me by any means necessary."

"What are you talking about, Doctor?" Uraki scratched his head, "I wouldn't be who I am without you."

"This world is about to undergo a change, a change that will sweep through all of human society, and I, Adrien Lingus, want to turn it into what I want it to be." Ade met each person in turn with a sincere look, "And for that, I need your strength."

The conversation gets a little bigger, and they looked at Ade a little seriously.

"Loran and Diana will only provide funding behind the scenes, and our little team will be alone against the world. I cannot even tell you the full extent of the plan, yet you must faithfully carry out my every command." Ade paused, "I'm sorry, that's all I can say right now, would you all like to join as Gundam pilots?"

"The world the Doctor expects must be a gentle one, and I hope that Haruka and Sora can live in that kind of world." Kira smiled at him, "Please let my power come in handy."

"But I still don't want to be separated from Mayu and Stella." Shinn rubbed his nose in distress. Ade was about to agree, then Shinn continued, "So can I bring them along? As you know, Adrien-san, Mayu and Stella are no ordinary girls."

"And we need some people to maintain and repair Gundams. You must have more important things, Doctor, that Lucette can help with." Uraki patted his chest, "You don't need to ask about the choice of mine. I'm in."

"You guys, at least hesitate a little!" Ade let out a bitter laugh, only to feel his heart warm as if there was a flame, "Thank you, really, thank you."

"I'm still hesitating!" Kamille knocked on the table, "It's suspicious that you're not even telling us what you're going to do, and you must be exaggerating, no way that this will change the world!"

"You have no choice, your participation is mandatory." Ade glanced at him expressionlessly, "That's what Quattro threw you at me for. Have some self-awareness!"

"Hey, are you taking this personally?" Kamille gasped a little as he felt the powerful oppression in his consciousness.

"Of course!" Ade replied rightfully, "And you know why I'm targeting you, right?"

"… Sorry." Kamille suddenly became upset. Shinn patted him on the back to comfort him.

"DX and Villkiss have been exposed, we can't use them, so they will be responsible for holding down the moon. Our ship is a forty-year-old warship, and the captain is not a beautiful big sister but a bad-tasted old man. The only good news is that there is a beautiful girl navigator, but you all have a girlfriend or wife, so don't make a play for her." Ade ignored Kamille who was shouting "I don't have a girlfriend!" "For the same reason, other MSs can't be used neither. I will prepare brand new Gundams for you, and you need to get used to them again."

Hearing that there are new Gundams, they looked a little excited.

"You don't have one, you keep driving The-O." Ade dismissed someone's enthusiasm at once, "At most, I'll help you retrofit it. You're not qualified to drive Gundam now."

Kamille shriveled up at a rate visible to the naked eye, and the other three let out good-natured laughter.

"Please allow me to say it again, thank you." Ade held out his hand and placed it right in the middle of the table as the other few folded theirs over his, "Welcome to Celestial Being."

Celestial Being

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