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I Draw R18 Manga In Japan – Chapter 2

2021-10-17 08:26:38Publish Time: 2,282 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
A+ A- Light Off

Translated by: WuWang

Edited by: anonymous

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Chapter 2: Haha, What a Coincidence!

When he woke up, he saw a person standing in front of his desk.

He was stunned for a while before he realized what he saw. How could there be another person in his room?!

Instantly, he jumped up from the bed and said, "Who! Thief? I'm poor, I have nothing for you to steal!"

"Oh, Hakuseki kouhai, what are you talking about? Are you still sleeping?" The person at the desk turned around with a strange smile on her face. She said in a pleasant tone, "There can't be thieves. The most valuable thing in your room are the cup noodles."

Looking at her face, Shimizu Hakuseki felt a little embarrassed. "Ah, it's Ayase senpai, you… how did you come in?"

Kasannoin Ayase took out a bunch of keys and whirled them around on her fingertips, "I'm the apartment manager here. I have keys to all the rooms."

"Even if you have a key, you shouldn't come in without my consent! It's rude to break into someone's room without authorization!"

Although he said so, there was not much dissatisfaction in his tone. After all, the girl standing in front of him was a great beauty.

Kasannoin Ayase had slender legs, wearing white summer sailor's clothes, a knee-length skirt, white cotton socks, and brown shoes. In a word, typical female student dress.

Kasannoin Ayase's appearance was very similar to Kasumigaoka Utaha. Of course, Kasumigaoka Utaha was just an anime character, but they had a high degree of coincidence in their image and temperament. As long as Kasannoin Ayase slightly dressed up, she could absolutely cosplay Kasumigaoka Utaha at any anime expo.

Of course, Kasannoin Ayase's skirt was not so short and she didn't wear black stockings, after all, it was 1974.

Moreover, Kasumigaoka Utaha had not yet been created at this time.

"Ah, you owe me a month and a week of rent, and you actually dare speak to me with such a tone, Shimizu, your audacity really surprises me."

"I'm so sorry, Ayase senpai. I'll make money to pay you back. Please forgive me."

"How are you going to make money?"

"I plan to rely on literary creation…" Shimizu Hakuseki's sentence hadn't been finished, he suddenly stopped because his words got stuck in his throat when he saw something in Kasannoin Ayase's hand.

It was a line draft he drew and worked on all night last night.

Too bad!

It's all over now!

"Your literary creation…" Kasannoin Ayase took out his line draft and leafed through the pages. She said, "Do you mean this pornographic cartoon in my hand?"

Shimizu Hakuseki's back instantly became cold and wet because of nervousness.


"Why do you apologize?"

"Because of my paintings."

"Well, let me see, maybe it's because the apartment you live in now happens to have the same name as the apartment in your cartoon?" Kasannoin Ayase said, "It's really coincidental that it's also called Tokoharu Apartment. Perhaps Tokoharu Apartment is a really common name."


"And coincidentally, the apartment manager of Tokoharu Apartment in the story is also a young woman." Kasannoin Ayase continued, "Like me."

"Cough cough…"

"What's more, why do I think the apartment manager in the cartoon looks a little like me?"

Because I painted based on your face! Of course, I have made a lot of artistic amendments, adding such artistic elements as black stockings and miniskirt.

But now, it wasn't the right time to think about these. Shimizu Hakuseki immediately bowed and apologized, "I'm very, very sorry!"

He must apologize, otherwise, if Kasannoin Ayase felt unhappy and tore up his draft, it would be the worst result.

Kasannoin Ayase must be mad now. He wouldn't be surprised if she tore up the line draft.

She indeed had a reason to be angry. Any normal woman who found herself in an adult manga would be angry.

However, Kasannoin Ayase just said calmly, "Don't apologize, you don't need to apologize at all."


"You can rest assured, I am not angry at all. Don't you believe me? Well, after this cartoon, or manga is finished, will you submit it to manga company in exchange for money?"

"Yes, yes."

"And then a lot of obscene uncles and little boys will hold your work and wank by themselves."

"Ah?! This, ha ha, this, it should be."

"Don't be modest, my appearance, plus your painting skills, will be beyond the imagination of those people. They will go crazy for it," Kasannoin Ayase said earnestly, "It's unexpected that you, an insignificant student, has such an exquisite painting skill that at least you can show one-tenth of my beauty."

"Well, cough, thanks for the compliment."

"The main reason is my beauty," Kasannoin Ayase touched her chin and said to herself, "In that case, am I the Muse Goddess in your artistic creation? You must worship me as Venus in the depths of your heart."

Although I think you're beautiful, it's not so exaggerated.

But at this time, Shimizu Hakuseki would definitely not speak it out loud.

"Yes, your wisdom has totally seen me through! I won't hide it anymore. You're my Venus…"

"Well, stop, stop. Sigh, I really feel guilty to inadvertently have attracted a young boy like you," Kasannoin Ayase said earnestly, "Because you are too young. Are you fifteen years old?"

"Sixteen years old."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I can't accept your love."

"Ah, what a pity."

"You don't have to hide your pain."

"Ah, my heart aches, my heart is broken, my works is my only consolation." Shimizu Hakuseki asked carefully, "Senpai, can you return my draft to me?"

"Oh, sure, here it is." Kasannoin Ayase handed the draft to Shimizu Hakuseki without hesitation, and continued, "In a word, I am not angry at all and you don't need to be afraid at all. If I'm a vulgar woman, I am afraid that I will be angry."

"I'm afraid so."

"But it makes no sense."

"Hum? Why?"

"Look, if you think about it, most of the men who buy magazines will 'use' your manga when they wank, right?"

It was strange to see a beautiful, pure school girl saying these words with a serious look. When she spoke the word "use" in an academic manner, Shimizu Hakuseki felt uncomfortable.

So he asked, "Will they?"

"Yes, your manga style is very special. I have never saw a similar style before. It's beautiful and practical."

"Thank you for your compliment."

"You don’t need to praise me," Kasannoin Ayase behaved like a teacher, and patiently guided him and asked, "What will happen then?"

Shimizu Hakuseki just felt that the whole thing was becoming more and more strange, he guessed and said, "Well, what will happen?"

"I will be the dream lover of many men who have never seen me but will fall in love with me," Kasannoin Ayase said with great delight, "When they are reading your manga, what they imagine in their minds will be my face."

Finally, Shimizu Hakuseki couldn't help but ask, "Are you offended?"

"Why do you think so? They like me, so they'll fantasize about my appearance in their minds. Why is it offensive?" Kasannoin Ayase said with a smile, "Is it not a physiological phenomenon for a boy to fantasize about the goddess in his heart while playing with himself? I think it's a sign that they like me. It's not an offence, it's an endorsement. At the same time, it is also a recognition of my beauty."

"Ah, that makes sense."

"Now you see why I'm not angry, and I hope you can finish your work as soon as possible," Kasannoin Ayase patted Shimizu Hakuseki on the shoulder and encouraged him, "Come on, Shimizu Hakuseki, although I can not accept your love, I am very fond of you, you are bound to become a bright star in the world of adult manga!"

"Ah… This kind of encouragement somewhat makes me have mixed feelings."

"But be careful."

"Hum? Why?"

"Although you won’t be caught by the police, you should be careful. Keep a low profile."

"Why, is it illegal to draw adult manga?"

"No, according to the law, it is illegal to sell, promulgate and publicly display indecent documents, but nobody cares about it today. What's more, you're just creating. It's not a crime, but it's the source of evil after all."

"Yes, it's not very pleasant to admit it."

With the rapid development of the economy, Japan's cultural circle had also ushered in a new life. Various cultural and entertainment products had begun to grow rapidly. Adult manga which was once completely rejected by the whole society had gradually recovered.

Although Japan's library circle had good self-discipline provisions and a grading system, in this capitalist society, booksellers still valued the interests most.

Selling adult manga was very profitable! For booksellers, as long as they could make money, they didn't really mind breaking the law.

"In short, you have to keep on trying."

"Thank you for your encouragement, senpai."

"Publicize my beauty and hand in the rent for the room to me on time."

"I, I see."

Shimizu Hakuseki looked at Kasannoin Ayase. He felt moved in his heart. She is really a good girl! She is not only beautiful but also reasonable. Although she is a little strange, she is still very good to me…

Wait a minute. Why is she so good to me? Does she take a fancy to me?

Shimizu Hakuseki made blind and disorderly conjectures and heard Ayase's word, "If you can't pay the rent after a week, I can only kick you out."

"Wait, don't be so ruthless!"

"That's the rule, I won't change it. Well, I won't bother you anymore. See you."



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