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After Becoming the Stand-in for the White Moonlight – Chapter 291

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Chapter 291: The City Breaking

Afterwards, it took Qiao Wan a lot of effort to escape from these enthusiastic elder martial sisters.

After the excitement settled down, Ma Huaizhen's focus shifted from the "Celestial Kingdom" world to Qiao Wan herself.

In the past few years, according to the information they received, it was most likely the demon realm who took Qiao Wan away, and what happened during her disappearance was quite intriguing.

Was it a mistake by the demon realm, or was there someone secretly helping the cultivation world?

Ma Huaizhen's gaze became cold.

Lu Pihan also took a closer look at Qiao Wan.

The girl has changed a lot, yet at the same time, it feels like nothing has changed. But what's different is the bright and clear look in her eyes, which appeared calm and fearless, only seen in strangers.

Lu Pihan slowly lowered his eyelashes and coughed intensively, his body bending over.

One day, Qiao Wan noticed that Lu Pihan's expression was still cold but there seemed to be a hint of pain in his eyes.

Meanwhile, Ma Huaizhen was busy discussing the feasibility of improving the magical weapons with others, not paying attention to Qiao Wan and the others.

After a battle, Qiu Ergou happily invited Qiao Wan to have a drink together.

In the following days, the battles went smoothly without any problems. Ma Huaizhen also came up with the idea of loading spiritual energy bombs onto flying vessels and coordinating artillery and infantry operations.

Many cultivators on the Dragon Stone Path were surprised to see Hall Master Ma smiling more often and actively arranging for the army's restructuring.

Army restructuring was a big task, and Gongsun Bingzi couldn't resist asking, "Hall Master Ma... it seems like you have other ideas."

Ma Huaizhen spoke calmly, "Before, Mei Kangping used those animals to deal with us."

Gongsun Bingzi fell silent for a moment.


Over the past few years, Mei Kangping had been using a simple but effective method of attacking. They relied on waves of beasts, one after another, rushing over and killing many cultivators.

"But things are different now," Ma Huaizhen said, his lips twitching into a smile.

His gaze turned toward the distant snow-capped mountains as his voice rose and fell with a deep and magnetic tone.

"With the help of these spirit bombs, our firepower has increased a lot compared to before. As for those animals of his, they are big targets. Select Leader Gongsun must have seen that in the recent battle."

Gongsun Bingzi blinked slightly, "So, what you mean is that in the previous battle, many beast cultivators were startled by the beasts, causing their formation to become chaotic. They no longer had the fierce impact they used to have. Instead, they turned to more mobile and infantry-based tactics..."

Ma Huaizhen turned his face and said in a serious tone, "So, now I plan to arrange a team of sword cultivators and body cultivators to carry these firearms into battle."

"With these firearms, even cultivators with lower abilities can have the maximum impact on the battlefield."

Overcoming the obstacle of cultivation levels, and surpassing the high costs of magical tools... At that time...

Gongsun Bingzi's heart skipped a beat, and her breathing unintentionally slowed down.

Although the use of these weapons is still in its early stages, the situation on the battlefield will eventually change. The entire Northern region will be transformed when that happens.

"And also," Ma Huaizhen said, "We cannot allow the demon realm to gain control of these things, or..."

Ma Huaizhen's gaze grew heavy, "We must delay the demon realm's progress in obtaining these weapons."

After all, once the demon realm realizes and seizes this batch of firearms, it will only be a matter of time before they start using them.

Qiao Wan felt very conflicted. She felt like she had opened Pandora's box. Compared to this conflict, every time she won a battle, her elder martial sisters would cheer excitedly.

"Qiao Wan!"

"Our Qiao Wan!"

She was now the battlefield goddess in everyone's hearts, the most popular cultivator in Masui City, without a doubt.

Seeing that they couldn't capture the city, Su Rui, the demon realm general thousands of miles away, intensified his attack from this side.


A cold moon hung high in the night sky.

Qiao Wan, wearing her clothes, wiped away the cold sweat in silence. She sat up after having another nightmare, dreaming of corpses scattered everywhere and rivers of blood. All those broken bodies were her doing.

Silently, she walked into the courtyard, hanging her head, feeling a dryness in her throat.

It... It's too cruel.

This commotion caught the attention of Qiu Ergou in the next room.

Qiu Ergou quietly poked his head out and asked, "Why are you standing here in the cold wind instead of sleeping?"

When he saw her, he was immediately stunned.

Oh no! Qiao Wan, Qiao Wan, she was crying!

The girl wiped away her tears expressionlessly and said with a hint of sadness, "I... I can't sleep."

Qiu Ergou approached her hastily as if facing a great enemy. He sat down beside her and said, "Why are you crying? Feeling upset? Talk to your dear brother Ergou about it."

Qiao Wan paused for a moment and asked, "Qiu Ergou, do you think I did the right thing?"

"What? "

"Developing weapons... this... will only bring more casualties."

Upon hearing this.fell silent.

He remained silent for a while, then looked at her with a complicated expression, reaching out to pat her shoulder.

"Don't think too much. Even if it's not you, there will be others in the future."

"The wars in this area will only become more cruel. Developing these gadgets is just a way to end the war sooner."

The man's voice sounded distant and ethereal in the moonlight. He sighed, resting his arms behind his head.

"You said there were still many military scientists in your time, right? This is an unsolvable problem."

"I just want to finish this battle quickly and return to the peaceful life we had before," the man muttered to himself. "I've had enough of this life, damn it."

Yes, Qiao Wan paused, closing her eyes silently. This question had no answer.

She had done it, so she could only do her best, shoulder this responsibility, and continue moving forward.

"Don't think too much," the man rubbed his head anxiously, then slapped Qiao Wan's head gently. "Get some sleep, we have another battle tomorrow."

That night, Qiao Wan finally built up her mental strength. Like this, she carried the burden of her sins and accepted the responsibility, not blaming the heavens or others for what consequences may come.

She understood!

However, Qiao Wan never imagined that karma would come so quickly.

She thought Masui City would eventually fall into their hands, but it turned out to be a tough nut to crack. The demon realm gathered their forces and launched a full-scale attack.

While Qiao Wan was fighting alongside her fellow sword cultivators, the horde of beasts broke into the city. They rushed in, not only taking over the city but also turning the weapons of the city against their own people.

With flames soaring and thunderous explosions, Masui City was instantly reduced to ruins.

Qi Feidao, with a calm expression, spat out blood and coldly looked at the young man in front of him.

He was his highly regarded junior from the Mathematics Department.

His deputy, Fu Xuan.

Even though he had a large wound on his stomach, bleeding profusely, Qi Feidao still asked calmly, "Why?"

They had developed this thing together. Just a few days ago, they were still working together on the holographic training simulation.

Fu Xuan, holding the stack of drawings in his hands, quietly said, "Senior brother, I'm sorry."

Just this morning, Fu Xuan, the deputy officer of Masui City, voluntarily opened the city gates, letting the wave of beasts into the city.

In an instant, the demons wreaked havoc in Masui City, flames shot up into the sky, and cries echoed through the air.

Masui City was broken and couldn't be defended anymore.

In this moment of crisis, Ma Huaizhen was far away on the Dragon Stone Path, giving a direction: abandon the defense of Masui City, everyone retreats, but remember to protect Qiao Wan.

The escape airship slowly lifted off, everyone's eyes were red as they watched the city engulfed in flames.

In mid-air, a sharp thread swiftly decapitated the monster in front of Qiao Wan.

Blood splattered onto Qiao Wan's face.

A few puppets raised their hands and pushed the stunned Qiao Wan onto the airship. Qiu Ergou angrily shouted, "Hurry up and get on the ship!"

Qiao Wan, as if foreseeing something, stared blankly at Qiu Ergou who was fighting the monsters, and at Deng Saner who was assisting Qiu Ergou with grace and elegance.

"Qiu Ergou... Deng..." She tried to say something, but her throat seemed to be blocked. With just a few words, tears poured down like rain.

Qiu Ergou, expecting what she wanted to say, smiled and said, "If I stay, the third brother will stay too."

He looked at Li Hongyuan amidst the sea of fire and said, "Li Big Brother will stay with us too."

Li Hongyuan angrily shouted, "Why haven't you escaped yet?! If you try to run this time, I'll kill each and every one of you!!"

Qiu Ergou chuckled and said, "Before Fu Xuan left, that rascal destroyed several airships. This is the only one left, and we can't fit everyone on it. We'll have to choose the most important."

Qiao Wan suddenly choked up, and tears welled up in her eyes again.

Qiu Ergou, a bit lost for words, said, "Please... Please don't cry."

"We'll be fine, but you and Taoist Friend Qi must go, Qiao Wan. You all must evacuate."

But the more he said, the more Qiao Wan cried.

Qiu Ergou and Deng Saner finally gave up. Deng Saner let out a sigh and said, "Someone has to stay behind to hold them off."

"I owe my life to you, Taoist Friend Qiao. It's not a loss to leave it here," Qiu Ergou said.

The monsters below also realized what was happening. They were desperately trying to climb onto the flying boat, crowded together, attempting to drag it down.

Qiu Ergou controlled the puppets, kicking them off one by one. He laughed and said, "Yes, we have been deserters for so long. It's time for us to be heroes, isn't it?"

Qiao Wan closed her eyes and tears flowed, instantly freezing.

She understood.

Because she understood, she couldn't speak, couldn't do anything, and that's why she felt miserable.

In that moment, she wanted to jump down and fight alongside them, but she couldn't.

Qiu Ergou looked at her earnestly and said, "Don't cry."

Qiao Wan said, "Okay."

"Don't overthink it either. After we escape, continue to help Hall Master Ma develop new weapons. Don't blame yourself."

Qiao Wan again said, "Okay."

Qiu Ergou: "I can only rely on you to end this battle quickly. Please hurry and finish it."

The flying boat rose gradually while hovering, and Qiao Wan couldn't hold back any longer when she saw the familiar figures in the sea of fire. She burst into tears.

After six years, Masui City was broken.

Li Hongyuan, Qiu Ergou, Deng Saner, and other qi cultivators stayed behind to cover the retreat and protect the flying boat. They fought fiercely for several days and nights, relying on the remaining weapons in the city. In the end, as they saw that the situation was lost, Li Hongyuan chose to take his own life before being captured.

The demon realm occupied Masui City, seized a large amount of supplies, and continued to advance southward.

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