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Samsara Games: Very Easy! – Chapter 194

2024-04-29 06:00:00Publish Time: 194 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
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Chapter 194: Is There Something Wrong with This Nationality?

Crossing the spiritual world's ocean, Bai Wei arrived at the distant Allied Nation.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he heard a call from the girl.

“Mr. Devil," Michelle suddenly spoke while combing her hair.

Bai Wei was slightly startled, wondering how she knew about his arrival this time.

“Good morning, Miss Michelle."

Michelle opened her eyes, looked at herself in the mirror, paused for a moment, and then smiled.

“Good morning, Mr. Devil."

“How did you know I came?"

“I guessed."


“After I woke up, I called your name every three minutes, and it has happened more than ten times already."

Bai Wei laughed and cried, "What an exhaustive method, simple yet effective."

What's the difference between this and chopping every wall in the old man's dungeon to find hidden doors?

Michelle shyly smiled, "So Mr. Devil is not constantly watching over me, huh?"

"If I did that, what would differentiate me from a pervert? I even go out of my way to avoid you when you're using the restroom."

“Avoid? Isn't it necessary to avoid?" Michelle asked curiously.

"Do you have to dwell on such questions? I'd also worry about what you would do if you forgot to bring toilet paper."

"Oh gosh, let's not talk about this!" Michelle covered her cheeks. "Mr. Devil, I am a young girl..."

"But I am an old monster, my mental age is old enough to be your grandfather. Who would care about such trivial matters? I even have experience in changing diapers for children. I'm also quite skilled at whistling. Want me to whistle for you?"

"Ahem!" Michelle, feeling at a loss after being turned around by his teasing, whispered, "I just find it a bit strange... it's different from what I read in novels."


"Yes, Magic Emperor's Rebirth, Reincarnation of a Full-Time Mage, Shattered Sky... Usually, the main characters have the soul of a super powerful mage from a long time ago assisting them as a teacher. It's normal for them to be watched over twenty-four hours."

"The prevalence of this kind of novel genre can only be attributed to the fact that the people in the Ming Country bear some responsibility..." Bai Wei explained, "Miss Michelle, even the devil has his own thoughts and life. You're not my boss, and even if you were, if you called during my vacation to urge me to work, I might as well declare that, from that moment on, I'm his stepfather."

"Wow, you're really rude. You might get fired for that, you know?"

"Yeah, so now I can only wander here as a lonely ghost. There's still a lingering anger of being in the working class in my heart. I have a special skill called 'bankruptcy unemployment'. Just one slap on anyone's forehead, and they'll instantly transform into high-quality labor force sent to society." Bai Wei was making nonsense.

Michelle finished combing her hair and started braiding her double ponytails into two twisted braids. "Mr. Devil, I'm just a student and don't understand these things..."

"But there are some things you should understand. Treat others as you would like to be treated, and don't expect me to be around you 24 hours a day. Even professional servants have paid leaves, and besides, you don't pay me either."

"Is it just about money?"

"Please don't make it sound so casual. Money can't solve everything."

"Then what kind of things can be solved with money?"

"Sleeping together can be."

Michelle blushed. "I'm not that casual."

"Even if you become promiscuous, it doesn't matter... It's all pointless to talk about now. I can't do anything about it."

"Sigh, Mr. Devil, your unconventional personality reminds me of certain people." Michelle complained.


"When they communicate online, they speak loudly and extravagantly, just like some theorists who discuss practical combat tactics on forums. However, they can't say a word when facing each other, just nodding and agreeing."

"...Huh, are you implying that I'm a 'keyboard warrior'?"

"...Exactly, that's right!"

"As long as you don't expose your identity, you're invincible in the online world."

Michelle propped her cheek and asked, "I haven't had a chance to thank you, Mr. Devil... Thank you for saving Alena. This is the second time you've helped me."

Bai Wei said, "The first time was free, the second time is paid."

"Sure, mutually beneficial." Michelle didn't hesitate.

"Oh?" Bai Wei teased, "Don't you think I'm an old monster with ulterior motives?"

"As a weak college girl, what do I have that is worth coveting?" Michelle opened the toaster and said confidently, "Aren't Alena and Ophelia more suitable compared to me?"

You have such an open-minded attitude, but I feel like you're just pretending... Anyway, you don't have much to lose anymore.


"She's a well-known senior student in the college. She's... very powerful."

"I'm a little interested. It seems like I should hire a temporary employee next." Bai Wei joked.

Michelle was taken aback and weakly said, "Let's not trouble the senior student. She lacks nothing, unlike me. I wouldn't feel secure without Mr. Devil."

Bai Wei chuckled, "We've only known each other for a few days, and you already treat me like an all-knowing individual? No one has it all. Even the most powerful individuals face unattainable obstacles. Nobody is perfect, and only when standing in the same position can one see the scenery that position entails."

"Holy Domain Mages as well?"

"Of course they do. In fact, they are the most awkward. They are perceived as at the top by mortals, but in the eyes of true powerhouses, they are merely expendable, like disposable ammunition in a fight."

Michelle became uneasy and rubbed her hands.

However, you don't have to worry about me being replaced for now."

Michelle blinked her eyes pitifully, "Just for now?"

The young girl was also cunning. At first, she felt scared, but now she no longer did. Instead, she realized Bai Wei's importance and began to think about how to keep him. However, her little tricks were too easily seen through, and she didn't have much talent for acting. Showing a little vulnerability and reluctance would be better than overacting and backfiring. It would be best to express her true feelings.

"During the laning phase, Yumi is not suitable for roaming. It's best to stick with the AD carry. But during team fights, it might not be the case. Perhaps binding with a stronger frontline warrior would be better, standing at the forefront of strength."

"I am a warrior," Michelle said.

"No, you're going to be a mage. Warriors suffer during the early stages of development. Later on, we can consider respeccing into a professional dual-wielding sword wielder," Bai Wei said. "So, you don't need to worry about these things for now."

Michelle propped her chin on her hand, picked up the toasted bread, spread some strawberry jam on it, and took a bite. It was sour and sweet.

"Mr. Devil really knows how to paint a rosy picture for people."

"That's right. I'm good at giving new recruits ideological education. The key is to keep them constantly alert and motivated."

"Won't excessive pressure lead to burnout, causing people to end up as dry and salty fish?"

"Such individuals are usually optimized out. They can't last through the internship period and are not suitable to be treated as human batteries."

"Alright, I will try my best," Michelle said, biting her bread and clenching her fist. "I will work hard and strive for progress!"

"I hope you don't lose interest quickly."

"Of course not. I hope I can at least take care of myself," Michelle said seriously. "I don't want to feel powerless like I did yesterday anymore... It's a really terrible feeling... really... terrible."

After being beaten up by reality, people can either completely give up and self-destruct, or they can rise up and change themselves. The former is easy, while the latter is difficult.

There is only one kind of heroism in the world, which is to see the essence of life and continue to love it.

This is a long and endless conquest. Stepping onto this path means it won't be easy.

"Shame comes before courage." Bai Wei uttered a proverb.

"What?" Michelle didn't understand the Ming Country language.

"My hometown language," Bai Wei replied, "When you know shame, then comes courage... and courage becomes useful afterwards."

Michelle repeated it once more, she liked the meaning of the phrase as it resonated with her state of mind, and asked, "How is it written?"

Bai Wei thought for a moment, then held Michelle's hand. The girl felt a slight sensation of being enveloped in her right hand, different from the previous time when her body was taken over.

She had a distinct feeling of touch and pressure, as if someone was embracing her from behind, holding her hand and starting to write on the paper.

This sensation made her blush and her heart race. Then she saw a line of Ming Country characters on the paper, with graceful, elegant, and agile strokes that were also solid.

Although she didn't recognize the Ming Country characters, she thought the line of characters was very beautiful.

The sensation on the back of her hand disappeared, and Michelle unconsciously blushed. She stared at the writing for a while before suddenly realizing something.

Wait, Mr. Devil's native language? Is he... actually from Ming Country?

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