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The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off – Chapter 211

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Chapter 211: The Hobbies of the Believers Are All Very Unique!

Nicole Chian's issues are rather complex, resulting from a series of factors such as profession, personality, and experiences. It may require a considerable amount of time to resolve them.

There is also a very private and hidden attribute of hers, which is... experiencing pleasure when subjected to violence.

She has once wielded the whip of self-discipline, questioning herself to validate the fervor of her own beliefs.

The secret was divulged by Nicole herself.

Believers are wholeheartedly open to the Lord, finding satisfaction in disclosing the most shameful matters.

Taking into account all the aforementioned factors, this ultimately results in her reliance on Roger Chiet.

Simply put, she has become accustomed to the pattern of fervent devotion, feeling the need to believe in something in order to truly live.

When the sea deity proved unreliable, she chose to turn to Roger as a substitute, drawing warmth and sustenance from him.

In doing so, she could spend an entire day doing nothing but daydreaming, awaiting Roger's return, and finding immense joy in exchanging a few words with him.

At first listen, it sounds rather romantic, evoking a sense of unswerving loyalty.

If Roger were a sadist who stripped the beautiful maiden of her clothes, she would be even happier...

From Roger's perspective, this distorted relationship doesn't appear to be a source of happiness.

After all, he is not a lofty deity, and witnessing Nicole's transition from impassiveness to pleasant surprise, this radical shift is reminiscent of a mentally disturbed individual.

Perhaps a follower like Nicole, with an incomplete psyche after shattering her belief, excessive dependency on external factors should indeed be treated as a mental illness and be subjected to therapy.

Roger is concerned about her state of dependency. If she were to witness him becoming close with someone else, she may inadvertently darken into a yandere, clutching a machete and chopping his head off.

So, it really isn't romantic at all, this is a "if I don't go to hell, who will" situation (serious face).

The issue of Nicole's spiritual emptiness is somewhat similar to Shauna's when she first arrived in this world, but the differences are also quite distinct.

Shauna is a blank canvas, an angel shaped by the deities, although she lacks a life mission, she is easily guided.

Nicole, on the other hand, is like a sapling, that has grown crooked, with a kind, intelligent, and sensitive nature, but her perception of the world is distorted.

Shauna can establish a relatively correct and healthy set of values through learning and exposure to the world, but Nicole cannot easily correct hers in the same manner.

Roger wants to help Nicole. She is his subordinate, and it can be considered his own problem that he has brought upon himself. Nicole's moral predicament is not entirely unjustified, and he indeed has a certain level of responsibility to shoulder.

Anyway, there will be no loss in this process, and if Roger desires, he can enjoy ample benefits.

Nicole's attitude towards Roger is more submissive than any other maid, showing complete devotion, sacrifice, and selflessness. It can be imagined how deeply devout her former beliefs must have been.

If he didn't have even a shred of moral decency, by now he would have been able to help this noble lady unlock all of her potential.

Furthermore, due to her hidden attributes, she is capable of performing acts that the average person would find rather unconventional.

However, Roger is unwilling to take advantage of someone's vulnerable state. He has always believed that a true connection between a man and a woman should be based on mutual affection. He is aware that within religious beliefs, there often exists a significant amount of deception and manipulation towards the followers.

While negotiating and maneuvering with Nicole, they flirted with the boundaries of ambiguity in order to ascertain her true intentions.

Later on, it became evident that it was merely Nicole's facade, a means to please him and get closer to him. Consequently, Roger refrained from asking her to perform any services such as massages for his own benefit.

Until they returned to the mysterious capital, his interaction with Nicole involved him playing the role of a deity-like part-time psychologist, making earnest efforts to rebuild Nicole's mental world.

They engage in discussions pertaining to theology, delve into historical research, explore the intricate connection between faith and decadence, all the while touching upon various contemporary events.

Nicole, being knowledgeable and intelligent, has been in charge of the church for many years. Although her thinking perspective may be slightly askew, engaging in such communication with her is still quite pleasurable, as it can provide Roger with fresh insights from a different angle.

Tonight, they discussed Sha Na, and Nicole, drawing upon her knowledge and insights as a saint, presented her own perspective.

Roger contemplated for a moment and pondered, "If that's the case, Nalina is different from ordinary angels, is she inclined towards corruption?"

Nicole asserted confidently, "Indeed, the Seraphim are much more powerful than me as a saint, but their mission still remains to serve the Lord. The divine control over them should be even more profound. The rapid transformation of Sha Na, as if devoid of any faith, is not her doing, but rather a result of Nalina already having lost faith in the gods."

Roger furrowed his brow and corrected her, saying:

If that's the case, it's merely a yearning for freedom, it shouldn't be described as falling from grace, right?

The impurity of one's heart towards the Lord implies a fall from grace.

Nicole, you are no longer a believer.

Ah... I apologize, I was wrong, I will never make the same mistake again!

She immediately lowered her head, her face filled with fear and apology, in response to Roger's slightly reproachful tone.

You are no longer a believer... Well, let's go back to discussing Shana.

Roger, seeing her in this state, felt both helpless and slightly sympathetic.

Any dissatisfaction within oneself, in Nicole's eyes, would be infinitely magnified, and then earnestly rectified.

Nicole, as a patient of this kind, undoubtedly presents a troublesome challenge for doctors, to the extent that they may feel like spitting blood. She may even go to great lengths to please herself and behave as if she were a healthy individual, making it difficult to discern her actual condition based on outward appearances.

However, if a doctor is irresponsible, behaving like a normal person, they can also declare a complete recovery.

Who knows how many lunatics disguised as normal people are hiding in this pressure-packed world?

Roger, with a slightly throbbing temple, skipped over Nicole's question and instead gained a deeper understanding of the angelic demeanor.

Shana is irreplicable; even if there were angels descending to engage in similar operations, it would still be impossible to create a blank new entity that could become the latent fighting power of the empire.

First, Nalinayr must sever her connection with the God of Knowledge herself, and only then will there be room for Roger and the Eternal Night Queen to manipulate her; otherwise, they will only end up with a self-destructive bomb.

Another gain was that Nicole, based on her understanding of Shana in the group chat, proposed a new approach of having the little angel serve the empire.

"This is very useful," Roger praised her.

"Being able to assist you is wonderful!" Nicole's face beamed with delight and anticipation. Roger couldn't resist her persuasive gaze and gently ruffled her head.

Nicole rested her head on his large hand, appearing reluctant to separate, displaying a combination of obedience and pitifulness, along with a unique sense of allure.

Pure and sacred, yet embracing the mundane world, she is a young beauty who willingly exposes herself to be savored at any moment. What kind of intriguing narrative is unfolding in this world!

Roger took out the transcendent art tablet, preparing to deceive Shana and divert her attention.



Anti-Green Vines Alliance.

Shana has been incessantly berating Roger in the group for several days.

After Nicole was kicked out, everyone in the group except for Shana remained clueless about what had happened.

Finally, Tasika provided her with an explanation: because they had obtained intelligence, the maritime nation was defeated, Nicole was captured, and had already defected to the Empire of Green Vines.

"If she had stayed in the group, who knows what intelligence would have been exposed, so we had no choice but to remove her." Tasika expressed this regretfully, as if concerned about the well-being of the alliance.

"Indeed, the Empire is cunning, and Roger Charles is far from being a good person!" Shana naturally accepted this explanation.

If it were someone else, she might have questioned whether they could undermine the faith of a saint.

However, if it were Roger, that guy has the most cunning ideas. Poor little saint, she would definitely be deceived miserably, sobbing...

Shana couldn't help but feel sorry for herself when she thought about it. She had once naively believed that he was a good person!

After this incident, Shana's daily routine consisted of discussing Roger's dark past in the group.

After all, Roger had swept through the aristocracy of the Empire, leaving a trail of bloodshed. Countless people despised him to the core, and he lived a significantly diminished life in exile overseas.

Some are genuine dirt on him, while others are unfounded accusations, but Shana is a staunch "Roger critic" and uses them all without fail.

Copperbeard nodded in agreement with this and expressed his astonishment that the fellow had betrayed him to support Lydia. That must be denounced!

Regardless of whether it's a genuine accusation or a false one, it is acceptable to criticize!

Roger and Tasika were among those who wouldn't expose anything, casually agreeing with two sentences, which scared Frankenstein enough to make him refrain from speaking further.

Someone is peeping at NMD!

However, Shana has always been tirelessly delighted by this.

Today, Roger took out the hyper-dimensional sketch pad and flipped through it, he realized it was still Shana's mundane discussions, which were somewhat uninteresting.

Nicole has already gone offline, it is time for Tasika to recruit new targets to deceive!

However, for the time being, let's prioritize resolving Shana's issue.

Roger, using the tactics discussed with Nicole, now voiced his grievances in the group:

Joestar: Alas, cursed Dark Night Guard, we have once again lost a comrade.


Joseph: ??

Shana: I know, it's all Roger's fault!

Joestar: What should we do? Gathering intelligence in Odor has become increasingly challenging.

Tasika: Let's put it on hold for now, don't overexert yourself either.

Shana: Can I be of assistance?

Joestar: You haven't received any training in this area.

Shana: I can learn! I am a quick learner! As long as it makes that Roger person look good!

Joestar: I see... Going directly to the Dark Night Guard is definitely not feasible. Perhaps you can start by submitting an article to "New Occult" and take a different path to approach him. Becoming a contributor, then an editor, and eventually the chief editor. By this route, we can lay in wait beside Roger and gather intelligence for us.

Shana: I have learned tirelessly, let magic become great again!

(This is the incantation for subscribing to "New Occult".)

Word has come from Afu that Shana has indeed purchased "New Occult" and has begun reading it, preparing to write articles.

Roger and Nicole exchanged a smile, successfully pulling off a deception!

Shana possesses formidable combat prowess, but the Empire is not lacking in powerful individuals. What it lacks is intelligence on the Seven Gods' camp.

Due to the fortuitous circumstances that led Shana to directly serve the Empire, it has already been quite challenging. It might require a substantial cost, and it remains uncertain how many valuable memories Shana still possesses. Hence, he is disinclined to pursue it.

Nicole's current strategy is to have Shana infiltrate Roger's side by contributing articles to "New Occult".

In order to gain Roger's attention and trust, it is necessary to write articles of sufficient value and exert significant effort in the task, isn't it?

With Shana's strength and reservoir of knowledge, it is effortless for her to craft high-quality articles, offering a perspective distinct from that of the Empire's magicians.

Furthermore, assuming an alias to enter the editorial department of "New Occult" would not pose any significant challenges.

This way, the Empire can enable Shana to unleash 100% or even 200% of her professional enthusiasm without incurring substantial costs.

Nicole's approach is truly ingenious, completely satisfying Shana's psychological demands and maximizing her subjective agency.

"What kind of reward do you desire?" Roger asked Nicole.

Nicole conjured a whip and said, "Sir, test me."

Roger reluctantly accepted it.

Your followers' hobbies are quite unique, aren't they!



One month later, the Naga Empire.

The national mood was heavy due to the defeat, and the heavy debt burden on Terra, as well as a series of forcefully signed treaties, made them feel humiliated and helpless.

Just as everyone thought that the saintly Lady Nico had perished on the front lines, she, along with a group of senior commanders from the expeditionary army, circled back to the royal capital of the Naga Empire from a different direction.

Actually, this is a similar arrangement to the "Tasika Prison Break Case" that occurred earlier, except that the saintly Lady Nico is truly the holy maiden of the sea god. She can directly claim that they were saved by a divine miracle and transported in the direction away from the Green Vines Empire.

However, within the Naga nation, there is no favorable countenance towards Nico and these defeated commanders.

It is they who dragged the Naga into the quagmire of war and are now on the precipice of decline.

Only the Church of the Sea God continues to support Nico unwaveringly, and the divine protection bestowed upon her signifies that her faith remains steadfast as ever, thus making her a qualified religious leader.

Actually, it is a devout expression of love towards the Roger figurine in my embrace!

The believers' discernment of right and wrong is indeed so plain and unadorned, yet also mundane.

Those who believe in God are good brothers and sisters, while those who don't believe are heretics.

With the support of the Church, Nico continues to be revered as a saint and has provided shelter for military commanders such as Kamil, temporarily residing within the confines of the Church.

Queen Naga is certainly extremely displeased with Nico, yet she has no recourse.

The city development of Naga relies on the Sea God Church for appeasing the volcanoes, so she cannot break ties with the Church. She must openly welcome Nico's return.

Indeed, I am mentally exhausted.

Later, Nico entered the palace and had a secret conversation with Queen Naga, explaining to her that now is a good opportunity to change their attitude towards subordinate races.

From now on, for a considerable period of time, Naga will no longer expand outward, but instead adopt a defensive posture. It is time to gradually exert pressure, allowing those accustomed to benefiting the empire to contribute, even if it means some bloodshed and tears from the indigenous ethnic groups.

Those who are not of our kind will invariably have different hearts; loyalty is not nurtured through luxury living, but by involving them in the construction and having them continuously contribute to this nation. Only then can we share both glory and disgrace.

Anything obtained for free will not be cherished, unless you invest additional money into that particular item.

This principle was actually explained by Roger to Nico, using the example of the Empire being capable of distributing the soul-mimicking bracelets to its citizens free of charge, as the benefits they bring could easily justify the expenses. However, they still choose to impose a certain price.

Even if one could fully refund the purchase price with a certain period of registration, the price of that one coin still remains unchanged.

Just like the first recharge in a game, it deceives you into spending six yuan, yet rewards you with something excellent and extraordinary.

Because big data will inform the operators that users who have spent these six yuan are more likely to spend even more.

The Empire is not trying to deceive people for money, but rather to encourage the citizens of the Empire to make effective use of the soul-mimicking bracelets, instead of simply buying them and treating them as wristwatches.

Bringing subordinate races under the control of the Naga is not for the purpose of supporting them as dependents, nor is it a long-term strategy to retain them through welfare and preferential policies.

The vassals must make corresponding contributions in order to be considered as an increase in the Naga population, otherwise they will be regarded as added burdens.

Previously, the Naga Empress naively wished to reform these vassals through the passage of time, which posed high risks and consumed an extensive amount of time.

Now, Nicole has come forward voluntarily, expressing her willingness to play the role of this villain on behalf of the church, oppressing the vassals to the point of unbearable suffering, seizing their accumulated wealth, and then having the Naga Empress step in to win over the hearts of the people.

This is actually a variant of the Green Vines Empire's strategy to win the hearts of seventeen nations, with the role of the Royalist Army being played by the Sea God Church.

The Naga Empress was deeply moved and willing to take the blame, oh how beloved is the sacrificial saint!

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