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After Becoming the Stand-in for the White Moonlight – Chapter 27

2023-10-22 23:15:00Publish Time: 6,588 views[miniorange_social_login shape="longbuttonwithtext" view="horizontal" appcnt="3" theme="default" space="35" width="180" height="35" color="000000"]
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Translated by: WuWang

Edited by: dafna-bli, Just-as-Extra-1, anonymous

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Chapter 27

Facing everyone's gaze, Ciji grinned with a friendly smile.

Unfortunately, with his chubby cheeks, this friendly smile looked a bit mocking no matter how you looked at it.

Most of the disciples present were young Kunshan Sect members, full of youthful energy. Seeing this monk acting so arrogantly, their faces turned ugly.

"Ciji really underestimates us."

"I don't think it's necessary," came a male voice from the crowd. A muscular young man walked forward and smirked, "I alone am enough."

Wen Hui looked towards Qingyang Academy, "And what about you, immortal friends?"

The leader, Duan Chenghua, modestly waved his hand and smiled, "We won't participate."

Wen Hui said, "Let's make it clear in advance, you can't use any magic tools in this match."

No magic tools?

Upon hearing this, the disciples hesitated.

Each of them had one or two magic tools on them, which they often relied on during battles.

Now, not allowing them to use magic tools seemed a bit harsh.

"No magic tools means no magic tools."

The male disciple who spoke first stepped forward. He didn't waste any words and bowed, paying his respects.

Ciji also returned the gesture with folded hands.

The male disciple was originally tall, but Ciji was even taller. When he lowered his head and smiled, it looked slightly intimidating.

After a moment, the male disciple screamed and was thrown a few feet away.

Everyone present: ...Great Compassion Cliff's evil monk is not to be underestimated.

The ones who bravely stepped forward and took the lead only ended up as cannon fodder, but it actually ignited the fighting spirit of the Kunshan disciples.

The first male disciple's scream hadn't even faded when the second cannon fodder bravely stepped forward and politely bowed, saying, "May I have a fight?"

After seeing the first cannon fodder's lesson, the second male disciple didn't hold back either and shouted loudly, throwing the first punch.

Ciji extended his thick palm and gently blocked it.

The punch was like hitting a metal plate and couldn't move the monk at all.

The male disciple raised his head in shock.

After a few moves, Ciji smiled and reached out to grab the male disciple's arm, swinging him around like a chicken and throwing him away.

The second cry echoed through Changhong Cliff.

The third one to come forward was a beautiful female cultivator skilled in magic.

Ciji conjured a pale golden barrier around himself, the Great Compassion Cliff's Damo Golden Bell, completely blocking the female disciple's magic.

No wind, thunder, water, or fire could come near him.

At this moment, the disciples present finally realized that something was wrong.

Ciji had actually been telling the truth!

He really could take on ten opponents at once!

How many more fights could he have?! Martial Brother Wen Hui, are you serious? Is this Great Compassion Cliff monk cheating?!

Seeing their younger martial sisters being thrown out one by one, Wen Hui smiled without showing any concern on his face.

This was also the reason why he had invited Ciji today.

In the cultivation world, people generally looked down on body-refining cultivators.

After all, they were all practicing immortality, with fights involving fireballs and thunderstorms, sparking and dazzling.

Compared to that, their skills in punches and kicks seemed inadequate. No matter how refined a person's body was, how could it compare to the wonders of spells and transformations?

These younger martial sisters of his relied on their magic tools for protection, but their own combat skills were terrible. Once their spiritual power was exhausted and their tools shattered, they were as good as dead.

Watching these cannon fodders rushing forward one after another, Xiao Boyang sneered and curled his lips.

They couldn't see the underlying principles, but he could. Ciji had a higher cultivation level than anyone present, so they would be ghosts if they could beat him.

Just as they were about to come forward, someone stepped forward.

See, another ignorant one.

Wait a minute...

They saw who was standing in front of Ciji.

Xiao Boyang's eyes widened.

Mu Xiaoxiao?!

Mu Xiaoxiao stood in front of Ciji.

Ciji was tall, but standing next to him, Mu Xiaoxiao looked even smaller and more delicate.

There was no trace of fear on the girl's face as she obediently bowed and softly spoke, "May taoist friend teach me?"

Everyone present was shaken.

How did Mu Xiaoxiao get up there?

Ciji lowered his eyes, looked at the girl in front of him, and smiled.

Compared to the other disciples just now, this girl had a higher cultivation level, and that made him more interested and excited.

Wen Hui saw this and frowned, saying, "Martial Sister Mu, what happened to your injuries?"

Before coming here, he had received Zhou Yan's instructions. Yuqing Spiritual Master does not usually like to interact with people, so how could Wen Hui dare not listen to his instructions?

Mu Xiaoxiao shook her head and smiled, saying, "Brother, he said to stop when I touch him. Don't worry, I know what I'm doing and won't make things difficult for you."

Qiao Wan had been silently watching the battle from the beginning until now. She sighed with a blank face.

With the Master's orders, Qiao Wan had tried her best to stop Mu Xiaoxiao from going up, but Mu Xiaoxiao was determined. Qiao Wan couldn't simply knock her out and carry her back.

To be honest, Qiao Wan had thought about secretly reaching out and knocking her out.

She carefully observed the monk from the Great Compassion Cliff and noticed that he was clearly confident during the fight, leaving room for mercy.

Mu Xiaoxiao insisted on going up, and Qiao Wan couldn't stop her.

Qiao Wan furrowed her brow and thought that she would have to pay attention to Mu Xiaoxiao's condition and intervene if something happened.

Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's firm attitude, Wen Hui had no choice but to let her go up.

"If you feel uncomfortable, don't force yourself," said the younger martial sister.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "I won't make you worry, brother."

Amidst the worried and curious gazes of the crowd, the girl stood in the center of the battlefield.

After all, she was Yuqing Spiritual Master Zhou Yan's disciple and the protagonist of "Immortal Ascending Road." Mu Xiaoxiao's cultivation level was higher than the other disciples, making it not too difficult for her to deal with Ciji.

The girl's figure was agile, like a swift swallow on a cliff, moving up and down, unpredictably.

Ciji reached out to grab her, but the girl jumped lightly and easily leaped onto his head.

Ciji quickly turned around, but the girl had already landed behind him and cast a fire spell.

Ciji quickly dodged the fire dragon by moving his body.

Unexpectedly, the fire dragon was just a feint. A sword light followed closely behind, slicing through the flames and flying straight towards him.

Ciji squinted his eyes.

Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's clever moves and using her opponent's strength against him, some people in the crowd couldn't help but softly exclaim, "Good!"

Soon after, many more voices of approval arose.

Truly worthy of being Yuqing Spiritual Master's disciple, it was enjoyable to watch a beautiful woman fight.

The girl's sleeves fluttered as she wielded her sword, her slender figure and graceful movements resembling a fairy. With a spin and a leap, she displayed a charming demeanor.

Compared to the disciples who were busy cheering, Xiao Boyang looked less relaxed.

Xiao Boyang furrowed his brow tightly. The more he watched, the more worried he became.

Although Mu Xiaoxiao's actions looked impressive, they couldn't really harm Ciji. In other words, they weren't very effective.

It seemed like Mu Xiaoxiao was handling it with ease, but in reality, Ciji was holding back.

In the midst of the battle, Mu Xiaoxiao was indeed struggling. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, covered in sweat.

This wasn't Mu Xiaoxiao's fault. She wasn't a body-training cultivator and she didn't have any magical tools. It was too difficult for her to fight using only spells and physical strength.

Qiao Wan couldn't escape from Ciji's grasp, he had her firmly locked in place.

The girl bit her lip, a hint of reluctance flashed in her dark eyes.

She felt embarrassed, especially when everyone was watching. She had underestimated Ciji, thinking he was just a reckless monk with slower reflexes than her.

As they brushed past each other, Ciji smiled and said, "Will this immortal friend keep resisting?"

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at him.

The monk grabbed her wrist, gently pulled her, and threw her out of the field.

Mu Xiaoxiao stumbled but managed to regain her balance. She lowered her head, her face blushing so much it could drip blood, "I...I lost."

"I'm...I'm sorry, I've let everyone down."

Seeing her like this, the other disciples couldn't blame her. Some male disciples who had other thoughts went over to comfort her.

"It's not your fault."

"Elder martial sister, you just returned from Broken Bone Deep Abyss and your injuries are not fully healed yet. It's impressive that you could fight like this."

"And besides, Martial Brother Wen Hui forbids us from using magical tools. Ciji is a cultivator specializing in body refining, it's unfair to not allow the use of magical tools."

Xiao Boyang shifted his gaze and looked at Ciji in the center of the field.

The monk had a burly figure, a smiling face with a lot of flesh piled up.

Xiao Boyang raised his chin, "This immortal friend, shall we test each other?"

Ciji smiled and said, "Please, immortal friend."

Believing that he should not lose face in front of his love interest, Xiao Boyang stepped forward. He used a footwork technique called the "Star-Stepping Stance" and cast a fire-based spell, "Golden Dragon Break," to establish dominance from the start.

Ciji, observing the difference between Xiao Boyang and the previous cannon fodder, smiled with interest and got ready to fight.

Xiao Boyang was nothing special except for having a lot of spiritual power, much more than Mu xiaoxiao who had very little. They were almost at opposite ends of the spectrum.

This troublesome Dharma Golden Bell on the monk's body.

Xiao Boyang attacked while looking for an opportunity. If he could break through the Dharma Golden Bell, the monk would no longer be a threat.

He threw a few spells without holding back, until he found a flaw.

He found it!

He saw ripples forming on Ciji's golden bell in front of his chest.

Xiao Boyang threw a few more "Golden Dragon Breaks" while dodging and flew forward with a leap, lifting his right hand.


Damn it.

Feeling the solid touch, Xiao Boyang's face turned green.

"You tricked me!"

The young man widened his eyes angrily.

Ciji smiled and looked at the naive youngster, "Warriors deceive, warriors deceive."

Xiao Boyang: But monks are not supposed to lie, right?

As Ciji finished speaking, he reached out and swung Xiao Boyang around.

He fought with all his strength, trying to break free, but he couldn't. With a green face, he transformed into a brilliant meteor disappearing into the sky.

Qiao Wan: ...

Seeing Xiao Boyang being thrown out, the remaining disciples hesitated and were reluctant to approach.

Ciji glanced around with his large eyes, his gaze swept past the cliffs and fell upon Qiao Wan.

Qiao Wan was hesitant.

To be honest, she was eager to give it a try.

She had never really fought against the Buddhist cultivators of the Great Compassion Cliff before, so this was a rare opportunity.

Upholding her belief of not missing any opportunity for cultivation, Qiao Wan hesitated no more and took a step forward.

Seeing her stepping forward, everyone was perplexed.

Has she gone mad?

Even Mu Xiaoxiao and Xiao Boyang couldn't defeat this monk, and now Qiao Wan was willingly approaching him?

Indeed, Qiao Wan went looking for a challenge.

Life is about rising up through the punches. Wiping away her nosebleed, she fought hard and became accustomed to being beaten.

Thinking this way, Qiao Wan bowed and said, "Please, immortal friend, teach me."

Ciji glanced at her.

Having just witnessed the power of that little girl, he was curious to see what tricks this girl could pull off.

"You?" Xiao Boyang furrowed his brow. "Are you capable?"

Although he disliked Qiao Wan, he didn't want to see her go looking for trouble.

Despite being a Buddhist cultivator, Ciji's fighting style was fierce and ruthless with no room for mercy.

Xiao Boyang grimaced.

Oww - it really hurt.

His face was still in pain.

Qiao Wan humbly replied, "I probably won't be like you, Martial Brother."

Xiao Boyang exploded with anger. "Qiao Wan! Just wait until you get beat to death!"

He had been completely disoriented from being beaten, yet he still bothered to show concern for her!

Mu Xiaoxiao paused for a moment, then a warm smile curved at the corners of her lips. "I believe Younger Martial Sister must be confident."

Xiao Boyang glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao and fell silent.

Mu Xiaoxiao stood by Xiao Boyang's side and looked at him. "Martial Brother Xiao?"

Xiao Boyang blushed. "Um um, yeah," he mumbled, tongue-tied and uneasy.

Mu Xiaoxiao chuckled softly at his appearance.

Her smile made Xiao Boyang's heart skip a beat. He quickly turned away and looked at Qiao Wan to divert his attention.

Gan Nan looked towards the scene and became somewhat dumbfounded. His eyes soon showed a tinge of worry.

In the midst of the battle, everyone felt that Qiao Wan had lost her mind, yet they still approached her cautiously, wanting to see what she could do.

But when they saw the scene unfold, they were dumbstruck.

The girl rolled up her sleeves, revealing her toned and taut forearms, then charged towards her opponent.

The fight started without swords or spells.

This...this was a brawl!

Xiao Boyang widened his eyes.

Damn it!

Qiao Wan, you fool!!

You fool! Daring to brawl with the monks from the Great Compassion Cliff!!

The crowd stood there, speechless.

Are you crazy to fight against the monks of Great Compassion Cliff? Are you crazy?

Even Wen Hui couldn't help but be stunned, he didn't expect this girl to be so reckless.

The monks of Great Compassion Cliff were all strong and powerful men. Although the path of physical training was not popular in other sects, the monks of Great Compassion Cliff valued it greatly.

Wen Hui spoke seriously.

Among the younger martial sisters, he was most curious about Qiao Wan.

She worked hard in her cultivation, but her talent limited her progress. However, in terms of martial skills, she was better than others.

Ciji was surprised when he saw this girl, with a small butterfly clip on her head, suddenly rolling up her sleeves to fight him.

The monks stood tall like a big bell, making Qiao Wan seem fragile with a bow on top of her head.

Right from the start, Qiao Wan charged forward fiercely, her gaze cold and fierce, showing no mercy.

The monk didn't back down and quickly attacked!

The palm strike was directed towards Qiao Wan's chest, but at that moment, a bright white light suddenly radiated from Qiao Wan's body!!

A dragon's roar emerged!

A teenage girl suddenly transformed into a majestic white dragon with five claws, guarding in front of her.

This... this is a dragon's contract!

Everyone looked up, speechless in an instant.

Qiao Wan had truly formed a marriage contract with the Ao family...

Only seeing the white dragon roar and leap into the air!

Ciji's palm strike followed immediately!


In the astonished gaze of everyone...

The protective dragon energy shattered...


Changhong Cliff disciple: (thinking to himself) Is this thin layer of protective dragon energy serious?

Gan Nan's face turned red as he covered his face in silence.

It's all because his cultivation is too weak.

Duan Chenghua kindly patted his younger martial brother's shoulder.

Qiao Wan exclaimed in surprise, "Men truly can't be relied on!"

As the protective dragon energy shattered, Qiao Wan quickly jumped back two yards. Just like before, the monk reached out to grab her wrist, but Qiao Wan was slippery like an eel, wriggling and dodging. Whenever there was an opening, she could slip through.

She wriggled from under the arms all the way to the crotch.

Then she wriggled from the crotch back to the armpits.

Xiao Boyang: ...

Everyone couldn't help but look away.

Too sneaky.

Is this really a disciple taught by Yuqing Spiritual Master?

However, even if they didn't want to admit it, other Changhong Cliff disciples had to admit that Qiao Wan did have some skills in martial arts.

But after watching for a while, someone noticed something was off.

They saw the girl jumping and flipping, occasionally throwing a punch or a spell of wind, thunder, fire, or electricity.

She was only evading, unable to cause any substantial damage.

"What's the point of Qiao Wan doing this? Is she planning to wear down the Great Compassion Cliff?"

"Since she can't win, why not admit defeat directly? What's the point of dragging it out like this?"

Qiao Wan was circling around Ciji, looking for weaknesses.

After watching the battle for such a long time, if she didn't already have some idea, she wouldn't have approached so recklessly.

Getting beaten up and being abused are completely different.

Qiao Wan had a faint feeling that there was something wrong with the Vajra shield in front of Ciji. As she twisted her body and moved around, she found an opportunity to cast a small spell or throw a punch herself.

After a few attempts, she finally figured out a way.

Indeed, there was something wrong with the Vajra shield. She didn't know what technique it was using, but whenever she used a spell, it would be mysteriously absorbed and used against her.

It seemed like it specialized in countering magic users.

Xiao Boyang's random smashing just now was like a moving experience bar, specifically giving Ciji experience points. If they were to continue fighting like that, their spiritual power would be depleted sooner or later.

It's not surprising that cultivators who focus on physical training are not as good as magic users. It's not surprising that there are techniques specifically designed to counter magic users.

Ciji also didn't expect that the girl in front of him was a cultivator focused on physical training.

Both of these girls, according to Wen Hui's words, were disciples of Yuqing Spiritual Master. Ciji knew of Yuqing Spiritual Master, who was the pinnacle of swordsmanship in the world.

Previously, that soft Jiaojiao from the Mu family, although talented and strong, didn't seem to have learned any sword skills or combat techniques.

As soon as he grabbed her wrist, he understood that she used to rely on magic tools and spells to win battles.

And this girl in front of him was apparently not even using a sword?!

Ciji started to doubt his life.

As a monk, he shouldn't use foul language, but is this really a sword cultivator?!

Ciji wasn't as agile as Qiao Wan, but he remained calm. He stomped his foot, rooted himself in place, and reached out with his large hands to grab at everything around him.

The man in front of him was over two meters tall, but he didn't seem clumsy at all. His feet were rooted to the ground, making him as sturdy as a cast iron cauldron.

But at this moment, it was too late to rely on stillness to control the situation.

In just an instant, Qiao Wan charged at him like a raging bull, and with the Vajra shield in her sight, she raised her fist high!

Since it was meant to counter magic users, she didn't need spells. She would just use her fists to see what happened!

Ciji's eyelids twitched.

Not good.

The girl's scalp grazed his iron palm as she charged all the way to the front of the Vajra shield, pounding it with a series of punches. Her arms swung in the air, leaving behind afterimages.

Ciji reached out to grab her, but Qiao Wan slipped out from under his arm, took a deep breath, and shouted, "Heavenly Horse Meteor Fist!"

Following that, she continued to relentlessly pound away!

The girl stared with her big, black eyes.

Under her fierce pummeling, there was a slight sound of cracking, and a hairline crack appeared on the Vajra shield.

The Vajra shield cracked.

Just like the protective dragon qi.

The disciples below Changhong Cliff started to doubt their lives:...

Xiao Boyang's expression turned a bit dark.

Remembering Mu Xiaoxiao's graceful figure, Qiao Wan's fierce appearance as she banged on the wall, the crowd couldn't help but shiver.

Even though the Vajra shield was broken, Qiao Wan still didn't dare to underestimate the situation.

Next, it was going to be a real showdown.

"Good job!" Ciji couldn't help but praise, squinting his eyes and finally showing a serious expression on his face.

At this moment, the crowd realized with horror that he hadn't been serious before.

After a few moves, Ciji finally found an opening and grabbed the girl tightly by her waist.

When he looked up, he met Qiao Wan's poker face.

Qiao Wan: ...

The girl leaned out, stretched her neck, and "bang," clashed her forehead with Ciji's!

With all her strength, Qiao Wan's head felt a bit dizzy, but while Ciji was still recovering, she quickly kicked his chest hard.

After being kicked by Qiao Wan, Ciji also saw stars, unintentionally loosening his grip. The girl managed to break free.

As Ciji shook his head, he quickly grabbed the girl's ankle, used the same technique, and swung Qiao Wan's ankle into the air.


Qiao Wan was slammed onto the ground like a fish being thrown onto a cutting board.

The ferocious monks of the Great Compassion Cliff were never tender-hearted, earning the first place in the "Most Hated Stinky Men by Female Monsters" competition.

And the violent monk in front of them was also very rude, repeatedly slamming Qiao Wan onto the ground.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The floor beneath Changhong Cliff was smashed into a pit.

Qiao Wan was hit so hard that she saw stars and her nose started bleeding.

Her mouth was filled with a sweet metallic taste.

It wasn't enough.

Although she broke his Vajra shield, it was not enough. Her body was weak due to her poor aptitude, so she had to try other strategies, such as evading and using quick reflexes.

Compared to the monks of the Great Compassion Cliff, who had indestructible bodies, she had no advantage in physical strength.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Qiao Wan's head was repeatedly slammed onto the ground, and she still calculated with stars in her eyes.

Were all the monks of the Great Compassion Cliff raised on gold dust?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Her lungs felt like they were being compressed, and blood splattered into her throat, making a strange sound.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Seeing Qiao Wan being smashed into the ground, the disciples present suddenly felt a lump in their throats and couldn't say anything.

Without fancy spells or magical tools, this was a battle fought purely with physical strength.

It was supposed to be just a friendly competition...there was no need to take it so seriously...

Wen Hui glanced at them but didn't say much.

These disciples were young and inexperienced, they hadn't even seen the previous martial arts competitions, and they were still new and naive. They couldn't find the words to describe the scene before them.

Wen Hui had seen even more brutal scenes than this, so he didn't have any extra thoughts. However, he was still amazed at Qiao Wan's resilience.

In a situation like this, the girl in front of us may have experienced this before.

Qiao Wan struggled to catch her breath, and as she gasped for air, she coughed up blood mixed with gravel.

She felt dizzy and nauseous.

The image of the elder seemed to appear before her.

Qiao Wan wondered, if she used the technique of Great Compassion Cliff against the violent monk of Great Compassion Cliff, would it be effective?

She was never one to hesitate and think too much.

After making up her mind, Qiao Wan struggled to move her fingers and secretly mobilized her inner power.

The disciples present couldn't bear to watch this scene.

Gan Nan took a step forward, but was stopped by Duan Chenghua's raised hand.

"Senior Brother?"

Duan Chenghua looked at the bloodied girl on the stage and shook his head. "This is a battle between Fairy Qiao and Young Master Ciji. Others should not interfere."

Gan Nan clenched his lips, about to say something, but when he looked up, he suddenly saw a pink figure struggling to get up from the ground.

No one in the crowd expected Qiao Wan to fight back.

Seizing the opportunity, the girl mustered up her last bit of strength, twisted her body, and leaped up from the ground.

Even those who disliked Qiao Wan couldn't bring themselves to mock her at this moment.

There was no deep hatred between them.

Who would have thought Qiao Wan would be able to do this?

Everyone thought that when she and Pei Chunzheng went down the mountain to vanquish demons, it was all thanks to Pei Chunzheng's abilities. Now it seemed that it wasn't the case.

To fight to this extent in a battle, relying on Pei Chunzheng's support... or relying on something else?

Mu Xiaoxiao and the others looked up.

The girl soared into the air, her hair dancing wildly, blood splattering like rain. Her gaze was determined, her whole body seemed to be made of iron and blood, tightly gritting her teeth as she charged forward.

"Qiao... Qiao Wan, she's not even fainting yet?" one of the male disciples looked complicated.

"Just a desperate struggle," another whispered, "It'll be difficult to turn the tables."

Holding on like this was completely meaningless.

As she jumped up into the air, Qiao Wan wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth.

She must have a way.

She intentionally saved some inner power, not to mention she still had her spiritual awareness.

Yes, Qiao Wan thought painfully.

The Buddha said that her spiritual awareness was about to break through the Yuan Ying stage.

This battle only said not to use magic tools, but it didn't say she couldn't use her spiritual awareness.

She had only tried invading the opponent's sea of consciousness in dreams, but she hadn't tried doing it when the person was awake.

With a turn of thought, Qiao Wan widened her eyes, and a surge of light burst from her pitch-black eyes as she instantly condensed her spiritual awareness into an arrow and forcefully pierced into Ciji's consciousness!

The monk's expression froze, his bulging eyes filled with confusion!

It worked!!!

In an instant, her spiritual awareness was forcibly ejected!

But that split second was enough! Qiao Wan took a deep breath and roared!


The light shone endlessly!!

Qiao Wan used her spiritual power and compressed her energy to the maximum before unleashing a powerful palm strike. She managed to send Ciji, who was as strong as an iron tripod, flying into the air, crashing into the stone wall.

Qiao Wan quickly flew up to where Ciji had been thrown.

Ciji looked up in shock.

The girl in front of him tilted her head, grinned, and coldly laughed twice. She angrily shouted and raised her hand to slap him again.

There's a saying that says "shouting is effective". Even though it may not have much practical use, it gives the impression of a stronger attack.



She continuously slapped him!

The two slaps carried the rubble that had fallen from the stone wall and solidly hit the monk's face.

These two slaps were incredibly heavy, and even Ciji couldn't withstand them.

He...why does he feel like he heard his master's voice?

In his ears, he seemed to hear a clear and imposing voice saying, "Evildoer!"

Ciji spit out a mouthful of blood and was overwhelmed by the impact of Qiao Wan's intruding divine sense, causing him to collapse.

Her head was wounded, her face was cut, and blood dripped down. Qiao Wan gasped for breath and wiped away the blood with her hand. But due to her heavy breathing, her nose also started bleeding.

The blood trickled down through her fingers.

Qiao Wan shook her head vigorously and looked up at the sky from Changhong Cliff.

A crane flew across the sky.

The sky was clear and bright.

Qiao Wan took a deep breath and grinned.

That felt great.

The disciples below Changhong Cliff were stunned. After a moment, they became excited.

Did they see it correctly? Qiao Wan? Did she knock out Ciji?!!

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