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After Becoming the Stand-in for the White Moonlight – Chapter 43

2023-11-07 22:15:00Publish Time: 5,655 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
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Translated by: WuWang

Edited by: silverwolf1076, anonymous, dafna-bli, katakpa

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Chapter 43

With Xiao Zongyuan's death, Qiao Wan knew that she couldn't leave the mountain today.

She threw her sword to the ground and sighed as she looked at the swords falling from the sky.

Among the falling swords, a senior brother jumped down from the leading one. When he saw Xiao Zongyuan on the ground, he was shocked, "Elder!"

Several people jumped off their swords and quickly checked Xiao Zongyuan's condition.

Xiao Zongyuan lay on the ground in a pool of blood, veins throbbing on his forehead, his eyes wide open. Seeing this, the disciple couldn't help but feel a sense of fear.

But when he looked up, he saw Qiao Wan.

Her fair face had a splatter of blood, yet she remained calm. The demonic aura surrounding her gradually dissipated.

The disciple's heart sank, and he cleared his throat, coldly saying, "You have the audacity to kill Law Enforcement Elder."

At this point, there was no escape. Qiao Wan didn't resist anymore and allowed the Kunshan disciples to take her back to the dungeon.

Due to her previous escape record, this time she was directly put in the highest security area and placed under the supervision of six disciples of precepts.

Qiao Wan's crime of killing Xiao Zongyuan was not insignificant. The news spread throughout Kunshan in an instant. The urgent message "Qiao Wan killed Xiao Zongyuan" was all over the jade slips!

As soon as the jade slips were opened, the rolling news was all about Qiao Wan stabbing Law Enforcement Elder Xiao Zongyuan.

In the Wenshi Hall, Ma Huaizhen's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Sitting across from Ma Huaizhen, Lu Pihan also had an equally unpleasant expression.

He never expected Qiao Wan to be so bold.

Although he looked down on Xiao Zongyuan, he never imagined that Qiao Wan would dare to kill him.

By making this move, wasn't she seeking death?!!

He had been working hard for her, trying to help reduce her sentence, but then came the news of her escape.

As a result, not only did Qiao Wan escape from prison, but she also stabbed Xiao Zongyuan with a sword!

Okay, after all these years, let's just say he made a mistake.

Despite all his efforts, Qiao Wan is determined to continue on her reckless path.

Ma Huaizhen couldn't help but laugh in frustration, "Look, look at what your younger martial sister has done!"

Even though he was angry, Ma Huaizhen couldn't just watch her die. He calmed down and thought to himself while stroking his wheelchair.

"I have to protect her," Lu Pihan said coldly.

Ma Huaizhen asked sternly, "Protect her? How do you plan to do that?"

Although Lu Pihan held the title of Elder Martial Brother of Kunshan, he was still just a disciple of the sect. He couldn't participate in the recent trial at the Precept Hall. Little did he know that just a few days later, Qiao Wan would cause such a big surprise.

With these thoughts, Lu Pihan's face grew colder. He looked sickly and his fingers trembled. He coughed incessantly, and the Golden Cicada Seal on his chest felt hot, causing a red, unhealthy flush on his face, making his eyes appear even colder.

Taking a deep breath and calming himself down, Lu Pihan coldly uttered a few words.

"Even if it costs me my life, I will protect her."

The first priority is to stabilize the situation with the Precept Hall and the Xiao family, and then come up with a plan.

Zhou Yan, as Qiao Wan's master, will definitely have something to say about this.


While locked in the dungeon, Qiao Wan began to regret her actions and realized her true nature as a worthless person who used Mei Kangping and then discarded him.

However, even though she cut off contact with Mei Kangping, she knew that he was still keeping an eye on her.

Qiao Wan closed her eyes and leaned her head against the cold Spirit Control Wall. She began to regain her clarity of mind.

She realized that her impulsive actions had affected her state of mind.

Even if given a second chance, she would not regret killing Xiao Zongyuan.

The next day, the prison door was opened and six disciples of precepts quickly put handcuffs and shackles back on Qiao Wan. They dragged her out and took her to the execution platform.

The specific punishment was still being discussed at the Precept Hall, but to prevent her from escaping again, they ordered that she be taken to the execution platform immediately and sealed with the Qi Sealing Nail.

The Kunshan execution platform was located on Taixu Peak in the eastern region. Taixu Peak resembled a sharp sword, with steep cliffs on three sides.

During the great battle between the demonic realm and the cultivation world, many demons were executed on this platform. The gaps between the bricks on the floor were blackened. Apart from dealing with demons, the platform had also punished many rebels.

This time, the number of Kunshan disciples who came to witness the execution reached a record high. Thousands of disciples stood beneath the platform, looking up at Qiao Wan, eager to see who the warrior was that had stabbed the Law Enforcement Elder with a sword.

Just by looking at Qiao Wan, no one would have expected that this delicate girl could kill Law Enforcement Elder Xiao Zongyuan with one sword.

Qiao Wan glanced around and spotted several familiar figures in the crowd.

Gan Nan, Ciji, Yuan Liu, Xiao Boyang, and a few other disciples from the undercover team who entered the cave together were also present.

Even Pei Chunzheng was there. Since the incident in Mudstone Secret Realm, he had been recuperating in his own cave.

Qiao Wan took a distant look at him through the crowd.

When she saw Pei Chunzheng, Qiao Wan remained calm and unaffected. Ever since the illusion, they had no relationship anymore.

But Pei Chunzheng didn't let her go. His gaze was fixed on her, with a slight tremor in his eyelashes.

News about Qiao Wan stabbing Xiao Zongyuan spread to Great Compassion Cliff and Qingyang Academy's exchange students.

Facing the concerned looks of the young people, Qiao Wan smiled to comfort them.

Gan Nan was startled, and the worried expression on his face intensified instead of fading away.

But Qiao Wan had already withdrawn her gaze and stopped looking at anyone.

Qiao Wan ascended the execution platform. This time, she saw Lu Pihan, Ma Huaizhen, Zhou Yan, and Mu Xiaoxiao on the stage.

During her period of amnesia, Mu Xiaoxiao never left Zhou Yan's side.

Her punishment came a few days ago. As she was instigated by Qiao Wan, she received fifty lashes from Precept Hall and was sentenced to three years of seclusion on Yuqing Peak after a few days of rest.

The young girl's injuries hadn't fully healed yet, and her face was pale as she stood by Zhou Yan's side, attracting sympathy.

Zhou Yan stood tall and elegant, like a bright moon in his arms, gazing down at Qiao Wan.

Looking at his disciple in front of him.

Qiao Wan hadn't changed her clothes. Her face, cuffs, and hem were all covered in large patches of dark brown blood stains.

This was Xiao Zongyuan's blood.

Zhou Yan's heart tightened, and suddenly, he didn't know how to face her.

He could only close his eyes and pause for a moment.

In the end, Qiao Wan had come to this point, and he had his own reasons for it.

Thinking of Qiao Wan, Zhou Yan felt lost and desolate for the first time, a deep sense of sorrow welling up in his heart.

This time, Qiao Wan had truly broken through the heavens.

The Xiao family sent people to Kunshan overnight, hoping to hand over the people from Kunshan and force Ma Huaizhen and the others to step down.

This execution was also to show the Xiao family that Kunshan would never be biased or shelter the wrongdoers.

The Xiao family would also send people to oversee the execution.

At this moment, a huge shadow covered the execution platform, blocking out the sunlight.

"This... what is this..."

The people below the platform couldn't sit still.

It was the Xiao family's flying boat.

A floating airship slowly descended from the sky and landed above the execution platform. The ship was decorated with intricate cloud patterns, and in the center of the patterns was a green lotus with multiple petals, the Xiao family crest.

Young members of the Xiao family stood on the deck, their clothes fluttering in the wind.

This is the Xiao family, descendants everywhere, monopolizing most of the resources in the cultivation world.

The Xiao family's floating airship reflects the extravagant and flashy style of the current Xiao family.

Sword-wielding disciples cleared the way on both sides of the airship, creating a path of colorful light.

The disciples from Kunshan who had little knowledge were amazed and speechless.

As the gangway was lowered, a middle-aged man dressed as a scholar slowly walked down from the airship. He had a long beard under his chin, phoenix-like eyes, a proud expression, and was accompanied by four beautiful young men and women.

As soon as the middle-aged scholar stepped off the airship, several disciples greeted them and led them to the execution platform.

Ma Huaizhen sat quietly in his wheelchair, watching the grand ship of the Xiao family.

The middle-aged man nodded at him and walked straight towards Zhou Yan, saying, "Spiritual master."

Zhou Yan also bowed in return, "Elder Xiao, about what happened to the younger brother..."

This middle-aged man was Xiao Zongyuan's cousin, Xiao Xiuwen.

Before Zhou Yan could finish speaking, Xiao Xiuwen glanced at Qiao Wan and asked, "Is she the one?"

Zhou Yan hesitated, sighed, and said, "Indeed, she is the one responsible for my disciple's actions."

Xiao Xiuwen replied, "I wonder if the spiritual master would allow me to speak with her for a moment?"

A few disciples of the precepts immediately brought Qiao Wan over.

Xiao Xiuwen sat up straight, glanced at her, and his eyes showed no emotion. He asked, "Did you kill my brother?"

Qiao Wan remained silent.

Xiao Xiuwen, with a cold smile, said, "Such arrogance. The spiritual master has indeed raised an exceptional disciple."

Zhou Yan closed his eyes and said, "Kneel."

Qiao Wan remained silent.

Zhou Yan opened his eyes abruptly, frowned, and his tone became stricter. He said, "Traitor!! If you don't kneel and apologize to Elder Xiao?!"

Observing the scene before him, Xiao Xiuwen casually raised his hand and said, "There's no need for that. Being forced to apologize against one's will, with a resentful and unwilling heart, I cannot bear such a burden."

"Isn't today the day of execution?" Xiao Xiuwen asked, "Since everyone is here, let's begin now."

As soon as he finished speaking, several disciples of the precepts took Qiao Wan out and firmly pinned down her limbs.

With a command, numerous Qi Sealing Nails shot out like shooting stars, aiming at various vital points of her body.

In the blink of an eye, Qiao Wan was lying on the ground like a dead dog, blood flowing from her body. The bright red blood seeped into the cracks on the ground and flowed towards Xiao Xiuwen's feet.

Xiao Xiuwen lifted his foot slightly, looked up, and said, "Is this it?"

"You killed my brother, and this is how your sect deals with it?!"

The blood also stained Zhou Yan's robe, causing him to lose composure momentarily.

Xiao Xiuwen's phoenix-like eyes lowered a little, and after a moment of contemplation, he turned to the young men and women beside him and gave an order.

One of the young men from the Xiao family took a step forward and presented a memorial tablet.

Xiao Xiuwen raised his sleeve and picked up the memorial tablet, saying, "This is my brother's memorial tablet."

Lu Pihan asked calmly, "Elder, what do you mean by this?"

Xiao Xiuwen said angrily, "My senior brother didn't die peacefully. I think it's only fair for you, my disciple, to kneel down and apologize to my senior brother by kowtowing a few times, right?"

Zhou Yan then looked at Qiao Wan with a stern expression and demanded, "Kneel down!"

Seeing Qiao Wan's lack of response, Zhou Yan closed his eyes and shouted angrily, "Kneel down!"

And with a clank, the sword scabbard heavily hit Qiao Wan's knees.

Qiao Wan's body trembled, but she gritted her teeth and stood her ground, refusing to fall.

Zhou Yan hardened his heart and once again swung the sword scabbard forcefully.

Bang! Qiao Wan's body swayed, and her left leg bent, as she knelt down.

Zhou Yan took a deep breath, his fingertips trembling.

If he didn't do this, he couldn't save her life.

The heavy sword scabbard pressed down on the girl's back, making her straight spine bend deeply.

As Qiao Wan's back gradually bent under the pressure, Lu Pihan suddenly reached out his thin and withered fingers and grabbed fiercely.

Zhou Yan looked at his senior disciple in shock.


The sword scabbard weighed heavily, causing the veins on Lu Pihan's fingers to bulge. He showed no extra emotions on his face and said, "Master, stop here."

Xiao Xiuwen smirked and said, "I only wanted her to kowtow to my senior brother, not to kill her. Isn't even this much too much for your sect to agree to?"

"Or, maybe," Xiao Xiuwen raised an eyebrow, "your sect forces my Xiao family to take her life."

"Elder Martial Brother," Qiao Wan suddenly spoke up.

Lu Pihan slightly turned his head and glanced at her, noticing how soft-spoken she was.

"Thank you, Elder Martial Brother," Qiao Wan shook her head, "but Senior Brother, you don't have to offend the Xiao family because of me."

Qiao Wan raised her eyes and glanced at Xiao Xiuwen , "I will kowtow to this senior."

Xiao Xiuwen raised an eyebrow.

In this world, there are always compromises that one must make. That feeling of injustice and unwillingness can only be swallowed with tears and blood. It doesn't matter if bones break and flesh sticks to the ground; one must slowly get back up.

Today, she kowtowed.

Qiao Wan lowered her eyelashes, her gaze calm, but that calmness brought a chilling feeling to people's hearts.

Xiao Xiuwen felt a sudden shock in his heart, followed by a thought.

This person cannot be left alive. Given time, she will become a great threat.

But at this moment, Qiao Wan had already bowed her back, lowered her head, and kowtowed to the tablet three times with a loud sound.

These were genuine kowtows. After finishing, one could see red marks on her forehead.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Wan didn't stop there. She turned her knees and faced Zhou Yan .

Zhou Yan 's eyebrows twitched, and for some unknown reason, a sense of impending doom flooded his heart as he hurriedly tried to stop her.

Qiao Wan knelt beside his feet and "thud" - she kowtowed once again.

Zhou Yan looked astonished, his blood freezing, and his mind buzzing.

At this moment, he seemed to realize that Qiao Wan was actually quite frail.

The skinny little girl from before has now grown into a graceful young lady.

It seems like this is the first time he's seen Qiao Wan.

Zhou Yan's body swayed and suddenly he felt like he was in a different world.

She had always been like a hidden shadow in the darkness, but now she suddenly emerged, her bright eyes making Zhou Yan unable to meet her gaze.

When their eyes met, Zhou Yan felt a chill throughout his body.

The girl pulled at her face, tightened her lips, and blood stained her forehead, slowly falling down.


The girl's cold voice echoed clearly on the execution platform.

The noisy platform instantly quieted down.

Zhou Yan's throat felt tight as he looked at the girl in front of him, his heart inexplicably twisting with panic, fear, unease, and... regret.

It was too late.

It felt like a voice was saying that everything was beyond repair.

Qiao Wan forced out a self-deprecating smile and said, "I know, master, the reason you took me as your disciple in the first place was because of elder martial sister."

The entire execution platform could hear the clear cry of a crane flying by.

"Disciple's talent is shallow, unable to compare with Elder Martial Sister Mu, but in all these days and nights, I've never been negligent in my cultivation."

"On this point, disciple believes that I have not disappointed master's expectations and can look you in the eye without guilt."

While Qiao Wan was speaking, she suddenly choked up.

Tears also fell, pitter-pattering on the ground.

She took a deep breath, bit her lip, and maintained a calm demeanor on her face.

"But disciple also understands that expectations are just wishful thinking on my part. You've never had any expectations for me, nor have you truly seen me."

Qiao Wan lifted her eyes, sobbing and crying, tears covering her face, looking particularly comical.

"Disciple... disciple cultivates day and night, just hoping to have a place in master's heart."

"I hope that you can also see me as your true disciple, a true person."

Zhou Yan stared in astonishment, his heart shaken like a giant hammer, his face pale as paper. He took a few steps back before barely steadying himself.

Now, he couldn't dare look Qiao Wan in the eyes.

It felt like he could see the past through those eyes.

He held the hand of that little girl and step by step, they ascended the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine steps of Kunshan.

To enter Kunshan, one had to climb these steps themselves. He accompanied her, watching as she gritted her teeth and climbed up, her legs trembling, but she never complained about being tired.

In fact, during these long years, Qiao Wan had also acted spoiled towards him.

But what was he thinking at that time?

She was too much like Xiaoxiao, too much like Mu Xiaoxiao.

He didn't want, and also didn't dare to see Qiao Wan, who looked so much like Mu Xiaoxiao.

Since that day, she understood.

She shouldn't have done that. It was another girl's privilege and never belonged to her. She took what wasn't rightfully hers and should have been content, but she shouldn't have had any other thoughts.

In this world, she was alone. On the path of seeking immortality and enlightenment, no one would help her. Perhaps someone might lend her a hand along the way, but ultimately, she could only rely on herself.

"If it weren't for you taking me to Kunshan, at this moment, I would still be at the foot of the mountain, living aimlessly."

"Master, your kindness is immense, and I have no way to repay it."

"But from today onwards," Qiao Wan said in a deep voice, bowing twice, "I am willing to abandon my cultivation and leave the mountain on my own accord."

"All my cultivation was taught by you, Master, and Elder Martial Brother."

Qiao Wan didn't look at Lu Pihan, she took a deep breath and tried to manipulate the spiritual energy inside her body.

Zhou Yan's eyes widened slightly, and he exclaimed, "What are you doing?!"

Every meridian and vital acupoint on her body was firmly sealed by the Qi Sealing Nail. Qiao Wan widened her eyes, determination filled her gaze, and the Qi within her surged rapidly. At the cost of sacrificing her cultivation, she forcefully broke through the Qi Sealing Nails!

In an instant, the girl's meridians shattered one by one, and her cultivation realm plummeted rapidly until it became mortal-like.

Several Qi Sealing Nails fell to the ground beside Zhou Yan with a clattering sound.

Zhou Yan looked at Qiao Wan, his throat rolled, but he couldn't utter a word.

While bleeding from her seven orifices, Qiao Wan bowed respectfully once again, "This cultivation was bestowed upon me by Master. Today, I return it to Master, and from now on, the master-disciple relationship between us is severed, with no further connections."

Saying this, she turned her gaze towards Lu Pihan.

His eyes burned like fire, staring at her intensely, his face turning iron-cold with a mix of shock and anger.

With her tattered and broken body, Qiao Wan bowed three times to Lu Pihan.

"For all these years, it has always been you, Elder Martial Brother, taking care of me, teaching me how to read and teaching me martial arts."

"Although I am leaving the sect on my own accord, Elder Martial Brother," Qiao Wan pursed her lips, "you will forever be my martial brother."

"Elder Martial Brother, I will find a way to remove the restrictions on your body."

After a long silence, Lu Pihan spoke coldly, "Do you think that by doing this, I should be grateful to you?"

Qiao Wan said, "I should be grateful to you."

"And to the senior."

In a deep voice, Qiao Wan said, "Thank you, senior, for your guidance over the years."

Ma Huaizhen's face turned pale.

Her gaze swept over Mu Xiaoxiao, and Qiao Wan pursed her lips, saying nothing. After completing everything, she used her hands and feet to climb unsteadily and slowly descend from the execution platform.

The young girl stood tall with a straight back.

The thousands of Kunshan disciples below the execution platform remained silent, engulfed in a dead silence, not daring to stop her.

But at that moment, Xiao Xiuwen suddenly broke the silence. "Wait!"

Qiao Wan turned around, her gaze icy and cold, but in her eyes, it seemed like a fiery flame had gathered.

It emitted a powerful, bright, and determined light.

Facing such a pair of eyes, Xiao Xiuwen was momentarily distracted, but soon regained his arrogant demeanor.

"You think you can save your brother's life by just kowtowing three times?"

This person won't let her go.

Xiao Xiuwen, with a burning gaze, stared intently at Qiao Wan.

To completely solve a problem, you must remove its roots, or else it will cause endless troubles in the future.

Qiao Wan: "Elder, what else do you want to do?"

Xiao Xiuwen sneered, "Naturally—"

"What naturally?"

Before he could finish his sentence, suddenly, a man and a woman appeared beside Xiao Xiuwen, attacking by surprise! They swiftly drew out a sharp sword from their sleeve and held it against Xiao Xiuwen's neck.

The other figure twisted and grew taller, gradually revealing a handsome young face, transforming into a teenage demon general.

At the same time, the cloud pattern painted on the flying boat of the Xiao family suddenly came alive, rolling intensely, and spewed out a thick black mist!

As the demonic energy surged, all the young disciples of the Xiao family who were standing by the railing fell from mid-air like dumplings.

"Demonic energy!"

"It's demonic energy!"

The crowd was shocked and terrified as they watched the black mist rolling and thickening, like twisted dark clouds dominating half of the sky.

The demonic energy gradually took shape, and with a long roar, a strange bird with the shape of an owl and four eyes suddenly emerged from the black mist. The strange bird spread its wings, lowered its body, and flew closely above the heads of the people.

Following the strange bird, a black-furred monster ox also emerged from the black mist, pulling a black lacquered and gold-embroidered carriage.

A group of demons guarded the sides of the carriage, creating an imposing scene.

Everyone present, with a bit of knowledge, could not help but change their expression at the sight of the empty boat body. They all realized something was wrong!!

This is demonic energy!

Mei Kangping has the ability to capture living souls in his paintings!

Mei Kangping has arrived? How did he get here?! Where is Mei Kangping?!

Wherever the demonic energy passed, the grass withered and the flames of the demons blazed so brightly that anyone who touched it would be scorched and screamed in pain. The disciples below the stage desperately jumped high and far, running for their lives!

Qiao Wan stood in front of the steps, facing the surging demonic flames that rushed towards her like giant waves!

"Qiao Wan!" Ma Huaizhen and Lu Pihan both had their faces changed and angrily shouted.

Qiao Wan didn't move.

Everything around became quiet.

At this moment, tens of thousands of Kunshan disciples stared blankly as the black flames licked at the hem of the girl's skirt.

But the restless and aggressive demonic flames suddenly quieted down and hovered in front of Qiao Wan.

Witnessing the noble disciples of the Xiao family falling from the flying boat, each without any grace, Xiao Xiuwen showed fear and broke into a cold sweat.

He had personally experienced the battle between good and evil once before.

The ability to capture living souls in paintings, that's Mei Kangping...

Didn't they say that the demonic realm was severely weakened now?

When did these demons infiltrate the floating boat of the Xiao family, and why did they suddenly appear in Kunshan?

But soon, all these questions would be answered.

Xiao Xiuwen looked at the young demon general with horror, holding the Jidu Lance horizontally, and suddenly knelt down in front of Qiao Wan.

The rhino canal dragged a fragrance car and came to Qiao Wan's side.

The mist wrapped around the wheels, and golden bells hung in front of the car, with icy mist floating gently, and the intricate magic patterns twisted and turned on the car body.

The young demon general extended a hand and opened the curtain of the car, saying in a deep voice, "I am Xue Yunchao, acting on the orders of Prime Minister Mei, respectfully welcoming the Empress back to the Demon Realm."

The black mist continued to twist and spit out a figure.

The man's purple magic patterns in the corner of his eyes were enchanting and mysterious, and he casually swayed a folding fan.

Mei Kangping glanced at Qiao Wan, who was surrounded by demonic flames, and then looked at the terrified Xiao Xiuwen, smirked, and said, "You think I'll bow to you two? Let's see if you can handle it!"

"I just paid my respects to a few people here. Today, you will pay your respects to me one by one."

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