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The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off – Chapter 169

2023-05-08 08:22:05Publish Time: 563 views
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Chapter 169 The Fifth Plan of the Empire

After the New Year's celebrations, the Green Vines Empire also conducted a "government address" in the "Hail to the Queen" newspaper, summarizing last year's achievements and setting targets for the next five years of work.

The soaring food production, gradually recovering commerce, beginnings of industrial manufacturing, empire's military achievements, and statistics on newborns all contributed to an inspiring trend in the data.

Despite some doubt, the indulgent meal last night and the unprecedented warmth of this winter are enough to make people feel the power behind these figures.

In the next five years, the promise made by the empire is as follows:

Firstly, ensure an increase in food supply to enrich people's meals and provide additional nutrition for the new generation of the empire.

Secondly, enhance industrial strength by applying magic to more aspects of life, using technological advancement to drive improvements in productivity.

Thirdly, maintain domestic stability, increase military strength, and halt expansion abroad, while ensuring the safety of the people and not affecting foreign trade.

Fourth, perfect and strengthen the construction of the official team, expand grassroots management and autonomy, ensure the empire;

Fifth, carry out construction in various fields such as education, medical care, and people's livelihood security, build enough schools and hospitals, promote six-year compulsory education and adult night schools within the empire;

Sixth, enrich the cultural and entertainment lives of the people, encourage free creation, and increase the ability to export culture.

The above are the six major guidelines, mainly to enhance competitiveness internally, but at the same time not forgetting to promote cultural exports externally, to ensure that the influence of the empire can expand in the Eternal Night world.

Naturally, following the ball, core officials in the Evernight Queen's vicinity carried out a more comprehensive summary and future outlook.

Over the past year, the Evernight Queen has fully centralized power, completed the integration of the Green Vines Kingdom and the territories of the Seventeen Nations, and initiated a large scale fusion and flow of the vast empire's territories and complex ethnic groups through the establishment of newly-divided provinces, counties and districts.

Coordinated with the provinces, there have been cultural planning measures issued, whereby the script and language of the former independent states have been unified into that of the Green Vines, and all aspects of measurements, behavioral norms, and moral standards have been coerced into following uniformity.

Especially aimed at the younger generation, of these literacy enlightenment materials the cover is a carefully selected beautiful picture by the Eternal Night Queen, and the content inside is also filled with her own great achievements, in an effort to train all young people with pride of being human beings.

According to someone's mockery, she seemed determined to implement the "pink circle ruling country" and start with the knighthood order, striving to make all the young people in this land sing the praises of Auntie Ao's brilliance.

However, looking at it from a different perspective, if their dreams could all come true, the work completed by the Night Queen's generation could be counted as a great achievement for the empire, like the Red Banner and the Rising Sun.

So let her boast a little about herself, so that future young people will know what kind of leader is truly brilliant, which is not so bad.

At least this textbook has correct three views.

It didn't deliberately cultivate loyalty to the monarch or attempt to enslave the people through ritual education.

Instead, it objectively narrated the achievements that the Green Vines Empire had pursued as hopes of human civilization, as well as how it bravely fought and worked hard to create a beautiful life.

A beautiful life requires the sincere recognition of the people of the empire, rather than relying on the empire's military force to guarantee it forcibly. This is the significance of centralized leadership.

Therefore, from this textbook, it can be seen that the Empress still has strong ambitions, hoping that her achievements can be spontaneously spread as a scripture by the people.

Perhaps we need to introduce someone who, like the founder of "first step", has a similar achievement of pioneering?

Hopefully in the future, Margaret will be more conscious while shouldering this glorious responsibility.

Overall, in the next five years, the Empire will allocate significant funding towards education and propaganda, creating basic schools for the younger generation and providing night schools for adults to make up for their lack of knowledge, thus enhancing the Imperial workforce with a certain level of cultural and intellectual knowledge.

At the same time, to increase the people's cohesion towards the Empire and in conjunction with the increasing quality of life, it is necessary for the populace to understand where the source of this good life comes from.

"To strive and not to yield, don't ask for harvest" can be a personal motto, but it is an inappropriate policy for a country with complex issues and historical legacies.

It is necessary to accomplish practical tasks while also constantly promoting the superiority of one's own culture. In the face of the ever-watchful eyes of the Faith of the Seven, one should not give up the cultural propaganda front and repeat the mistakes made by other countries in the past.

At present, the Empire's propaganda department firmly rests in the hands of the Queen. All those who have faith in the gods have been purged from the ranks, and there is no biased rhythm or absurd situation of singing praises to the brighter moon outside.

Repeated lies can be perceived as truth - the sweat shed by the imperial people, and the magnificent era they created, should not be attributed to the gods.

After ensuring stability in people's livelihoods, education, and propaganda, the focus is on driving technological development and achieving industrial upgrades.

This method has been practiced very well over the past year. After changing the mindset of magicians to serve for battles and increasing the majority of alchemical products' combat effectiveness directly, the ideological trend brought by the new arcane movement has changed the thinking of most magicians.

From the perspective of industrial foundation, the Green Vines empire is financially impoverished, but in terms of technological accumulation, it's adhering to a good-for-nothing lifestyle, taking advantage of the available resources.

For the past tens of thousands years, this world has been playing the game of aristocratic rule, without much change in political systems or productive relationships. However, the tentacles of exploration by magicians have never stopped.

However, their focus was primarily on physical combat, with the occasional arming of non-mages and soldiers to protect against harm. They lacked the standardization and scaling necessary to ensure large-scale magical creations produced by the entire country to be utilized in widespread military campaigns.

With the advent of Roger's new arcane movement, they were able to break free from this shackle, and once they had set their sights on progress, the magical civilization that had been building up for tens of thousands of years could instantly unleash a dazzling display of brilliance.

During the initial development of industrial technology, it was simply a transition in methods of manufacturing that required no significant increase in production precision.

Replacing human labor with mechanical power to accomplish repetitive tasks faster and better.

On Earth, there are two difficult points regarding the initial core requirements: energy and materials.

Water wheel driving, burning wood, burning coal, internal combustion engine, electricity, nuclear industry, the total output of industrial production is constantly expanding, far beyond the upper limit of carbon-based life, and this can be regarded as energy progress.

Only after breaking the output limit of muscles, can industrial civilization control and surpass agricultural civilization.

One major reason why industrial development cannot flourish in the world of Eternal night is that the output limit of muscles is relatively high, and the advantages of industry can only be reflected in the later stage of development.

The ten thousand tons hydraulic press, or the legendary berserker's sledgehammer, is not as impressive as the whole dragon coming to dance. In landlord's view, you are just playing with snakes.

After all, the products they manufacture don't need to be mass-produced, just meet the needs of a small number of elite professionals.

In industrial manufacturing, only with the production of hydraulic presses of over a million tons, can Lawlords see that "manpower is sometimes limited."

However, after the liberation of thought, energy and output limits are issues that have long been solved for the magical civilization.

In this world, there is a mineral called "Magic Crystal," which was originally only an auxiliary product for replenishing the magic energy of magicians.

However, due to its limited replenishment rate and inability to be applied in combat, it has become a small prop similar to incense during meditation, with low sales and limited application scenarios.

With the equipment for mining and processing Magic Crystals, magicians can directly hire a combatant to complete the job, why waste their own effort?

Therefore, this thing has been in a state of limited development, which is also why Roger didn't see things like Magic Crystal Cannons.

Due to the high cost of alchemy equipment and the Seven Gods acting as the stir stick, this world has never achieved the level of civilization seen in a magical empire. The demand for developing magic crystal energy is almost non-existent as the wizards fight solo.

From the perspective of Earth, magic crystals have numerous advantages over fossil fuels: efficiency, cleanliness, and pollution-free. The energy density is generally five to seven times greater than that of coal.

Higher quality magic crystals can reach up to twenty times the energy density.

What's even more incredible is that magic crystals have the characteristic of repeated charging. Blank magic crystals that have been fully discharged, should not be discarded, but buried in the soil for decades later, they will automatically become full once again.

On the other hand, the materials are related to what kind of industrial equipment could be produced.

Specifically, regarding steel, the requirements for cars' outer bodies and aircrafts' outer bodies differ. Similarly, the requirements for car engines and airplane engines also vary.

Behind every upgrade in the firepower of cannons lies material progress as the core.

In this regard, the magic world is a cheat-level existence.

By fusing precious metals, secret silver, beast blood, extraplanar materials, and various metals, it becomes as hard or as superconductive or as ductile as desired. Even aviation's lightweight and tough steel can be produced.

Even blowing glass can easily produce something with transparency and hardness surpassing Corning Gorilla Glass.

This is why arcane secrets can replicate many technological products on Earth effortlessly in a short time.

Both the materials and functions are not a problem, even more superior. It is basically like putting together Lego blocks with a plan and a blueprint.

Therefore, the production of Gundam in this world is not a question of whether it can be done, but rather a question of whether it is necessary.

With a deep understanding of the technology and resource reserves possessed by this world, Roger could only feel that the gods were a destructive force. With such excellent conditions, it is unimaginable that this world has not yet established industry and achieved an explosion in productivity.

Would it not be a dream come true for any Earth engineer to come here and set up a factory with magical crystal mines and various materials?

To some extent, the tremendous individual power of the gods created an erroneous example, which led to a deviation of the entire magical civilization. The wizards, in fact, have always been pursuing the path of self-enhancement, which resulted in the situation of sitting on a treasure mountain and being unaware of it.

Although it is regretful, having such energy hoarders and material hoarders is always a good thing.

Even if Roger is a smelly content creator, he can still provide industrialized guidance to the Empire's magicians for expanding production.

When the magicians discovered that they can mass-produce alchemical tools by rubbing high-precision industrial mothership by hand, using industrial mothership to create mechanical machines, and using mechanical machines to operate five-axis CNC machines, they realized!

The most precise assembly line they have produced so far is the Fireball Spell Scroll transcription production line, with a daily output of 30,000 Fireball Spell Scrolls.

This is a production that all the wizards in the entire secret method association could not produce even if they copied it by hand, but now it only requires one production line!

Although the production line is expensive, it is definitely worth the investment!

Your Majesty, you no longer have to worry about us running out of scrolls!

Of course, producing scrolls instead of cannonballs seems very peculiar to Roger, but he also doesn't want to stifle the wizards' enthusiasm.

Interest is the greatest driving force for technological development. While they were having fun, Roger only needed to assemble the scraps from the production line and sell them to Sophie's Amity Merchants Association.

The Amity Merchants Association uses these defective products to produce flame burst Magic Arrows, with a daily output of three million.

By selling them to the Elvin Empire through the goblins, those pointed ears smashed the price to one gold coin for ten arrows, thinking they had made a fortune.

My lord will no longer worry about the shortage of special magic arrows

Little did they know that the Empire would soon begin to dump various types of magics enhanced arrows, including rockets, ice, lightning, and acid.

Anyway, changing the etching patterns on the production line is nothing compared to copying magic scrolls, in terms of precision.

Those mages can fly freely, we won't lose money!

In the past year, the new Arcane Movement has flourished, and the empire's industry has entered a stage of diverse products and eccentricities.

Utilizing technological thinking to develop the centuries-old accumulation of magical civilization is like picking up money from the ground. With a little brainstorming, magicians can come up with new inventions and tools.

Dean Hall gave his approval to this, despite initially hoping to prove that the new arcane arts were not effective!

However, in the following five years, the Empire not only didn't forbid magicians from expressing themselves but also established a more concrete developmental direction for this industrial upgrading:

Continuous research and development in agriculture, such as pesticides, fertilizers, production-type golems, large-scale hydraulic projects...

The output of the steel industry has increased, the textile industry has started, and the standardization of the chemical industry has improved.

High investment in medicine and medical equipment, innovation in the education industry, improvement in living conditions, and the transformation of the overall urban living environment.

The continuous construction of fearless space, the mass production of arcane equipment, the establishment of rail transit network, and the upgrade of communication systems.

Of course, there are the various military projects that the imperial people love the most. The production of weapons and armor will greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of the imperial army, and the combat effectiveness will be verified through proxy wars.

At the same time, the military industry will become the empire's primary source of foreign exchange, relying on the surplus profits obtained from exporting the empire's genuine weapons' by-products, to support the empire's technological research and development, as well as industrial upgrade fund!

Margaret discussed in this environment without any ladylike manner, pledging with a beating heart to cultivate enough big buyers and intensity of war from neighboring countries...

After extensive discussions, the empire has confirmed over two hundred necessary projects to be completed in the next five years, named the "233 Plan."

The requirement for the Mage Association is to prioritize the completion of the nation's "233 Plan" in order to continue your interest-driven activities; otherwise, the budget will be put on hold with a warning!

Besides interest, coins serve as the second driving force that stimulates the research and development of magicians.

Of course, there are also the glory, status, and influence that come with successful research and development, as well as the big promises made by the queen, all of which should be present.

Master Fa is a precious technological talent of the empire, one that we would never lightly mistreat.

Even with overtime hours of 996 research and development, we make sure to provide therapists to ensure their physical well-being...Ahem.

In any case, the labor protection would definitely be provided, and there would be no large-scale elimination of magicians at the age of 35. The secret society elevates the magic level of professional magicians and ensures they keep up with the times.

After the meeting dispersed.

Only the Eternal Night Queen remained in the hall and called out to Roger, saying with great helplessness, 'So I am increasingly curious about what exactly your forgotten plan was.'

"I am also curious myself," Roger responded with a smile, "I have thought of an unlocking condition."

"Oh, what?"

"The real-time online users of Fearless Space have exceeded one billion."

"This should not be difficult."

The Queen of Eternal Night lightly tapped her fingers on the back of the throne and said, 'After all, we still have overseas markets.'
