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Gray-haired Butterfly Girl – Volume 1 Chapter 4

2021-09-11 02:21:54Publish Time: 726 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
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Translated by: WuWang

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Volume 1 Chapter 4: When the World Says NO to You

As the youngest national leader in the world, Princess Marmalan has never thought about her final destination in her 16 years of life.

"It's not good…" looking at the small mound in front of her, Su'er felt something wrong, "Dig a hole and bury the princess here…"

"Why?" Leiya, with a cigarette in her mouth, stabbed her shovel to the ground and squint at Su'er, "Are you not satisfied with my professional grave digging art as a high-ranking priest?"

In the face of this generation-gap-like communication barrier, Su'er could only swallow her saliva - digestive juice to be exact, "I mean, although Princess Marmalan is not old enough to officially ascend the throne, she is already the queen of the Northern Kingdom in identity. Oh, it's really pitiful to bury her in the forests at will…"

"Yes, it's necessary to erect a statue for her… Well, it's better to build a monument with a 12000 character epitaph on it…" Leiya tilted her head and changed her tone, "But if I tell you that the sisterhood has a tradition of digging graves and whipping corpses since ancient times, do you still think that we should treat the princess that way?"

The resonator behind Su'er made a slight "tingling" sound, which wasno different from the spasm caused by the starvation of ordinary dragonflies. But in "Gracious archaism", the sound means, "so your sisterhood is a cult organization!"

However, considering that the goal of this sisterhood is most likely to "assassinate the princess", it should be reasonable to speculate that they would dig out the corpse if they found it. From this perspective, Leiya's approach was not wrong.

"Mm-hmm…" Su'er nodded, "Should there be at least a funeral or something?" She turned away and looked at the prince who had been standing behind them, "I remember that after the death of the monarch, there would be something like 'the ascension ceremony of the royal family'."

The clenched Prince looked like Su'er, as if she owed him 5 million golden coins.

"You… You didn't care about my objection and buried my wife, the monarch of the Northern Kingdom, without authorization… I'm the prince! According to the public law of the Kingdom, you should be killed alive! "

Su'er quietly looked back at Prince Kukur who was still angry. After a while, even Leiya turned her head. Although her face was expressionless, there was a chill of impatience between her eyebrows

"Hey, little girl," she pointed to Prince Kukur, "Why don't you bury him as well, and take it as a sacrifice for his wife?"

This threat let the young prince immediately shut up.

"Ah!" Su'er said with a smile, "You scared him!"

"How dare you, kid!" Leiya disdainfully shook open the cigarette box in her hand, took out one, and pinched it between her thumb and index finger, "How dare you call yourself 'prince' in front of me!" She seemed to be insulted, angrily rubbed the match and lit the cigarette. Then she held it in her mouth, "Listen, kid, the emperor has to use honorifics to call me, and you, aren't you just a little local aristocrat?"

This sentence provoked Kukur. He blushed and clenched his fists, "I… I am Princess Marmalan's husband! I'm the future ruler of the North Kingdom!"

Indeed, it's a great title - after all, the Northern Kingdom is the second largest country in the world in terms of land area, the second strongest military force, and the third largest industrial entity.

Therefore, the name of "the legal ruler of the Northern Kingdom" still has considerable weight. It's no problem to use it to scare ordinary people.

But it's clear that Leiya doesn't do it.

"Yo, husband? That is, Princess Marmalan's 'personal feminine goods'? Congratulations, it sounds quite a bit better than the Prince …… Unfortunately, your princess is already dead, understand? What's the point of coming up with this title now? Hmm?"

"You… I… you…" Kukur said incoherently, then put down his arms which were still shaking, "But… That's right," he suddenly looked very disappointed, "I'm nothing now."

Su'er wanted to comfort him, but Leiya took the lead, "Yes, that's the right attitude." she patted the prince on the shoulder and pointed to a small stake not far away, "OK, 'personal feminine goods'. Please squat over there for a while. I'm going to have a combat meeting."

With indescribable frustration, Kukur sat down and said nothing.

"Well, is, is it good?" Su'er whispered, "After all, he is a prince."

"He was a prince." Leiya said seriously, "Fortunately, he isn't a prince now. He can't even guard his own woman, can you expect him to guard the country? Don't be kidding!"

Logically, this statement seems irrefutable, but in fact, in the face of the prepared sisterhood, the unarmed Kukur is already quite courageous. The princess was shot in the ribs, no one has the power to save her from that situation.

"By the way, I suddenly remember…" Leiya frowned, "you said you're not from the Northern Kingdom?"

"It's not my fault!" Su'er spread her hands, "They're the ones who don't want me! They said something about never giving an insect a passport…"

"Then why did you block a shot for the princess on the train?"

This is another tragic issue, the situation at the time, according to historical facts reverted to what it should be -

Su'er, sitting across from Marmalan, was relaxing over a cup of tea while discussing the use of herbal perfume with the princess, completely oblivious to the flying ship descending outside the car window - and, of course, even less likely to see the Sisterhood's female sniper lying on the side of the ship.

"I'm going to the bathroom." As she said this, she suddenly stood up, just between the sniper and the princess, and just a quarter of a second before, the Nayimei sniper on the flying ship pulled the trigger.

The 8.8 caliber secret silver spiral armor-piercing bullet went straight through Su'er's slender waist and, after a slight deflection, struck Princess Marmalan in the side of her ribs. Red blood, green pulp, jaw-dropping travelers - all of this was seen by Leiya, who was sitting at the other end of the carriage, mistakenly thinking that it was a heroic deed of a young girl who gave up her life to protect the princess.

"Because, nah, I ……" Su'er was puzzled by the question and couldn't help but scratch her head, "Oh, why would I block the shot for the princess? I … I can't think of anything."

Leiya sighed and shook her head, "Well, tell me honestly, how could you be on my train?"

"Ah! I remember that! My photographer and I came to Loran Island to take pictures! "

"Stop, what did you just say?"

Su'er explained with a straight face, "The Chief Photographer of Pip-Lady, Mr. Dujue, and I came to the island to take photos. We had finished the work 10 days ago and were going to take the boat. As a result, we met with a storm. Nah, so we had to stay here for another two days. Then Mr. Dujue's passport was stolen, and we asked the militia to help us. NAH! When these racists found out that I was a Dragonfly Girl, they decided to lock me up first. And then, that night someone dug a tunnel to escape…"

"The trick to lying is not to try to lie in every detail." Leiya calmly puffed out a cigarette ring and said, "Girl, listen, your first lie has no credibility - you said you and the photographer of Pip-Lady came to take photos? How stupid do you think I have to be to believe you?"

Su'er scratched her head again.

"NAH… Is there a bookstore here? You can see me in the last issue of the magazine, page 42. "

For some reason, looking at Su'er's serious look, Leiya's self-confidence suddenly wavered a little, "I remember Pip-Lady is a pretty… shameless fashion magazine. It does publish a lot of exposed female portraits in every issue… But anyway… They… They are all 'people', and you are an… insect, hmm? Doesn't it matter? Are there really having such special taste?"

"Ah!" Su'er forked up angrily, "You are racist!"

Leiya looks up and down at the Dragonfly Girl in front of her.

"So, in your opinion, you're a model?"

Su'er's wings suddenly spread out - the two pairs of wings stretched out a little longer than Leiya thought, and seemed to be taller than Su'er herself.

"Professional model!" She made a pose, "Also published a photo album!"

"My God…"

Leiya took off her cigarette butt and patted Su'er on the chest with the back of her hand.

"Look at yourself, look, you have no buttocks and no breasts… How curious an aesthetic is it to buy your photo album? Humph?"

"Dragonfly girls are all like this!" Su'er quickly argued, "We're not mammals."

"But how can I remember that the first Dragonfly girl has pretty big tits? What's her name again? Nana? Right, Nana."

"Tut -" like a child, Su'er avoids Leiya's sight and turns her face to one side.

Then, the resonator on her back gave out another slight "rasping" sound, which means, "The most annoying is the well-informed."

"I'll believe you this time, but girl, you still didn't answer my question -" Leiya dropped her cigarette butt on the ground and ground it out with her toe, "How did you show up on my train?"

"We can't walk to the port, can we? We have to take the train."

"You, a model, just released from prison, got on my train and got ready to go to the airport to take a flying boat. That's what you mean, right?"


"What about the bitch couple?" Leiya pointed to the prince, who was still sitting on the stake, and said, "How did you get involved with them?"

"Hey!" Kukur suddenly raised his head, "Pay attention to what you say!"

"Ah! Because the princess bought my photo! She's my fan!" Su'er raised her head slightly and said with pride, "She took the initiative to chat up with me. She said that she was on the Temple Island when I was judged last year, so we… and then we started talking."

"And then you were shot by an armor-piercing bullet for the woman you met for the second time? Like a cockroach patted by brick, you convulsed for five minutes on the ground before you came to life?"

Su'er was stunned. It took her two or three seconds to figure out that Leiya was actually belittling herself.

"I don't like your metaphor, but that's what happened, believe it or not."

"What a tragic life you have… How did you live to this day?"

"Nah, this…" Su'er replied with a bitter smile, "I remember many people have asked this question…"

After a moment's silence, Leiya sighed as if she was "defeated":

"Well, whether it's true or not, let's stop here. The Nayimei people have very good night sights. The sisterhood is very good at night fighting. It's safer for us to go out of the mountain in the daytime." Like a greeting between veterans, she patted Su'er on the arm, "You and the prince go to rest first, let me be alone."

Facing Leiya's words, Su'er has no doubt. She doesn't know that Leiya is planning to do something extremely sacred and important.

That's right, the funeral - a casual sentence Su'er said before unexpectedly touched the softest part of Leiya's heart.

She thought of her girlhood - that was many years ago. Because of her family and her talent, Leiya was selected by the monks and joined the Great God church. She started from the lowest apprentice nun and became a nun, a priest, and then a high priest. At that time, Leiya often prayed to the Great God with piety and compassion, in order to bless those whose lives were covered by luck or misfortune.

"Although you are a Yanan, since I dug the pit…" she stood in front of the shovel and murmured to herself, "then you should be given a requiem ceremony… I believe that your God will understand it?"

Just like the innocent and amazing pure girl a few decades ago, Leiya knelt gracefully in front of Princess Malan's grave with her hands cross together.

"Asalema de Marcia, Dumbledore, Sofitel, mcmillaman…"

The ancient fairy language, which is as beautiful as poetry, is very pleasant on this silent night. At this moment, Leiya, who is fully devoted to it, does not know that she has actually said the wrong word - this is a prayer used at the wedding.

So, in this slightly joyful words, Princess Malan's life drew the last end.

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