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After Becoming the Stand-in for the White Moonlight – Chapter 274

2024-06-26 00:00:00Publish Time: 593 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
A+ A- Light Off

Translated by: WuWang

Edited by:

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Chapter 274: The Demon Palace

Back at the inn, Yin Zicheng , Shi Jinyi , and the others are dumbfounded, unable to understand why Zhang Changfeng suddenly ran off.

Could it be that Senior Lu was too powerful and went to find reinforcements?

That's not very likely.

Qiao Wan was also stunned. After a while, she slowly collected her thoughts and started to think again.

Escaping from this disaster was lucky, but she had a foreboding feeling that something bad was about to happen.

A woman's intuition is a very mysterious thing.

She looked at the gloomy weather outside the inn, which had been rainy and cloudy for two days. Qiao Wan's mood was not at all good because of this weather.

As she watched this unavoidable conflict come to a resolution, Shi Jinyi and the others, though confused, didn't forget to warn Qiao Wan in a serious tone.

"Senior Lu, Zhang Changfeng may come back at any time. It was because of us that Senior Lu got involved with him. Please be careful."

Qiao Wan nodded and found a seat to sit down. She didn't plan to go up first. Instead, she decided to stay in the lobby for a day to increase safety.

Although it was very painful to not have a phone to pass the time, Qiao Wan specifically borrowed a few books from Ji Ling. The books weren't serious literature, but they had a similar charm as the romantic novels that middle school girls read in her "past life". At least they could help her understand this world more quickly.

In her hands right now was a book...

The corner of Qiao Wan's mouth twitched.

It was called "The Imperial Concubine: The Demon Lord's Second Wife".

The male lead in this supernatural romance was the legendary teenage demon lord, Pei Chunzheng. In the book, this demon lord even had a fashionable attribute of being a masochistic lover.

Although the technological aspect of this world was a bit skewed, it still closely followed the trends in entertainment culture.

It had been many years since Qiao Wan had read this kind of romantic novel. She felt both embarrassed and a bit addicted to it, reading it sporadically until noon. Outside the inn, a strong wind blew and thunder clouds rolled.

Then, the heavy rain poured down once again.

Qiao Wan closed the book and glanced outside.

On the deserted street, there were only a few pedestrians left, most of them scrambling for shelter from this sudden downpour.

But in the misty rain, a thin figure suddenly appeared.

Walking slowly through the rain, they made their way to the inn.

It was a young man dressed in a mysterious robe, with wide sleeves that trailed on the ground. The loose-fitting outfit revealed his fair collarbone, and as he walked, one could catch glimpses of his snowy white toes and ankles beneath the voluminous skirt.

The damp sleeves clung to his body, and his dark black hair stuck to his pale face. His gaze, dark as night, met hers when he lifted his eyes.

And then, his gaze fell upon her face, never moving away.

Although this young man was very handsome, even more so than Qiao Wan had ever seen before, it was still uncomfortable to be stared at so intensely by a stranger.

And most importantly—

"Are you feeling hot, my friend?" Qiao Wan, feeling uncomfortable, couldn't help but hold back her urge to make sarcastic comments.

Although she knew that monks were fashionable humans with peculiar styles, it seemed a bit too carefree to be running around barefoot with clothes not properly worn.

Qiao Wan involuntarily frowned and nodded slightly, silently averting her gaze after exchanging a greeting.

In the young man's eyes, a hint of red appeared, his gaze resembling the mist in a peach blossom forest, both mesmerizing and elusive.


Found it.

His gaze landed on the pink-clad girl sitting in the inn, engrossed in a book.

Pei Chunzheng felt a lump in his throat without realizing it.

The young man blinked in confusion, raising his hand to touch his chest. The pale, bloodless face began to show a hint of warmth, a temperature that only ordinary people possessed.

It was as if the stagnant blood had finally started flowing again, coursing through his limbs and bringing a bit of vitality to his stiff, cold body.

Pei Chunzheng's heart was beating fast.

He stretched his limbs and finally felt alive again.

But maybe because he was nervous being close to home, he couldn't bring himself to move forward.

But he couldn't be sure yet.

He had seen many Qiao Wan before.

After a brief moment of clarity, the boy muttered to himself as if lost in a dream.

He needed to... confirm.

His friend's behavior was really strange.

Qiao Wan pursed her lips and felt a heavy heart.

To speak seriously without complaining, it seemed like there was something wrong with her mentally. This world was already full of contradictions. In her opinion, after living as a cultivator for so many years, it wouldn't be surprising to have some psychological issues. Maybe these "heart demons" were just the result of a developed mental illness.

The person in front of her, to put it impolitely, looked like a patient with a mental disorder with that appearance and state.

Or to give an inappropriate comparison, his expression was so absent-minded that it was like he had taken drugs.

Qiao Wan knew that the thoughts and actions of people with mental illness were uncontrollable. She didn't want to provoke anyone, just to be safe. So, Qiao Wan paused for a moment and quickly picked up a book, keeping her distance and getting ready to go upstairs.

The young man, with a very extravagant appearance, keenly noticed her movements.

In that instant, there was a sudden change in his demeanor. His eyes grew cold, like a sharp sword, and with a sweep of his robe, he took a step forward and stood in front of Qiao Wan .

There was a faint fragrance in the air, creating a sense of allure. As their eyes met, Qiao Wan 's pupils suddenly shrank.

The young man had gotten too close, their noses almost touching. She could even see the complex thoughts swirling in his eyes.

Those eyes were deep, gloomy, and filled with a complex mix of resentment, like a thick fog.

The next second, Qiao Wan fainted.

Her brain throbbed with pain, and the book, "Falling for the Emperor: The Devil King's Consort," slipped from her hand as she lost control and passed out.

When she opened her eyes again, she found herself in a grand and luxurious palace.

Qiao Wan's heart skipped a beat, silently exclaiming that something was not right.

Her awareness quickly returned, and she realized that she had seemed to have locked eyes with a young boy who seemed to have some mental problems before... and then she appeared here.

After all, she was just an ordinary student who had never experienced anything like this before, so Qiao Wan panicked for a moment, but immediately forced herself to calm down.

She casually touched something smooth.

When she saw what it was, Qiao Wan was shocked and confused.

It was actually the book "Falling for the Emperor: The Sorcerer's Second Wife"!

She should thank this anonymous person for not forgetting to bring this book for her as well, should she?

It can't be denied that the appearance of this book diluted Qiao Wan's inner anxiety and instead brought a faint sense of amusement to the situation.

Collecting herself, Qiao Wan rolled out of bed.

The reason she rolled out of bed was because she woke up and found herself placed on this bed.

The palace was very empty. There was only a big bed in the center, and nothing else. There wasn't even a chair. The floor tiles were smooth like jade, with a modern minimalist and cold style.

The wind was blowing, and thick curtains hung in the hall, swaying like dancing ghosts.

Qiao Wan, after a moment of thought, reached into her sleeve and felt the short knife hidden there. Step by step, she walked towards the corridor.

She had borrowed it from Shi Jinyi and others for self-defense. Seeing that she had no other weapons with her, Shi Jinyi and the others didn't hesitate and generously lent it to her. They felt sorry that they couldn't lend a better weapon to "Senior Lu" due to their limited resources.

Clasping the short knife tightly, Qiao Wan's heart pounded. She swallowed, realizing that her throat had become extremely dry.

"Miss Mu... you cannot go!"

Suddenly, a urgent female voice sounded from afar.

In response, another female voice, sweet and soft, with a hint of charm, answered.

"Don't stop me," a melodious voice said. "I... I must go see."

Qiao Wan finally made her way to the source of the sound.

At that moment, a wall lamp appeared in the corridor, casting a faint light on the approaching figure.

In that instant, Qiao Wan's mind buzzed. She had to exert all her strength to stay steady and not let the dagger in her hand fall to the ground.

The girl in front of her looked as if she were carved from the same mold, but with a softer and prettier appearance.

As the girl lifted her eyes, they locked gazes with Qiao Wan, and there was a moment of inexplicable familiarity in her eyes.

She, too, was barefoot, with a deep red skirt that swept the ground, and she moved gracefully like a blooming begonia.

"Qiao... Qiao Wan, it's you..."

"Little Phoenix..."

"Little Phoenix."

After muttering a few words, the girl suddenly drew a sword!

The blade shone, and Qiao Wan quickly stepped back a few steps, instinctively blocking with her own sword!


The maid shouted angrily, "How dare you! The Empress is not someone you can offend!"

With those words, she kicked Qiao Wan's knee with force.

This maid must have grown up eating something strange, because Qiao Wan felt such intense pain from the kick that she broke into a cold sweat. She bit her lip, not making a sound.

Just as her body was about to give in, she grabbed the maid's ankle. With the maid screaming, she lifted her up and threw her out.

"Crack" - the maid slammed heavily into the wall.

Qiao Wan felt a little dazed for a moment, but quickly regained her composure.

For now, let's just say that her body retained some muscle memory.

"Little Phoenix," said the girl persistently, her expression distant. "Why did you suddenly reappear?"

"Martial Sister Qiao Wan," Mu Xiaoxiao said with a soft sob, "why did you suddenly come back?"

Kidnapped for no reason by a seemingly mentally ill boy.

And now almost assassinated by this seemingly mentally ill girl.

Has she stumbled into a mental hospital or something?

Qiao Wan frowned, feeling puzzled and a little annoyed.

"Stay still," Qiao Wan said coldly, holding Mu Xiaoxiao's face tightly with one hand. The sharp knife touched the girl's delicate face, tracing a line lightly.

Tugging at the corner of her mouth, Qiao Wan threatened expressionlessly, "If you move again, I will cut your face."

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