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After Becoming the Stand-in for the White Moonlight – Chapter 256

2024-06-08 00:00:00Publish Time: 733 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
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Chapter 256: Breaking Through (Part 6)

Mei Kangping could not allow them to attack the Immortal Palace.

As they journeyed, various demons started to surround them one by one, but to Mei Kangping's surprise, there was a particularly formidable Demon Emperor among them.

With the Demon Emperor present, there was no need for them, the younger generation, to lift a finger. None of the demons could even approach them.

Upon witnessing this, the other disciples on the dragon's back were even more shocked.

Who is this incredible person? Their strength is unbelievable!

In the blink of an eye, the Immortal Palace was within sight!

The mirage dragon descended slowly in front of the palace. The people, who were previously worn out and hopeless, now erupted with determination and drew their swords.

Charge forward! Now is the time! Charge forward!

Unexpectedly, as soon as they jumped off the dragon's back, they were immediately stopped by the Chongde Ancient Garden.

Chongde Ancient Garden was being cautious and raised his hand, saying, "Let's go in and take a look, see how things are."

The group of people who were busy with violent demolitions were taken aback.

To be honest, the previous experiences were like a nightmare. Why do we have to enter the fairy palace at this time? Who knows what's inside?

Some disciples started to feel restless, "Do we really have to go in? What if there's something dangerous inside?"

Gan Nan seemed to have a thought and his eyes gradually lit up. He rarely stuttered as he spoke up, "Let's go... go in. What if Qiao Wan is not dead and she's trapped inside this fairy palace?"

Once he said that, everyone fell silent for a moment. In the midst of escaping and the faint hope of finding someone alive, they all chose to go in.

"Let's go in then." It was unclear which disciple let out a sigh, "At least we should go in and have a look."

After considering for a while, everyone turned to Lu Cixian.

Ever since Lu Cixian rode on the mirage dragon to save everyone, the survivors vaguely formed a group led by Lu Cixian.

Well, mainly because of the unremarkable male cultivator next to the young man.

Qiao Wan went to see Jia Yin's reaction, and when Jia Yin nodded slightly, she felt relieved and said, "Come in then."

Pushing open the thick and heavy jade door, there was a winding and deep staircase below.

Lu Cixian, Gan Nan, and others cleared the way, while Xie Xingzhi, Jie Hongdan, Pei Chunzheng, and others covered the rear.

The staircase was long, and the surroundings were silent. It was so quiet that it felt like a dead city.

Fortunately, they didn't encounter any danger along the way, and they quickly arrived inside the celestial palace.

The wall lamps by the side were soft, casting a gentle glow on the ten heavy jade doors in front.

After a moment of contemplation, Xie Xingzhi took the lead and approached, pushing open the door. As soon as the door opened, a strong smell of blood rushed up.

"What's this smell?!"

The people were surprised and immediately took a step back when they saw what was inside the door. They couldn't help but feel sick.

Inside, there were only dead bodies - some missing arms and legs, some with their eyes gouged out, and some with their energy centers ripped open...

One after another, there were large halls filled with corpses, not only human cultivators but also demonic cultivators and monsters. Many disciples who had gone missing in the secret realm were here.

All these "eyes" and "Golden Cores" were categorized and grouped together.

Qiao Wan stood frozen in place for a moment, before slowly coming back to her senses.

Everything in front of her made her think of four words.

"Human experiments."

The demon realm was conducting human experiments here, just as she suspected.

"Indeed," whispered Xiu Quan, barely audible.

Qiao Wan couldn't help but glance at Xiu Quan.

The young man sighed with a bitter smile, "We came here for this very purpose." He then glanced at the man in mysterious clothing nearby.

Seeing that Jia Yin didn't try to stop Qiao Wan from learning the secrets of the demon race, Xiu Quan was slightly surprised.

It seems that the Emperor truly appreciates Qiao Wan?

Lowering his voice, he continued confidently, "During the incident in Qizawa Province, as you know, Xiluo betrayed the Emperor."

"Our land borders the demon realm, and we often have conflicts with them. The cultivation world and the demon realm have peacefully coexisted for centuries, thanks to the Emperor standing as a barrier. The Emperor trusted Xiluo and entrusted him with guarding the border."

"But we never expected that Xiluo would secretly make a deal with the demon realm. Mei Kangping helped Xiluo seize power, while Xiluo and the demon realm cunningly arranged for the Emperor's subordinates to 'die in battle' one by one, without his knowledge, thus weakening the Emperor's strength."

Later, the emperor noticed something strange happening in the demon realm, so he went alone to investigate at Blood Mist Mountain.

When Qiao Wan heard this, she was startled.

Blood Mist Mountain! She remembered Elder Martial Brother mentioning that Demon Emperor had gone to Blood Mist Mountain, causing all the demons on the mountain to flee.

The thought made Qiao Wan tighten her lips and break into a cold sweat.

She never imagined that she would be involved with Demon Emperor in the future. She hadn't paid much attention to it before when she was in Kunshan. It turns out that it wasn't just a coincidence. Mei Kangping had already started scheming back then.

Xiu Quan looked serious and said, "It was from that time that Xiluo turned against us."

"And I'm afraid that the so-called 'divine beasts' in this celestial palace are also connected to Xiluo."

Mei Kangping was able to get so many already-formed immortal beasts and place them in this secret realm. His Highness and I suspect that he opened up the dead demon cultivators from before, took out their demon cores, and then put them into these demon beasts to lure you human cultivators.

"Now it seems," Xiu Quan looked at the corpses in front of him, expressionless. He said, "It's indeed true."

From all around came the shocked and angry cries of the other disciples.

"The demon realm..."

"The demon realm could actually create something so heartless!"

Everyone present was filled with youthful passion. Seeing this tragic sight, they were all filled with anger and wished to immediately take up their swords and fight the demon realm with all their might.

This immortal palace must be destroyed!!

They walked around the immortal palace once more, but it was already empty. It seems they had withdrawn early.

With this, Lu Cixian and the others no longer had any concerns. They all turned their attention towards the Demon Emperor, who was wearing a disguise.

In the midst of the angry yet expectant gazes of the younger generation, Demon Emperor remained calm and promised to meet their expectations.

As a result, everyone retreated from the Immortal Palace.

To their surprise, they bumped into several familiar figures right after leaving the palace.

"Meng, Qi Feidao? Little Fang?" Jie Hongdan exclaimed in astonishment.

"Meng, Wang Ruyi!" exclaimed the surviving disciples of the righteous path.

Wang Ruyi caught a glimpse of Lu Cixian in the crowd and rushed towards him with her wedding dress in hand, embracing him tightly while sobbing.

Meng Canglang, holding his blood-stained stomach, paused for a moment. "Younger martial sister."

He looked at the group behind him and asked, "How did you all end up here?"

Qiao Wan's heart skipped a beat and she gazed blankly at the young man being carried on Qi Feidao's back. "Little... Little Fang?"

Hearing the commotion, the young man awkwardly poked his head out from Qi Feidao's back and forced a bitter smile. "Lu Cixian, you're still alive, huh?"

The young man's face turned pale, but his gaze remained fixated on Qiao Wan without blinking for a while. Finally, he seemed to relax a bit and glanced away, saying, "That's great."

"Being alive is enough."

After speaking, he tilted his head, satisfied, and passed out.

Jie Hongdan was surprised, "What... what's going on?"

Qi Feidao lifted the young man on his back and put on a serious expression, "It's a long story."

"What about you all? What are you doing here?"

Xie Xingzhi took a step forward, his expression as calm as ever, "We plan to destroy this palace and fight our way out."

Fight our way out!!

Just three words, but they stirred everyone's hearts and made their blood boil.

Yes!! Fight our way out!!

"This place deserves to be destroyed! The sooner, the better!"

After deciding to destroy the palace, Jia Yin only used one move.

Before destroying the palace, Qiao Wan gathered everyone and patiently gave instructions.

"I think this fairy palace might be the core of the secret realm. Once the fairy palace is split open, the secret realm may collapse. At that time, my taoist friends, please don't hesitate. Immediately charge out."

"This is no small matter, being a step too slow," Qiao Wan said with a serious expression. "We might be trapped in this secret realm and never be able to escape."

"I believe that after we escape, the demon soldiers will definitely be waiting outside. But the reinforcements from each sect will also come. Please make sure to cooperate with each other."

"Let's charge out and engage in a fierce battle with the demon realm!!"

Meanwhile, Ma Huaizhen, who had been observing the movements inside the secret realm, gave some instructions.

He instructed each sect to send people to pick them up immediately.

Looking up at the clouds, Mei Kangping's expression was uncertain.

As their eyes met, it became a life-and-death confrontation, betting on who would be faster.

With a command, Jia Yin finally unsheathed the curved blade at his waist.

Qiao Wan had only seen Jia Yin's sword unsheathed once in Qizawa Province, from a distance across the long street.

But now, the sword was fierce like a dragon, roaring as it came out.

There were six black dragons, one more than the previous five.

The six dragons soared up into the sky, heading towards the immortal palace. One swipe of their claws split the magnificent pavilions and towers in half.

From afar, the six dragons circled freely in the sky.

As the pavilions and towers crumbled, the small world within the secret realm started to shake. The ground trembled, mountains tumbled, rivers flowed backwards, and stars hung upside down.

Accompanied by a thunderous boom,

Qiao Wan froze, her expression suddenly changing.

In her eyes, there reflected the most awe-inspiring scene she had ever witnessed in her life.

On the horizon, a volcano spewed out dark red magma, engulfed in billowing black smoke. The magma erupted into the sky, splashing like shooting stars all around.

Like an overflowing cup of water, the flowing lava resembled molten gold as it rushed down the mountainside!

Oh no!

The volcano is erupting!

Qiao Wan, wide-eyed with horror, was the first to shout, "Run!"

After a moment of stunned silence, countless disciples burst into tears and ran down the mountain with their heads down!

"Help us!" Qiao Wan only mentioned that the secret realm might collapse when the Immortal Palace was split open, but nobody told them about the volcano erupting!

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