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Samsara Games: Very Easy! – Chapter 198

2024-05-03 06:00:00Publish Time: 140 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
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Chapter 198: Three Days and Nights, No Rest!

Bai Wei shook his head, "You're wrong, Michelle..."

Michelle was puzzled, "Where did I go wrong?"

"It's just one thing," Bai Wei said lightly, "I'm already very unhappy right now!"

"Yes, I'm sorry."

"You should be sorry, but what's the use of an apology if it's followed by a missile attack?"


"You go to the Time Room now, drag that person out, and give them a beating. Deal with the consequences yourself! Just do it!"

Michelle said, "Mr. Devil is in keyboard mode again?"

"If it were me here, I would also go and teach him a lesson," Bai Wei sneered.

He wasn't easily swayed by emotions, but Michelle's character needed some correction. Otherwise, even if she stepped onto the stage, her first reaction wouldn't be "It's a sunny day, and you should be discontinued," but rather to cower and protect herself.

Michelle still hesitated. The education she received since childhood taught her not to argue or cause trouble. Her gentle nature was influenced by her family upbringing.

Her father started a business early on, and she had been told for many years...

She said, "Actually, it's really nothing. It's a blessing in disguise."

Bai Wei agreed, "Yes, it's a blessing in disguise. So, this kind of blessing shouldn't be enjoyed by you alone. You should share it with others more. Make others suffer a little and let them know it's a rare happiness."

Michelle was stunned. Is there really such a saying?

After being urged by Bai Wei two more times, she asked, "Does Mr. Devil really want me to take action?"


Bai Wei thought for a moment, "Kicking is also an option."

Love through physical affection, scolding as an expression of love, so much love that you kick... Feel the love!

Under normal circumstances, Michelle would just leave. Her instincts led her to seek advantage and avoid harm, because in the end, there would be no good outcome. That was her common sense.

But does this common sense really apply to the Swordflower Alliance? Does it really apply to the Tulip Academy, where elite strong individuals abound?

If one can endure trouble without speaking up even when it is right in front of them, perhaps they would have been eliminated long ago in the Tulip Academy.

Michelle politely asked, "Excuse me, how much longer do I have to wait?"

The administrator said, "I don't know, it might take some time, a few minutes, or maybe a few hours?"

"I see." Michelle weakly asked, "Can you check who is currently using 404?"

The administrator glanced casually, "It's a third-year student, you... you better leave."

Michelle sighed with vexation, "I really want to leave, but I can't. Otherwise, someone would be unhappy."

The administrator looked around, "Who?"

Michelle straightforwardly said, "Could you please use the internal line to inform him, and tell him... if he doesn't come out within three minutes, let him prepare to accept my challenge post."

The administrator widened his eyes, "Are you, are you serious? Let me tell you, freshmen often get stuck here for quite some time. You're not an exception. Don't be impulsive. How can you, a freshman, possibly be a match for a third-year student?"

Michelle stubbornly shook her head, "Please notify him."


Judy Selvicer swung her sword inside the time chamber.

Her recent state hasn't been very good. She finds it difficult to focus during training, and her consciousness is occasionally muddled.

Only during her time in the time chamber can she alleviate this discomfort through intense training.

In the past, she always felt as if her consciousness was weighed down by a stone.

She yearned for power and strength.

The Swordflower Alliance's intercollegiate tournament would soon begin, and she would also participate in the friendly matches.

She wanted to win, she needed to win, for her own future and for her family's honor.

Even though she wasn't a high-level Blooded, she believed that hard work could make up for her shortcomings.

Suddenly, her sword swung to a halt as a pleasant notification sound rang out.

Judy frowned, although she did go overtime, this sort of thing was quite common.

The person before took up the time of the next person, and the next person would also take up the time of the person thereafter.

Senior students would stay until they felt like leaving, and she didn't plan to delay for too long, as her stamina and magic power would reach zero in another hour or two.

But the mention of the 'challenge post' in the announcement made her expression turn cold.

The last time she received a challenge post was... the time she was defeated by Alena Capesh.

This was her sore spot, and now, she was once again in danger, and that feeling of discomfort welled up within her once more.

She pushed open the door of the time chamber without hesitation and strode swiftly toward the outside.

Judy Selvicer, exuding an imposing aura, met eyes with Michelle, who had just dropped some harsh words.

She glanced at Michelle's innocent face and felt a sense of familiarity, only to remember why this inconspicuous girl was so eye-catching.

She clenched her sharp fangs and sneered, "Alena's little lackey."

Michelle pursed her lips, feeling uncomfortable under the intense gaze.

If she were alone, she might have been scared to death.

But now, instead, her inner calmness prevailed, perhaps because she didn't want to be seen as embarrassed. She gathered her courage.

"Michelle Hope," she introduced herself, "Judy Selvicer. Remember my name."

Michelle didn't want to confront Judy. She still remembered how this Blooded had clashed with Alena and ended up defeated by her.

Alena described her victory in the duel as a fortunate narrow win, stating that the difference in strength was not significant, and both were at the level of three sets.

“So what?”

“You're occupying my time chamber," Michelle said, gaining confidence as she asserted, "Please vacate it and make way."

“Did you specifically call me out just for this sentence?" Judy sneered. "I can return it to you, but wait another hour!"

“One hour?"

“If you think it's too long, you can go back and rest. After all, the time chamber is wasted on someone like you." Judy's eyes showed no mercy.

Michelle was taken aback. "She's making a good point."

Bai Wei complained, "Don't agree with her!"

Michelle shook her head. "You're violating the rules. You must give up the time chamber!"

Judy sneered. "I'm not discussing logic with you. I'm just informing you... What can you do if I don't let you?"

Michelle raised her head proudly. "Then I'll report you!"

She pointed to the nearby administrator who was munching on melon seeds. "There's an administrator to testify!"

The administrator's hand trembled, instantly freezing... What does it have to do with me?

In the past, Judy would have laughed at such an amusing girl, but now she couldn't find it funny. Instead, she found the other party noisy and ridiculous, just like a clown. But even clowns could be either cute or frightening, bringing either joy or annoyance.

“If you want to do comedy, please do it somewhere else. It's not appropriate to play the clown here." Judy just wanted to return to the time chamber quickly.

“Wait." Michelle couldn't let her go like that. She wanted to stop her and raised her hand to hold onto Judy's shoulder.

This hasty and impulsive action ignited Judy's annoyance and anger. Being interrupted again, she turned around abruptly, and fury erupted in her eyes.

“Don't touch me!"

The raging crimson aura surged and the stormy pressure lifted Michelle off the ground, causing her back to hit the tree trunk. It took her great effort to regain her balance.

Judy controlled her emotions. The barely acceptable excuse earlier would completely violate the school rules if she were to physically attack.

“With your level of strength, you'd better wait quietly outside, first-year." She covered her face, pressing her facial muscles.

Michelle also grew somewhat annoyed. Even an honest person would get angry.

She clenched her fists. "Three days..."


“Three days from now, at noon..." Michelle straightened her back and took a deep breath. "See you at the dueling arena!"

Judy glanced at Michelle without paying much attention. She walked back to the time chamber, feeling even more depressed.


Not long after walking away, Michelle held her head. "I got carried away without realizing it. Why couldn't I resist it suddenly?"

Bai Wei, "Isn't that good?"

It was all Mr. Devil who tempted me into this mistake. Are you the devil?

"Ah, this is my true nature, after all," Bai Wei smirked. "Unfortunately, the Time Chamber is still occupied."

There's no way around the Time Chamber. We have to wait here until the other party finishes using it. Isn't it just like being a victim of the current circumstances?

Out of sight, out of mind. It's easy to fall for temptations when you keep looking.

"Three days, three days, three days..." Michelle sighed heavily, as if she could burst into a song about three days and nights at any moment.

"As long as our thoughts don't slip..." Bai Wei interrupted her repetition. "Anyway, you should go back to the dormitory. It's time for the lesson."

"Okay." Michelle rubbed her eyes and suddenly remembered something. "By the way, Mr. Devil, have you found any news about Chao Lu?"

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