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After Becoming the Stand-in for the White Moonlight – Chapter 42

2023-11-06 23:00:00Publish Time: 6,146 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
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Translated by: WuWang

Edited by: meenusoren329@gmail.com, WLB, dafna-bli, silverwolf1076

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Chapter 42

At the end, the disciple of precepts lost the competition.

He couldn't bring himself to kill Qiao Wan and no matter how hard he struck, Qiao Wan remained strong. She adjusted her clothes and continued to cause trouble for others, even beating up fellow prisoners.

The disciple of precepts broke down and eventually surrendered to the dark forces. He forcefully pushed her and said, "Get in!"

"If you dare to cause trouble again, see what happens!"

To his surprise, Qiao Wan showed some manners. When she saw that the disciple of precepts had given her a separate room, she immediately bowed in respect and thanked him.

The disciple of precepts was on the verge of passing out from anger.

Finally in a peaceful room, Qiao Wan found a corner and sat down, crossing her legs. She started to meditate and release her spiritual consciousness.

But as soon as she released her spiritual consciousness, she felt like something blocking her and forcefully pushing her back.

This almost caused Qiao Wan to lose consciousness.

It seemed that not only did the dungeon restrict one's cultivation, but also one's spiritual consciousness.

In order to prevent prisoners from escaping, Precept Hall had made thorough preparations, from the spiritual control wall to the Qi Sealing Nail, and finally to the dungeon array. Disciples of precepts patrolled continuously, day and night.

There were still five days left.

Qiao Wan marked five lines on the wall with her fingers.

She had five days to plan her escape.

After five days, the disciples of Precept Hall would take her to the execution platform for a public execution and seal her Qi with the Qi Sealing Nail.

She was Zhou Yan's disciple. Zhou Yan was the peak master of the Twelve Peaks of Kunshan, one of the few elders in the Nascent Soul stage. He held a high position and should not show favoritism. Not only should he not show favoritism, but he also had to bring Qiao Wan out as an example and a warning to all the disciples of Kunshan.

In these five days, she needed to understand the basic workings of this dungeon. If she couldn't escape within five days, she would have to figure something out on the day of the execution.

Leaning against the wall, Qiao Wan took a deep breath and felt the pain all over her body.

There was no medicine in the dungeon, so she tore a piece of her clothes and bandaged the wounds on her hands, inflicted by a demonic dog's bite.

After bandaging the wounds, she leaned against the spiritual control wall and fell asleep.

In this dream, she found herself in a bamboo forest with mist swirling around. The gentle breeze moved the bamboo leaves, creating fragmented shadows on the sparse walls.

A man sat in front of the bamboo room, brewing tea. The fragrance of tea filled the air as the jade tea set made subtle sounds.

Qiao Wan inexplicably walked towards him.

The man looked up and said, "Wan'er?"

The voice sounded somewhat familiar.

Through the mist, Qiao Wan could vaguely see the man's handsome features. He appeared to be in his thirties, with a pale complexion and peculiar purple magic patterns on his forehead and around his eyes. He was holding a folding fan adorned with pavilions and countless silhouettes. The man raised his hand, revealing a white plum blossom embroidered on his sleeve. With a wave of his fan, he smiled gently.

"Uncle, I finally found you."

"After all these years, your uncle has gone through countless hardships just to find you."

"Fortunately, your uncle has finally found you."

The man said with compassion, "Wan'er, come here."

"Come to your uncle." His voice seemed to hold infinite tenderness and affection.

"Let your uncle have a good look at you?"


Where did this uncle come from?

Qiao Wan blinked her eyes, sensing the overwhelming magic emanating from the man.

"Who is this senior? How can he appear in my dream?"

The man smiled faintly, "I am your uncle."

Qiao Wan fell silent.

Although she couldn't remember most of her childhood memories, she clearly remembered that her uncle was called "Qiao Goudan". He was tall and strong, simple and honest, completely different from the punk-looking man in front of her. But considering that anything was possible in the cultivation world, maybe Goudan uncle was some hidden expert. Qiao Wan hesitated for a moment and asked, "Uncle Goudan?"

The man holding the fan paused for a moment... While I don't know who your Goudan uncle is, I am indeed your uncle.

"Please sit."

Seeing the surprise and caution on Qiao Wan's face, the man said calmly, "I know this may come as a surprise, but I have been searching for you for some time now."

"You should have heard my name. I am Mei Kangping."

"If you are willing to listen, I will explain everything to you."

Qiao Wan's pupils contracted.

Mei Kangping.

Even though she hadn't experienced the battle between righteousness and evil, she had heard of the current ruler of the demonic realm.

Was this man in front of her really Mei Kangping?

Was Mei Kangping her uncle?

The wind rustled the emerald bamboo, and the mountain creek murmured softly. The air was filled with the fragrance of tea, creating a serene and cozy atmosphere.

According to Mei Kangping, he had a brother named Mei Yuanbai, who was Qiao Wan's father. His brother had left the demonic realm a long time ago and his whereabouts were unknown. When Mei Kangping finally found out where his brother was, he discovered that his brother had already gone to meet the Demon Ancestor, leaving behind a daughter whose whereabouts were also unknown.

That daughter was Qiao Wan.

Mei Kangping had been searching for her for decades and finally found her recently.

After listening, Qiao Wan remained silent for a moment.

Mei Kangping said, "Wan'er, you are a clever girl. I believe that what I'm about to tell you will make sense to you. I'm sure that over the years, you've had some doubts about your unusual circumstances."


Indeed, she had doubts.

From her mother's attitude towards her, her stagnant cultivation progress, to the magic power within her body during this period of time.

Qiao Wan knew very well how obedient the demonic energy inside her was.

If this man in front of her was really Mei Kangping, Qiao Wan didn't think he would deceive her. Being as accomplished as he was, there was no need for him to go through so much trouble to deceive a cultivator who had just reached the Foundation Building stage.

But that didn't mean Qiao Wan truly believed what he said. Although she had dreamed and imagined before that she might have a hidden background, it was still quite challenging for her to believe that Mei Kangping was her uncle.

Someone like him, who would willingly come to her and humble himself, must need her to do something for him, or rather, he needed her to willingly do something.

Qiao Wan raised her eyes and looked at Mei Kangping, her mind quickly turning.

A touch of pity, nostalgia, and tenderness could be heard in Mei Kangping's voice.

After hesitating for a while, Qiao Wan hesitantly called out, "Uncle?"

Mei Kangping paused, fanning himself with his folding fan, his eyes instantly showing a complicated and nostalgic expression. "Wan'er, uncle has finally found you. You've suffered in Kunshan all these years."

One intentionally acknowledged her as his niece, the other intentionally acknowledged him as her uncle. Although both had their own intentions and schemes, the atmosphere was very harmonious.

"Right." Mei Kangping smiled. "Wan'er, come forward."

The man extended his hand, holding the fan, gently touching her head, releasing demonic energy.

Qiao Wan felt a bit uncomfortable and instinctively tightened her muscles.

It was a reflex she had developed over the years from repeatedly battling with demonic beasts.

Mei Kangping, being who he was, almost immediately noticed the changes in her body. He didn't show any unusual reaction, as if he hadn't noticed anything, and just smiled slightly. "Uncle has no daughter, but you are my niece. You are my daughter. Uncle won't harm you."

He controlled the demonic energy with great precision, guiding it into Qiao Wan's meridians strand by strand, patiently repairing her damaged meridians, and organizing her disrupted consciousness and demonic energy.

Mei Kangping acted like a caring uncle, after helping her sort out her consciousness and demonic energy, he didn't push her further. He gently sent Qiao Wan out of her spiritual sea, giving her time to contemplate.

When Qiao Wan opened her eyes, she was back in the dungeon.

But this time was different from the previous one. This time, there was a bamboo forest in her spiritual sea.

Mei Kangping had established a connection with her spiritual sea.

Suddenly, a male voice echoed in her mind, "You're in the dungeon of Precept Hall now?"

"How did Uncle know?"

Mei Kangping replied, "The Demon Realm has been in conflict with Kunshan for hundreds of years. I know more about Kunshan than you do."

"What are you planning to do now?"

"I want to escape."


Qiao Wan stood up and circled around the cell. "Can Uncle help me with that?"

"Even if you didn't ask, I would still help you."

With Mei Kangping's assurance, Qiao Wan's chances of a successful prison break skyrocketed.

Five days.

She only had five days.

During those five days, Qiao Wan kept a close eye on the situation in the prison and discussed escape plans with Mei Kangping. She also took some time to tend to her injuries.

Mei Kangping looked like a caring uncle, always sharing helpful information and being gentle.

But human resources were limited, and even Mei Kangping couldn't maintain a constant connection with her consciousness. They could only talk for half an hour each day.

But half an hour was enough.

Throughout those five days, Qiao Wan extended her consciousness further each day, transmitting the knowledge of the formation layout to Mei Kangping through her sea of consciousness.

The Spirit Wall and Qi Sealing Nail worked together. Without the nail, Qiao Wan had a clear advantage over the other prisoners when it came to escaping.

The most challenging part was breaking through the Precept Hall's prison formation.

But Mei Kangping assured her that he could help her break through it.

As the saying goes, "opportunities come when the moon is dark and the wind is high."

In the prison, there was no sunlight. Qiao Wan calculated the time and decided to make her move when it was late at night.

The corner of her cell was hidden from the view of other prisoners.

Qiao Wan didn't believe that the other prisoners would just watch her run away unless she could take them with her.

She didn't plan on releasing them.

Perhaps due to Ma Huaizhen and Zhou Yan, the disciples of precepts wouldn't want to create enemies by opposing her. They seemed lenient towards her. Nobody expected that Qiao Wan would attempt an escape.

This escape was no small matter. She would be imprisoned for thirty years and would still be Zhou Yan's disciple after her release, enjoying the top resources of Kunshan. With such good conditions, who would be willing to give them up?

At night, Qiao Wan's secret escape plan finally started.

She came up with a reason to call the disciple of precepts and as soon as the door opened, with the help of Mei Kangping in her sea of consciousness, they immediately thrust their consciousness into each other's sea of consciousness!

The disciple of precepts' sea of consciousness was almost defenseless, just like Xiao Boyang's. Qiao Wan effortlessly dived into it.

"Did you make it in?" Mei Kangping asked.

Qiao Wan replied, "I made it in."

Without Qi Sealing Nail, the effect of the Spirit Wall on her was limited. She used a transformation technique and hid inside the disciple of precepts' sleeve, being carried around by them.

She couldn't sustain the transformation technique for too long due to her insufficient spiritual power, so she had to move quickly.

After that, it became much easier. With Mei Kangping's guidance, Qiao Wan controlled the disciple of precepts and easily passed through the prison formation.

Along the winding path, Qiao Wan managed to avoid the patrol routes of the other disciples of precepts and arrived at the entrance. There were two teams of disciples of precepts leading guardian animals, chimeras, standing guard in front of the prison gate.

Qiao Wan, controlling the disciples of precepts, took out a jade pendant from her sleeve and handed it over.

"What are you doing?"

"There's a message from the Law Enforcement Elder. He wants me to go over."

Qiao Wan held her breath and froze, not daring to move a finger, when she felt the gaze of the two chimeras sweep over her.

Knowing Xiao Zongyuan's temperament in the Precept Hall, the disciple of precepts didn't dare to delay. They bowed their head, checked the jade pendant, and released her smoothly.

Once out of the Precept Hall prison, Mei Kangping intended to dispose of the disciple of precepts and be done with it.

Qiao Wan didn't say yes or no. She just knocked out the disciple of precepts, casually tucked them away in a secluded corner, took a deep breath, and ran out of the Precept Hall.

Mei Kangping said, "You're not like your father."

"I've never seen him."

Mei Kangping didn't comment on her answer.

She didn't kill the disciple, but sooner or later, the Precept Hall would discover that she had escaped, so she had to leave the mountain quickly.

Her sword had already been confiscated, so she had no way of flying on her sword. She relied solely on her legs to run.

Qiao Wan dashed through the wind for three miles.

Unexpectedly, the Precept Hall acted so quickly.

She saw a flurry of sword lights flying through the sky towards the Precept Hall, and she knew something was wrong.

Once they discovered her escape, Kunshan would undoubtedly seal off the mountain first.

Qiao Wan took a deep breath, sprinted towards the mountain gate with all her might, but when she reached the gate, she found it sealed off. A group of disciples of precepts were interrogating passersby in front of the gate.

Mei Kangping said, "It doesn't matter if the mountain gate is sealed. Wait here for a moment, and I will order the demons to come and bring you back to the Demon Realm."

"No need."

Detecting the indifference in Qiao Wan's voice, Mei Kangping was stunned.

The next second, Qiao Wan decisively cut off contact with him.

Different paths cannot lead to the same destination.

Perhaps he really was her uncle, but she didn't want to acknowledge any kinship and certainly didn't want to go to the Demon Realm.

Qiao Wan took out a small copper bell from her pocket and glanced at it.

During their time in the Mudstone Secret Realm, she never had a chance to use it. Now, looking at the small bell, she realized it might have had a significant effect on her journey into darkness, but it was a good thing she hadn't needed it.

Both Xiao He and Mei Kangping were pushing her towards darkness.

First, they wanted to push her into darkness, then use a soft policy to win her over with family love and make her defect to the Demon Realm? If she really was "Qiao Wan" and had been abandoned by her sect before, gaining the comfort of family affection might have made her wholeheartedly join the Demon Realm.

But she wasn't.

Even if there was her real father and uncle in this world, it wasn't where she belonged.

Although she couldn't remember who her parents were, she was clear in her heart that her true parents were in her past life, in the modern world, in another world. No matter who they were, no one could replace them.

Qiao Wan, with her head down, calmly thought.

If Mei Kangping had truly considered her, he wouldn't have put her in this dilemma and treated her like a pawn in his game.

There must be a reason why she decided to cut off all contact with him.

Since Mei Kangping wanted to play the family card and not lose face, he couldn't just turn against her because of this.

Although Qiao Wan wasn't entirely sure what she had that was worth planning for, she knew that the unknown was her only hope.

The next steps depended on her.

Meanwhile, in the realm of demons.

Mei Kangping paused, his face turned dark as he shook his fan.

He had never dreamed that his cheap niece would use him and discard him like that. It was a completely new experience.

Inside Precept Hall.

"Still haven't found her?!" Xiao Zongyuan's face turned grim, his robe sleeves rolling like dark clouds.

"What about Ma Huaizhen? Why hasn't the underground department arrived yet?!"

The disciple of precepts hesitated, a troubled expression on their face. "Wenshi Hall is not cooperating."

Since the moment they discovered Qiao Wan's escape, they had sent a message to Wenshi Hall. But Ma Huaizhen had insisted that the underground disciples were occupied and needed rest.

Such a poor excuse, how could he dare to use it?!

Ma Huaizhen was obviously doing it on purpose!

If they didn't hurry and bring Qiao Wan back, how could Precept Hall save face?!

"He refuses to go." Xiao Zongyuan frowned, anger flaring up. "I'll go!"

"Take my token and call the batch of night patrol disciples here. Tell them it's my order!"

"Let's see who dares not to come!"

The disciple of precepts hesitated. "What about Hall Master Ma?"

Xiao Zongyuan sneered. "He doesn't have the time for that."

"Right." Xiao Zongyuan paused. "Go down to the dungeon immediately. Bring out the prisoners who can be of use and place restrictions on them. Whoever captures Qiao Wan will have their sentence reduced!"

Late at night in Kunshan.

The cold moon hung high.

Suddenly, a burst of sword light tore through the dark sky!

Many disciples who were unaware of the truth looked up, and numerous elite inner disciples, solemn expressions on their faces, soared through the sky on their swords like shooting stars.

Before anyone could understand what was happening with the sword light flying above their heads, the once quiet dungeon of Precept Hall suddenly opened!

With a creak, a shadow darted out first!

Followed by a second, a third!

Countless prisoners from Precept Hall flooded out!

Qiao Wan had escaped!

In the blink of an eye, this news spread like a hurricane throughout Kunshan.

Qiao Wan, Yuqing Spiritual Master's apprentice who had just returned from Mudstone Secret Realm, had betrayed them!


At this point, Qiao Wan couldn't possibly seek out Ma Huaizhen, Gan Nan, or Ciji.

The mountain gate was sealed, and now the only thing she could do was hide and observe the situation.

Qiao Wan quietly walked back among the unaware disciples of Kunshan. When the crowd thinned out, she quickened her pace.

To her surprise, she was still discovered.

She looked up and saw five people blocking her way.

The leader was a young man with messy hair and dog ears on top of his head.

The young man wrinkled his nose, grinned at her, and revealed his sharp canine teeth. "Found you."

Behind him, the female cultivator who she had beaten up earlier and Taoist White Bone approached slowly.

The female cultivator raised her lip and smiled. "Little sister from Kunshan, long time no see."

"What did Precept Hall promise you to come and capture me?" Qiao Wan asked. "Reduced years in cultivation?"

"The little sister is quite valuable," Jiaojiao, the female cultivator, said with a playful smile. "Reduced a whole hundred years."

"But, that's if you stay alive."

"If you die, it's only reduced by..." The female cultivator held out her hand and gestured with five fingers. "Fifty years."

Taoist White Bone looked at Qiao Wan with a sinister gaze. His face was still bruised, with patches of green and purple. He gritted his teeth and said, "Stop wasting time with her."

Qiao Wan glanced roughly at them and her heart sank.

These people had regained their sealed cultivation.

When she was in prison, without her own cultivation, she could still rely on her fists to speak. But now, it was clear that this approach wouldn't work.

Those who she had caused trouble with in prison were now determined to settle the score.

However, she wasn't completely disadvantaged.

Although Precept Hall had released these people to capture her, they still feared something, as indicated by the Qi Sealing Nails on their bodies.

Qiao Wan counted them.

Not many were removed.

Her cultivation had only recovered by fifty to sixty percent.

Besides the Qi Sealing Nails, Precept Hall must have placed some restrictions on them to prevent them from running away.

If it came to a fight, she might still be able to defeat them.

So be it.

Qiao Wan looked up and coldly stared at the people in front of her.

She hadn't had a proper fight or seen blood for many years. The people in front of her seemed excited, their eyes shining.

In the blink of an eye, a one-on-five battle began!

The leader, the dog demon, licked his lips, his dog ears twitched, and with a howl, he pounced.

Qiao Wan's expression was serious, showing no fear, as she directly confronted him.

The female cultivator raised an eyebrow, somewhat surprised.

She didn't expect that in this situation, this girl would still be so reckless.

She even admired her a little.


The female cultivator smirked and laughed lightly.

She was still waiting to capture her and report back.

With a swift move, Qiao Wan utilized a subtle footwork technique.

She lifted her leg and ran!

The others subtly shifted their expressions: Damn it!

Isn't it obvious?!

If you can win, fight; if you can't, run!

She didn't have a deep grudge with these people. Should she stay here and wait for others to catch her?

Fighting should always be based on the actual situation. Flexibility is the key.

"Damn it! Chase her!"

Under the dark night sky in Kunshan, a deadly chase was once again taking place. Qiao Wan sprinted ahead, with a group of menacing people chasing closely behind. As she ran, Qiao Wan skillfully tossed a Thunderball every now and then, while also shouting, "In these hundred years, will only the one who catches me receive a sentence reduction, or will all of you receive a sentence reduction?!"

Suddenly, a female cultivator leaped forward, laughing seductively, "Young in age, but full of schemes."

"Do you really think that by listening to you, we will turn against each other?" replied Taoist White Bone with a sinister smile. He pulled out a short flute from his sleeve and blew into it.

The sound of the flute filled the air!

The surroundings shook violently!

Countless white skeletons emerged from the ground, shedding dirt as they sprinted forward with their bony legs.

One skeleton, in the front, pounced with its jaws open, ready to bite.

Qiao Wan swiftly grabbed the skeleton's neck bone with her left hand, while using her right hand to twist and disassemble it. She then held a skull in her arms.

Though the head was severed, the defiant skeleton fought on. Qiao Wan then detached a large thigh bone. Just as she did, the dog monster extended its claws, swinging from the left side.

In a reflexive motion, Qiao Wan threw the thigh bone at the young man.


The young man hesitated for a moment. Just as he was about to chase, he suddenly realized what had happened and became infuriated.

"Bark—it's not! Damn it!!!"

Qiao Wan gestured with the rib bone in her hand, "Woof woof woof."

Angered, the young man charged forward, "You're looking for death?! Die for me!!!"

Qiao Wan tossed the skull at the young man, hitting him in the chest, and continued to run.

After a short distance, Qiao Wan suddenly stopped in her tracks.

Under the moonlight stood a man, holding a sword in his left hand, with an arrogant expression on his face.

Seeing Qiao Wan pause, the others also stopped in confusion. The man was Law Enforcement Elder, Xiao Zongyuan.

Although the skeletons outnumbered them, they were lifeless and lacked sentience. Despite Taoist White Bone's attempt to stop them, a few reckless skeletons still charged forward.

Disgust filled Xiao Zongyuan's face as he swung his sword, releasing several flashes of blade light.

The white bones fell to the ground, and a pair of rib bones, illuminated by the moonlight, resembled a pair of butterfly wings, exuding an eerie beauty.

As the sword light pierced through the numerous white bones, instead of stopping, it continued straight towards Taoist White Bone!

With a sharp sound, an eerie silence engulfed the surroundings.

Taoist White Bone's mouth dripped blood, his eyes filled with anger as a sword pierced through his chest, ending his life.

The long sword hummed as it flew back into Xiao Zongyuan's hand.

Taoist White Bone fell to the ground.

Xiao Zongyuan held the blood-stained sword and didn't even spare a glance at the fallen Taoist.

With Taoist White Bone dead, the expressions of the dog monster and the female cultivator changed.

Although they had no connection to the White Bone Temple, nor any intention to avenge him.

But everyone was locked in the dungeon, witnessing the death of Taoist White Bone, naturally feeling a sense of sorrow.

This Law Enforcement Elder Xiao Zongyuan was arrogant and didn't value this one life.

The fate of Taoist White Bone could easily become their fate as well.

But Xiao Zongyuan had come specifically for Qiao Wan.

The dog demon and the female cultivator showed some fear, but they didn't make a move.

"Qiao Wan, do you know your crimes?" Xiao Zongyuan's expression was extremely unpleasant, with a hint of cold and murderous intent in his eyes.

This Precept Hall dungeon was built under his supervision.

Today's escape by Qiao Wan was a complete disregard for his authority and reputation.

Today, if he didn't kill Qiao Wan on the spot, Xiao Zongyuan sneered, he wouldn't want his position as Law Enforcement Elder anymore.

Qiao Wan remained silent.

Everyone present was a person.

There was definitely no way to escape.

Qiao Wan bypassed Xiao Zongyuan and counted behind him.

One, two, three, four, five, six.

Four patrolling disciples, two disciples of precepts.

There were five dead prisoners behind them.

What should she do?

She remembered that in the original story, Xiao Zongyuan's cultivation was only at the Foundation Establishment stage. The reason he became a Law Enforcement Elder was mainly because of his noble status in the Xiao family.

That's true.

Every day, he was busy making connections, and there wasn't much time left for cultivation.

Xiao Zongyuan approached slowly, sword in hand.

Today, even if he killed her here, Zhou Yan would not say a word.

After a few clashes, the several undercover disciples captured Qiao Wan.

Xiao Zongyuan swung his sword, completely ignoring the patrolling disciples in front of Qiao Wan. The sword light directly broke through the undercover disciples and headed straight for Qiao Wan!

One of the patrolling disciples let out a cry of pain as his arm was cut off and fell to the ground.

The other patrolling disciples gritted their teeth and remained silent.

The sword cut off the patrolling disciple's arm and pierced into Qiao Wan's left shoulder.

But Qiao Wan seemed unaware and looked at the undercover disciples. Her gaze shifted, firmly focusing on Xiao Zongyuan. "They are all Kunshan disciples."

Xiao Zongyuan's expression remained unchanged, his face darkening. He said in a firm voice, "Since they are Kunshan disciples, they should have been prepared to sacrifice for our sect long ago!"

"You want to kill me?"

"Even if I kill you here today, what will it matter with everything you have done?!"

Qiao Wan took a deep breath and closed her eyes as demonic energy surged within her.

The demonic energy inside her was a happy accident from when she swallowed the spider eggs last time.

This was also the first time she fully unleashed her demonic energy since Mei Kangping helped her control it!

Although Xiao Zongyuan's cultivation wasn't particularly high, she definitely couldn't defeat him in a prolonged fight.

To kill him, she would only have one chance to strike a fatal blow - fast and precise.

When she opened her eyes again, Qiao Wan snatched the sword from the undercover disciple's severed hand and shot it out like a shooting star!!

Xiao Zongyuan widened his eyes in disbelief. "This is demonic energy."

This kind of demonic energy couldn't possibly be obtained after falling into the demonic path.

To possess such demonic energy,

it could only be

a pure demon?!

In the blink of an eye.

Behind Qiao Wan, there suddenly came a tinkling laughter. The female cultivator smiled mysteriously and distracted Xiao Zongyuan for a moment.

The dark sword intent surged like a dragon, swallowing everything in its path!

One sword pierced his abdomen!

Xiao Zongyuan's golden pill in his dantian shattered!

Qiao Wan sheathed her sword and blood gushed out, splashing onto her body.

Xiao Zongyuan's eyes turned red with anger as he covered his bleeding belly. He gritted his teeth and said, "You dare defy me!"

After sheathing her sword, Qiao Wan tossed it to the stunned disciple and glanced back at the female cultivator, feeling slightly surprised.

She didn't expect the female cultivator to help her at the critical moment.

Meeting Qiao Wan's gaze, the female cultivator smirked, "I'm not helping you."

Everyone was a bunch of scoundrels, destined to meet the same fate as the White Bone Temple.

Seeing him die in a miserable state, lying on the ground without anyone caring, it was undeniably bleak.

After all, she had been sleeping with the people from the White Bone Temple for so many years.

Today, she helped him a little, which could be considered as fulfilling their relationship over these years.

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