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I Draw R18 Manga In Japan – Chapter 4

2021-10-19 01:00:00Publish Time: 1,974 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
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Translated by: WuWang

Edited by: anonymous

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Chapter 4: I am the King of Dirty!

Shimizu Hakuseki was not a person who would lie down after being beaten, even if the opposite was his beautiful senpai.

Of course, Kasannoin Ayase did not beat him, but why do you look so proud? Aren't you just an erotic novel writer? It isn't better than drawing adult manga!

Everyone is rolling in the mud. We are all dirty!

Of course, he wouldn't do the foolish thing of arguing who was more advanced in the realm of erotica.

He knifed directly at her weakest place.

"Well, I'm not doing well enough," Shimizu Hakuseki said, "But I've finished a manga somehow. What about your work?"

"I, my work is still in the process of creation."

"Can you take it out and let me read it?"

"It's not finished yet, and a lot of modifications are needed."

"That is to say, you haven't got a work you can take out yet?"

Kasannoin Ayase lowered her head, bit her lips, and looked unwilling, "Yes, you're right."

"Why do you call yourself a novelist like that?"

"Yes, I am too arrogant." Kasannoin Ayase gritted her teeth and said, "But soon, my work will be finished. I will become a great novelist. Entire Japan, no, people all over the world will be fascinated by my novel."

"Ha! Then I can say I'm a time traveler from another world!" said Shimizu Hakuseki indifferently, "Talk is cheap, show me your novel."

"You're right in your criticism." Kasannoin Ayase gritted her teeth, but there was nothing she could do. She said forcefully, "Even so, I would like to point out that your works still have a lot of shortcomings, and you should not have such a half-dangling attitude."

"My attitude is my problem. As for your saying that there are many shortcomings in my works, I'm all ears."

"Countless shortcomings, for example, the female apartment manager in the manga, her lower body dress is very unreasonable."

"Super short skirt with black stockings, I think it is very reasonable, aren't they good?"

"Ha! You little boy who has no sex life at all. Where do people in the real world wear something like that? Is she a streetwalker?"

"Oh, I see. What you mean is that students can't dress like that."

"Of course not, the school will not allow it!"

Although Japan was a fairly open country, on the other hand, the country was also very stubborn and conservative. In this era of 1974, Japan's overall social morality was still very conservative.

Girls who wore jeans with holes in them were already at the forefront of fashion, and they would be criticized by strangers. Even ordinary stars didn't dress like this, only those who engage in rock and roll would wear these improper clothes.

As for black stockings, which were still regarded as sex objects in this era. Only those shameless women in special service industries would dress up like this, not to mention the matching of miniskirts, which was tantamount to a criminal solicitation!

"Ah, you're right, but I don't think it's a loophole."


"Because the world in my manga isn't a realistic world, it's in a fictional universe!" Shimizu Hakuseki quibbled, "In my fantasy world, the social atmosphere is very open, so black stockings are kind of common dress!"

"Well, ok, you won," Kasannoin Ayase was also a creator, naturally, she knew that it was not wise to squabble with the original author. So she resolutely changed her target, "Even so, there is still a huge defect in your work."

"Oh? I'm listening."

Kasannoin Ayase blushed, but she still spoke out her opinion loudly, "The battle in your manga is too ordinary!"

Shimizu Hakuseki stunned, "Er, wait, you mean, my manga is not erotic enough?"

"Yes," Kasannoin Ayase took a deep breath and said, "The only feature is that when fighting in different places, most battles are too simple."

"I don't quite understand."

"Hum, you're still too young, but I can understand. You're too young to understand anything, kid. You look down on the world of erotica. It's not a simple battle. There are more dark sides, shackles, humiliation, crazy love, perverted personality, all kinds of things beyond ordinary people's imagination, far beyond your imagination."

Shimizu Hakuseki was stunned at first, then he asked in disbelief, "You mean, my mind is not dirty enough?"

"Well, dirty? It's a very accurate word, that's it. Not only is your mind not dirty enough, but it's also just too pure."

For an instant, Shimizu Hakuseki felt a great sense of shame, then anger.

This is just plain humiliation!

What was that just now? I was despised by a girl? She even commented that my manga was too pure and not dirty.

Did I get it wrong? Where did this hentai girl come from?

Do you really think I'm a pure teenager of sixteen? In my last life, everyone called me the king of dirty! I'm afraid I've frightened you with my true power. You little girl don't understand what a terrible existence you've provoked!

Do you know the existence of necrophilia? Do you know lolicom that is despised by the entire world? Do you know all kinds of extrahuman waifu? Do you know what a cute shota is? Do you know there are beautiful women with big d*ck in the world?

In the world where I used to live, we could even f*ck ships! Can your poor brains imagine that?

In this pure Japan in 1974, I could be the king of dirty.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

I'm the king!

You, a little girl!

How dare you doubt that I'm not dirty enough?

Should I let her see my true power? Should I let this girl completely submit to my power of dirty?

No, no, no, if I really did this, I would be regarded as a pervert! Sure, how can a man who even wants to fu*k a ship, not be a pervert!

Moreover, my ambition is to become an artist. I can easily make money by writing novels and drawing manga, why should I devote all my life to the work of erotic mangas? Now I do it just because I want to earn some quick money. I am inspired to become a master of the art, not a master of erotica!

Shimizu Hakuseki forced himself to calm down and took a deep breath and said slowly, "Well, you are right. After all, I am only sixteen years old. I have no intuitive knowledge of these things. I can only create with my own imagination. It's indeed not effective."

"After all, you are still a 16-year-old boy with little knowledge, it's not your fault."

Shimizu Hakuseki only felt a flash of irritation, he had to chime in with her, "Yes, I am too pure."

"Are you still a virgin?"

"Yes, I'm still a virgin…"

What a great shame! What a great shame!

"Well, it's quite difficult. At your age, you can't go to the wine shop to find a barmiss, and adult bookstores won't sell books to you. Even if you want to improve your experience, you have no method to achieve it."

"Well, that's not totally impossible."

"Oh? What can you do about it?

"I'm still a school student, so as long as I go back to school, I can find a girlfriend. In this way, I will have practical experience."

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Not yet."

"I didn’t think so," Kasannoin Ayase said sympathetically, "Don't be delusional, my young kouhai. You should try to find a more realistic way."

"You mean, it's unrealistic for me to find a girlfriend?"

"Look at yourself, you are just a young boy who eats cup noodles every day and owes me rent, do you think there will be girls willing to fall in love with you?"

"This is in 1974! Are the girls in this era already so realistic? Can't men and women just talk about ideal and life and then admire each other? Can't I fall in love with a girl without talking about money?"

"Ha-ha." Kasannoin Ayase smiled and consoled him, "In short, to be realistic. You know, the world is getting worse today than it was then."

"Yes, the world is getting worse day by day."

It was a little strange for a man who drew adult manga and a girl who wrote erotic novel to lament that the world was getting worse.

Maybe Kasannoin Ayase also felt this weird, so she changed the topic, "But to be honest, you painted a really good story, although there are many flaws, but also passable. You are completely inexperienced, how do you do it?"

"Cough, rely on my imagination!"

"Imagination? Can imagination reach this degree?"

"Don't underestimate the imagination of a virgin! According to statistics, virgins are the best writers of erotic novels!

"It makes sense," Kasannoin Ayase nodded thoughtfully and said, "It is because you are a virgin that needs to satisfy your empty heart with fantasy and imagination. The more you think, the more sense of emptiness you will feel, and the more you go to fantasy. What a sad creature."

"Yes, it's sad. Wait a minute, me?" Shimizu Hakuseki said seriously, "It's not what you think. I'm not such a sad creature. Although I'm drawing an adult manga, and I'm also a virgin, but I'm definitely not one of that kind of sad creatures."

"Ah, ah, I understand, I believe you."

"What kind of tone is that? You don't believe me at all!"

"That's not the point. The point is, I'll help you improve yourself."

"Help me? What can you do for me?"

"Your simplicity, your lack of understanding of women has become a bottleneck in your creation, making your works unrealistic, and I will help you improve in this aspect."

Are you mocking me? I am a 21st-century human, I have watched thousands of adult videos! Europe, America, Japan, Korea, Russia, Thailand, Germany, ghosts and animals… I have seen everything! How dare you say that I don't know women! It's a big absurdity!

Wait a minute. She wants to help me? She thinks that I don't know much about women, so how is she going to help me?

Suddenly, his heart began to beat violently.

Could it be… she is going to help me… use her body?

"Senpai, you are so great! It's all for the sake of art!"

"Yes, for the sake of art," Kasannoin Ayase gritted her teeth and said, "It's worthwhile to make a little sacrifice."

The world suddenly became so beautiful in Shimizu Hakuseki's heart. There is actually such a good thing in the world! I can actually meet the unreasonable plot in stories! It can't be better!

"So, senpai, when are you going to sacrifice?"

"Right now, but wait a moment." After that, she turned and went out the door.

She asked me to wait a moment. Did she go to take a shower before we do, do, do that thing?

Ah, what kind of bath do you take at a time like this? Can't you just be a little more frank?

Shimizu Hakuseki began to wait anxiously. Oh, oh, unexpectedly, I can break the seal in this life so easily, moreover, the person who will unleash the seal is such a beautiful girl. Thank god!

After a while, about five minutes later, Kasannoin Ayase returned to the room with a small stack of books in her arms.

"They are…"

"They are my collection of erotic novels. It's also a kind of learning to read other people's works. You know little about the world of adults, you can start with my treasures. But be careful when you read them. After all, they are hard-won treasures. It took me a lot of effort to collect them."

If he was a common teenager, he had jumped with excitement.

However, Shimizu Hakuseki, a man who called himself the king of dirty, only felt as if he was being trampled by ten thousand horses on his chest.

Senpai, this isn't what I expected…

After discussing the problem of artistic creation, Shimizu Hakuseki went out the door of his apartment with his manuscript.

Although he thought that his manga was very good and practical, after all, it must be appreciated by the editor, so that it would be published and turn into practical benefits.

That is to say, even if Shimizu Hakuseki painted a masterpiece, if people in this era didn't like it and didn't understand it, it would be valueless.

Even a great painter like Van Gogh was as poor as a church mouse when he was living. Eiichiro Oda's One Piece was a great masterpiece, and there were still people who didn't like it.

If he encountered an editor who didn't like his manga, he would still fail no matter how great his manga was.

It was one of the reasons Shimizu Hakuseki chose the safest method of earning quick money: adult manga. It doesn't need the editor's brain to judge whether it is good or bad, nor does it need his aesthetic evaluation. The editor only needed to feel it with his heart and body, which was enough.

Simply speaking, as long as the editor was a male with normal sexual orientation, he could make a fair evaluation after reading his manga.

Therefore, Shimizu Hakuseki was very confident about his works.

He really, really needed the contribution fee!

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