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The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off – Chapter 88

2022-08-09 10:00:44Publish Time: 2,789 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
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Translated by: Ben-Jackson

Edited by: crisiscore38, Raphael-Katsumi

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Chapter 88 Waiting for him to confess first

Before, if the Queen of Eternal Night had heard Roger use "Queen" as a derogatory term, even if she didn't say it, she would have be a little angry in her heart.

But now that she has started to do things her way, she laughed and said that she didn't feel anything and she even wanted to hear more fancy group formations.

What if you give up thinking? Have you eaten your rice?

Why do I have to think in place of the cabinet that I pay?

Isn't it delicious to copy homework directly?

Not just anyone can give up thinking and still live as gorgeously and unrestrainedly as I do.

Thinking of this, she straightened her back and became proud.

It's not that I have no brains, it's just that I haven't reached the critical moment where I have to use my brains.

Roger, will think of ways to solve trivial matters and I will take command when it comes to major matters.

However, the empire has not had any major events so far, la la la~

She was in a happy mood, and she was not shaken by someone's complaints at all. There was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and her voice was lazy:

"Roger, don't stay, there will be many opportunities to fight in the future. Now, I have other important things for you."

As she said that, her eyes rolled around, and she glanced at Roger with a mixture of anger and joy.

At this sight, Roger's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously responded, "Your Majesty, please!"

After the words were said, he reflected. He was charmed by the Queen of Eternal Night, how else could he agree so happily?

She didn't use magic either!?

At this moment, the Queen of Eternal Night can't distinguish between happiness and anger, and she stands casually, but she has the very unrestrained style of someone who is the only person at the top of the world.

She is so proud, she doesn't care what the world thinks, she will just be herself.

The former queen was bright, but there was always an unreal over-perfection.

Now, she is revealing her strengths and weaknesses unabashedly, and she doesn't know what restraint is.

Such an empress is really like a night covering the world, covering up the light of the sun, moon, and stars, leaving only the shadow of the night in the eyes.

Her beautiful skin is rejuvenetad every month, but the way her ultimate self has been forged through hundreds of calamities thousands of times has made her a monster who can charm people without any magic.

[Does this woman add charm to breaking a demon? It happened by accident! 】

[This dignified queen turned into a female goblin or the kind that fascinates people without paying for her life... Is this reasonable? 】

[But I don't complain, it's fragrant! Please let me see more! 】

The Queen of Eternal Night is proud of herself, if you know how to talk, talk more!

You used to complain about me every day but now you know I'm charming, right?

I'm glad to hear it, I still got a reward!

She no longer cares whether she is good or bad. As long as she is not wronged and can still achieve her goals, it is a good method.

If it helps seducing this man in front of me, then why not be a witch?

In her heart, the Queen of Eternal Night didn't forget her business, "When Roger was fighting, I found an interesting thing, the soul of that Princess Tasika is still alive."

"Your Majesty is saying that the strong man sent by the Goddess of War didn't devour the soul of her body? This is unreasonable!"

Two souls in the body will conflict, so usually, the stronger one swallows the weaker directly to achieve more perfect control.

The Queen of Eternal Night said, "I'm too lazy to worry about whether it's reasonable or not, and now I order you to be my special envoy and find a way to reduce the bloodshed between the two countries with this little princess."

Roger was stunned when he heard it, then his face became happy, and he responded without hesitation, "Your Majesty, I will try my best to persuade Her Royal Highness Tasika and seek more benefits for the empire!"

He was very surprised that the Queen of Eternal Night took the initiative to propose this seemingly "soft" plan.

But softness also has soft benefits.

The resources of the Khenpo Sak Desert are barren, and the orc tribes all compete for limited resources.

And the orcs are rebellious by nature. The empire will develop this place as a new province, with high costs and low returns, and bloody conflicts will continue to happen for a long time.

The seventeen kingdoms of the empire have not been completely eaten up, so they don't have much spare power to rule the orcs.

Therefore, this strong man, who was sent by the Goddess of War, stole the chicken without losing money and gave the city of Serena and the 200,000 elite Bai to the Queen of Eternal Night, but it also posed a problem for the empire.

But in the past, the Queen of Eternal Night always won every battle and those nobles in the empire who were militaristic in their minds even believed that, after a war, they would divide the money and the women.

Is there any reason to return the acquired territory?

You have to take advantage of it, and you have to take it if you can!

The imperial people screamed when they fought, but some of their performances after the war were not so "smart".

Roger had considered a better solution for the orc tribe but he didn't dare to mention it casually.

It's not that Shady looks down on the imperial aristocracy but that they are upstarts, and it's all about being lifted to such a height by the Queen of Eternal Night.

Of course, the Veronica family is just fifty steps away.

But now, the Queen of Eternal Night proposed this possibility, which is a pleasant surprise.

That steel-like brain circuit suddenly turned?

As long as Her Majesty is willing to push, no matter the opinions of the nobles in the empire it's like they have none.

The biggest advantage of the orc tribe is that it grows quickly, and supporting a puppet regime to eat the human dividend is the best solution.

[Her Majesty's mentality as a queen after breaking her heart has become able to see way farther and she has quite a strategic vision! 】

The Queen of the Eternal Night listened to Roger's rainbow fart. Although she was happy, she almost couldn't help laughing.

What is the strategy, and is it delicious?

Roger, you have suffered from the loss of your brain, and you have made a very simple thing complicated.

The reason for this was that the Queen of Eternal Night heard Roger's analysis that Tasika had a strong presence on her.

At that time, she was an on-hook magic power source, and she was also idle, doing nothing. Out of curiosity, she went to the other space to peep at the screen.

If I want to see the angel I know, I will talk about the old times, and then make a few sneers...

Then, when I saw a wretched foot-picking man, I felt completely dull.

However, she unexpectedly discovered that Tasika's soul was still alive.

After thinking about what happened to this girl, she found that she was watching the Goddess of War use her body to operate and finish playing with the orc tribe.

In the end, all the infamy will be attributed to Princess Tequila, the Goddess of War is always wise, right?

Princess Octavier began to feel bad for Princess Tasika.

The experiences of the two people cannot be said to be the same but there are a lot of similarities.

It was at this time that Roger's plan for the orc vassal flashed through his mind and the Queen of Eternal Night felt that it was a deal and considered it would help Tasika.

Being a puppet queen is also better than your country being destroyed, right?

Anyway, Tasika has already fallen into the hands of the Empire and can't escape, so I just sent Roger to try, what can I lose?

When the discussion is over, I will copy Roger's homework.

If we can't negotiate, we just copy the work of the cabinet and the military.

In the past, she was still worried that he would be soft-hearted and "reckless", making the imperial aristocrats strongly oppose her and call it a woman's benevolence.

But now, who do you love~?

Whether they call it the benevolence of a woman or a lack of humanity, it only depends on whether it touches the interests of the nobles.

It's okay to criticize mediocrely!

As for finding out that this treatment has unexpectedly improved Roger's evaluation of her, the Queen was pleasantly surprised.

After carefully thinking deeply, she felt a headache again.

The man in front of her would be happy if he was given magic power to kill orcs and he would be happy if he was given a chance to save orcs.

So does he want the orcs to die or let the orcs live?

This is a difficult master to serve, oh hey!

She impatiently raised a finger and lightly touched Roger's eyebrows, "Roger, happily go and talk about it, and then you can report to me together after negotiating."

After all, the magic flash sent Roger to Tasika's ocean of consciousness.

If you can't figure it out, then I don't want to.

Anyway, with my charm, can a mere rubbish little brother escape?

The queen just needs to continue to show her charm and wait for him to confess.

As for taking the initiative to confess?

Impossible, impossible in this lifetime.

Someone said that the one who confesses first is the loser!

The Queen of Eternal Night felt that the situation on her side was very good in all aspects and even the Rommel Legion, which was about to be destroyed, was pulled back by her.

However, at this moment, she still ordered Rommel to suspend the offensive and stay put and recover, waiting for instructions.

The five armies under his command had indeed reached their limit. They lost more than 5,000 people, and there was almost no magic support. It would be easy to get into trouble if they pursued again.

This is also to relief Tasika. My sister, I can only help you here. I hope you can think about it.

The Queen of Eternal Night teleported the unconscious Roger back to the Fengling Moon Shadow Palace and left him to Mrs. Mosconi to take care of.

Madam Mosconi was taken aback when she saw that Her Majesty brought a handsome young man back.

"Your Majesty, didn't you go to the front lines? This, this..." She didn't know whether she should be happy or worried at this time.

The good news is that Her Majesty is enlightened and has awaken an interest in men.

What is worrying is that this is not how she should go at it. It is inappropriate to directly knock people out and bring them back!

Seeing that her head maid's management was about to collapse, the Queen of Eternal Night couldn't help laughing, "Madam, you can arrange a room for him as you like, things are not what you think."

Mrs. Mosconi breathed a sigh of relief, and said subconsciously, "That's fine, that's fine. I thought Lord Brando had no hope... um!"

"Huh? What's the matter with him?"

The Queen of Eternal Night was slightly puzzled, and then suddenly realized that, these days, Mrs. Mosconi would "inadvertently" say good things about Dio.

Oh~ So Madam, she still has such thoughts...

Mrs. Mosconi also found that she had accidentally run her mouth.

The Queen of the Eternal Night didn't look angry and was still laughing, but Mrs. Mosconi didn't relax.

She used to be able to accurately judge Her Majesty's mood. After all, watching her grow up since she was a child, this girl's mood is all written on her face.

But recently, she inexplicably felt that Her Majesty had changed.

She is always laughing but she doesn't seem to be laughing.

It was a kind of calm smile of "I'm going to sleep while I'm sleeping". It was lazy and seemed to be very satisfied and enjoying the present.

But if a person looks like a ghost no matter what happens, it is a bit scary.

Because you can't guess her mood from her expression.

This kind of shrewdness is said to be a must-have skill for an emperor but, in the past, her little princess didn't need these skills, but now she is forced to learn them...

It must have been those ministers and nobles who were so angry with her, that's the only way it can be like this, right?

Mrs. Mosconi was in a rather complicated mood, she was both frightened and distressed for Her Majesty.

But she has a rigid personality and dares to act. To avoid making the Queen hate Brando, even if she doesn't know Her Majesty's emotions, she still candidly said, "Your Majesty, those words before are my subjective judgment. Lord Brando doesn't know."

This is to tell the Queen of Eternal Night that Lord Brando has never tried to bribe me and gone through the back door. If you are angry, just go after me.

"Madam, you don't have to think so much, I trust you." The Queen of Eternal Night smiled slightly, "I'm also really happy. You have such a high vision and can recognize the potential of young people."

Although Mrs. Mosconi was only a head maid on the surface, she was the only old person who lived next to the Queen of Eternal Night in the Green Vines Kingdom era.

She has cared for the Queen wholeheartedly since she was a baby, and the time the Queen has spent with her is longer than with her biological mother.

The Queen's feelings for her have long surpassed that of master and servant. Sometimes, she respects Mrs. Mosconi as a half-mother.

Madam can accept Roger; even if it's just his fake identity, that's good news.

In this matter, girls always hope to get the blessings of their relatives, rather than stage a scene like "I'll give you 10 million, so please leave her"!

So how could she be angry because Madam made a mess out of the mandarin ducks?

You didn't mess up, you've done it right, please keep working hard!

Madam Mosconi was overjoyed when she saw Her Majesty's reaction, but she couldn't help but look at Roger.

Since Her Majesty is pleased with Lord Brando, what is going on with this young master?

The Queen of Eternal Night showed a sly face and deliberately teased her, "It's not easy, only the white lotus makes a choice, bad women like me want all of them!"

Madam Mosconi's legs were weak and she almost fell!

Your Majesty, her enlightenment...

It's too big!

The Queen of Eternal Night asked Mrs. Mosconi to retire, showing a hint of hesitation about her next move.

In principle, she should support Afford City at this time.

But Margaret wants to report that the situation has stabilized for the time being.

Margaret also scolded the sloppy nobles who surrendered from the Yaman Empire. They gathered their troops and cooperated with the strong men supported by the empire to successfully block the westward march of the undead army.

The super-strong Tianming Army didn't make another move, and its whereabouts were uncertain.

The Queen of Eternal Night is now a bit tasteless in the past.

Looking for a decisive battle for Tianming's mentor?

But Roger has Shady's information, rounding it up, Tianming's mentor is the empire's informant.

In a battle with the gods, killing your informants first, without thinking, thinking with your toes is a bit stupid.

But the older woman's sacrifice to the commoners, although it is a routine operation of the believers, can be regarded as an E-face provocation, I...

I'll wait for Roger to wake up and make a decision after discussing it!

She decided to be lazy and transferred to the magic laboratory under the palace.

She stretched out her hand and grabbed something in the void.

A small silver-white cicada the size of the belly of a finger appeared in her palm.

But it didn't move, its limbs clinging to its chest.

The Queen of Eternal Night rolled her eyes and then said with disappointment, "Oh, I accidentally crushed it to death. It seems that I can only use it to make some medicine for my dear Roger to strengthen his body-"

"I know—know—"

The Eris worm suddenly screamed with all its might, indicating that it was alive and well.

"You're smart."

The Queen of Eternal Night smiled.

This monster has lived for an unknown number of years, and it is quite intelligent, knowing that if it pretends to be dead again it will die!

The Eris Demon Worm suffered a big loss in the hands of the Queen of Eternal Night. The woman couldn't control it herself, so it lay there obediently and took various shapes according to her orders, allowing her to conduct a medical examination on it.

After tossing it for a long time, the Queen of Eternal Night began to paint in the void with her bare hands.

A magic formation similar to the formation left by Tianming's mentor, but with many changes, enveloped the Eris worm.

Although this little thing's inner demon domain is abominable, it's a pitiful trap in front of her.

However, its innate ability is very powerful and, if used properly, it can also produce many wonderful effects.

It might be a shortcut to increase the actual combat experience for the magicians of the empire!

It's just that the process will be a little...hmmm, tricky?

The Queen of Eternal Night found her idea tactful. In the future, this will be her leisure whenever she is bored.

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